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 - They've switched the lights out in the bedroom.
 - Various people chatting in the beds.
 - Dave is wearing a wooly hat in bed..........
 - Dave, Sunshine and Corin in 1 bed.
 - Ben in the next bed on his own but chatting with the other three.
 - I think it's going to be an early night all round.
 - Ben appears to be applying something to his face, some kind of eye makeup?
 - Rachael's join the others in the living room.
JJ goes to DRoom
Seating area - Josie, Steve, Shabby with a silly hat, Govan (as usual on top of the back of the seats), Corin.
JJ returns - with his razor. Goes to bathroom and shaves.
Lights are off in the bedroom.
Mario has got up and joins them.
Discussiong bowels, toilets, poos...
Group disperses - Govan, Shabby, Corin to smoking area.
The smokers move indoors for a drink.
Corin liberal with the F word.
Govan, JJ, Shabby, Corin go to bedroom followed by Steve.
Govan called to DRoom.
Bedroom - JJ asks "Who's in the hammock; is it Ife?"

I may have missed something but it seems JJ's preparation for bed is to take off jewellery and a belt. He gets into bed wearing the same knee-length jeans he has worn all day.
He joins Mario in their shared bed.
Shabby has returned to smokers area, this time with Caoimhe.
Shabby speaking very, very quietly (for once.)
Discussion about breasts.
Caoimhe tells Shabby that Mario confided in here about his feelings for Ben.
Caoimhe and Shabby in bathroom.
Move to seating area.
Govan returns from DRoom.
Says he doesn't care about Sunshine and Dave.
He is trying to summarize what was said in the DRoom, but - as so often happens with people who gossip and play the field - he seems to tripping over himself. It is very convoluted.

Bedroom JJ and Mario awake, talking to Josie.

Govan, Shabby and Caoimhe return to smoking area.
It's a condemn Sunshine session again.
Govan says she 'didn't want to listen to reason' - implying that he is the voice of reason.
Accuses Sunshine of stirring it between him and "his people".
Every "housemate conflict" Govan has seen has involved her. He doesn't want to be around her at all.
One senses these 'words of wisdom' are coming from someone who hopes to sound like an expert in humanity and who hopes to be believed, but who is desperate to ingratiate and seek support.
As last night Shabby and Govan in a huddle.

They are now targetting a certain "He" - don't know who yet.
"How did he get close to her and why?"
Govan thinks Ben and Mario feel free to roam between groups. because they get on with everybody.  It seems they were talking about Dave getting along with Sunshine. They seemed disturbed that someone might like their sworn enemy.

Seating area.  Caoimhe and now Ife has arrived to say she feels bitterly cold.

Govan gets camper the more he enjoys the intrigue.
Saying "I'm not going to lie" so much is questionable in itself (opinion)
They don't learn lessons do they?
In spite of Shabby's warning from BB they seem to be doing a repeat performance again tonight.
"Don't assist in the targetting of somebody else" says Govan while further discussing with Shabby the targetting of somebody else.
Govan says Sunshine "is very good at drawing people in to confrontation".
Govan :"I walked off. I'll never let that situation happen to me again."
"Dave - I don't dislike him but I don't trust him at all."
"Dave would have to acknowledge the fact that what he did was wrong...."
I can't keep pace with Govan gabbling.
It is almost a reapeat of the same pair chatting last night.
It is more or less checking that we agree to like and dislike the same people.
Rather like compiling a hit list.
It seems the punishment for last night has been quite insufficient to prevent this sort of chat.

The unsurprising thing is that everyone else is at fault, but Govan and Shabby are not.
Now joined by Ife at the smoking area.
Sunshine remains the main topic of conversation.
Govan continues to be the expert.
Ife was "like"  "I just thought..." "like"    "she was like"  
I'm not clear about what Ife is struggling to say.
But it is evident it fits in with the theme os disliking Sunshine.

Now Caoimhe joins the group.
I can't record all the things they are saying - but they are all their own reasons why they do not like Sunshine.
Shabby says she loves that they have brought back a 24 hour live feed.
(I wonder if that is why she attempts to stay on camera round the clock - opinion)
Shabby also says she also hopes that Ife is not in trouble in the DRoom, and she asks the others if Ife said anything when they talked about nominations.
So Shabby says they talked about nominations.

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