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Scotty thanks

I am just having a little break. . plus the weather is not helping me and my health atm either, and my temper is a tad short too cos of that. . not a good combo for LUTting  

shame we don't have a larger pool of people to cover all the time for those with no live feed, like we did on C4

but great work, those that do manage to contribute 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sunshine has done BB for the experience, but wants kids to see that you can do what you want
Corin has done BB for a mint time but would like to do Nuts magazine, but she's not bothered if anything comes of it, she tells Ben he might get a chat show out of it
Keever is doing the washing up, Shabby finds it boring and goes to the loo instead
Ify has no baccy left
HMS are playing a game involving booze
Ben goes to DRoom.

Kitchen. Caoimhe. Sunshine is cooking quorn sausages for John.No bread left.

Sofas. Caoimhe doing an impression Grace Jones.
Ife and JJ arm wrestling.
Steve is there. Nathan is 'F***ing' as usual. Now Caoimhe and Ife arm wrestle.
Now Ife and Nathan (who makes it look easy.)
Now Ife and Steve arm wrestling. Corin helps Ife, but to no avail. Steve easily resists.
Josie arrives. Josie, Caoimhe and Ife huddle together and compare the colour of their nipples.
Nathan in bed. Corin, Dave, Ben.

Smoking area. Shabby, Ife, Caoimhe. They are eating and smoking.
Ife makes some sort of "thank you" speech (at least I think that's what it was.)
Ife tells them that either of them goes it will be a tough week.
Shabby can't believe that Dave would nominate Caoimhe.
Shabby guessing that is people (viewers) really loved Caoimhe they wouldn't have evicted Govan.
Ife says Steve will be popular because "he fought for our country."
Ife and Caoimhe go indoors to get some more bran flakes. I assume some food is in short supply (bread) and some is not (bran flakes.)

Sunshine and Mario appear outside fighting with cushions.

Sunshine chats with Ife.
Referring to Mario she tells Sunshine "As soon as he gets a bit tipsy he'll start flirting with Ben and he'll regret it tomorrow."   (Or perhaps Ife will. - opinion)

Ife and Caoimhe can't eat any more brand flakes.

Ife says to Mario. "You may hate me for it now, but you'll thank me for it tomorrow."
It would appear that Ife has somehow (and for what reason?) kept Mario and Ben apart.

This goes a long way to explain much of Ife's behaviour ths week.
Jealous of Ben and Mario? Or Divide and Rule? - opinion

But what is not opinion is that she has kape Mario away from Ben - or so she believes.
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Bedroom. Lights out.
Very loud. JJ is heard shouting out. Somebody screams.
Camera on Caoimhe and Shabby.
Something is thrown and it hits Shabby who shouts "No".
The bedroom is very loud.
Nathan is saying "f*****", Dave can be heard, JJ is shouting.

Garden. Ife and Mario.
Sunshine joins them. Now JJ.
Ife tells Sunshine to stop being a drama queen.
I think some game playing has gone too far.
Sunshine is being highly dramatic (but with the hint of a smile)
Ife is being very cocky, ordering Sunshine to bed.

Bedroom.  Ben is being reassured (for some reason) by Mario and Dave who lay on either side of him.

Sofas. JJ not happy that Sunshine has thrown water over him. "Why" he asks. He repeats it and repeats it.
Corin leaves DRoom and asks what has been going on.
Apparently a bit of playfulness went too far. Again JJs sense of humour is being tested.
Sunshine goes into DRoom.
Now Josie appears.
JJ, Corin, Josie, Ife, Mario near the sofas. But all are smiling.
So this drama apparently has a light side (at least for them.)
Ife (clinging on to Mario) says Sunshine is being a drama queen.

Bedroom. Nathan offering reassuring words to Caoimhe. Shabby is not there.
Caoimhe says she can't deal with it any more. She fears she may be portrayed as a lesbian.
She says she doesn't realise or pick up on anything that Shabby directs at her, until BB points it out to her.

Kitchen. More bran flakes being eaten (by Corin and Ife, who a few minutes ago said she had eaten enough.

Ife and Corin listening to Shabby. Shabby saying that Caoimhe doesn't really  "give a sh*t". Ife says she doesn't want to be in the middle "counselling you both"  (now there's a prospect - opinion.)

Shabby says that Caoimhe flirts back with her. Is it for attention she asks, or because it makes good TV.  Shabby has clear recollections of many possible moment when she thinks 'moment' between her and Coimhe will be used on tv.

Corin reminds them Caoimhe has a boyfriend. Shabby says "Then she shouldn't flirt with me."    (Does that apply to Shabby flirting with Caoimhe too?)

Shabby feels she is getting a come-on. She feels Caoimhe has not given her much respect.
Now that Shabby and Caoimhe have revealed major differences, one wonders just how bad (or deceitful) their communication has been for days to have had this result!  Apparently they have not even comminucated clearly with each other.

Kitchen, Ife and Corin (who is shouting). Josie walks through with one hand holding a plate and the other in her mouth.

Garden. Josie, Ife, Shabby.  

They feel it unlikely that he genitalis has been shown to the nation.
Coimhe arrives and Shabby immediately departs.
Shabby asks "What's Mario doing?"    
(This chaperoning of Mario by Ife I still find odd. Why would she ask "What's Mario doing." Strange. Not forgetting her clinginess over recent nights.)

Now Ife and Shabby in the garden. Ife giving advice.
Ife leaves as Caoimhe arrives. She brings 2 warm drinks and sits with Shabby.

Stilted conversation. Shabby sounding a bit aggressive and using F words a lot, when referring to Caoimhe's boyfriend.
Sofas. JJ, Corin (at this time in the morning? Yes), Mario and his shadow Ife.
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Evening Brisket

More Shabby and keeva angst .... Shabby's tone is very assertive and accusatory

Shabby saying to keeva she can't see why she's so worried about her boyfriend ...if he really loves her she has nothing to worry about.  That things have worked out the way Keeva wanted in a way that suits her ....what keeva wants is for Shabby not to say anything about anything

Shabby asks keeva where she thinks their "connection" comes from don't make real friendships in the house.  if she's worried about the edit - she's as much to blame as Shabby is ......apart from stuff in the diary room Shabby has done nothing that Keeva hasn't done.  Keev appears very meek and saying they have a wonderful special friendship-  looks like she's trying to placate shabby

Ife comes to them and they start ranting about SS (who is raising a fuss about her vagina potentially having been on display)  Ife is really going on about her (SS) having a God Complex and trying to make out it's more than it is - really vehement!  Ife appears very cross
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Shabby saying SS takes any comment saying she can't do something as a personal attack

Keeva - she's not going to suffer ...she hasn't done anything wrong

Shabby - If she's that f&&*ing concerned that being on BB is going to ruin her life she shouldn't be here. Of course people will be edited - people are f%$ÂĢing boring! them's the breaks
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Ife joins Shabby and Caoimhe.
Shabby paces as she demands "Why the hell is she here." referring to Sunshine.
They are either doubting, or trying to diminish, her medical qualifications.
Ife attacking Sunshine. Implying because Sunshine wants to be a doctor she thinks she is better then the rest of us.
Ife she she thinks she will be able to get any job she wants after BB.
"Maybe not reading the news, but anything else. Yes."
Caoimhe and Shabby try to bring balance, but Ife continues and says she doesn't live in a dream-world. "Dream world my ar*e" says Ife and leaves.
Shabby continues to expound on how reality tv works. She talks about editing. She says if some people can't cope with it they souldn't come on such a programme. (Lots of F words.)
Sofas. Ife, Josie (thumb-sucking) JJ, Caoimhe.
Ife sounding very naive, yet over-confident, cocky even.
Now she talks about Sunshine who she thinks feels superior to her.
(Ife introduced a "class" difference when she mocked Ben previously.)
It's clear Sunshine is an attention seeker says Ife.
Ife making some personal viewpoints as if they were fact.
Keeva, JJ, Josie and Ife continue to discuss SS dramatics.

They discuss what you need to be a doctor - of course you need top academic scores, but SS doesn't have the people skills.  Ife says you need to be super confident.  SS is probably different in her work life.  Keeva reiterates she's an attention seeker

Mario emerges from the DR and informs HMs that BB says when SS comes out they've not to talk to her and let her go to bed ...that includes asking if she's ok.  JJ asks what the issue is - Mario says he can't talk about it but BB will want to talk to him
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Camera goes to SS and corin in bed whispering.  Corin advising SS to be aware of what JJ is like.    Sunshine says he was dragging her and made her plead.  she was telling him to stop and he wouldn't stop.

She is concerned about film being shown of this and affecting her ability to become a doctor

Corin tries to get her to see things in perspective - and it's fine for her to have fun and when sh becomes a doctor then she will be serious.  She says sunshine starts stuff with JJ as well ...she needs to be aware of th impact of her actions.  if she wants to continue to flirt with him she needs to think about what she does.

Sunshine continually saying he did stuff first.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Mario leaves the DRoom and tells the others that BB has requested they leave Sunshine along and do not question or hassle her.
"And that includes you JJ" says Mario calmly.
JJ goes to DRoom.
Sunshine in bed alongside Corin whispering "I kept saying stop, stop" she says.
Corin points out that JJ can't really take a joke.

Corin offering reassuring words to Sunshine.
Sunshine saying "Why doesn't JJ stop when I say 'stop'?"
It seems that some physical aggression was involved and BB will be having words with JJ.
But, not having seen it I don't know exactly how much physical aggression was involved.
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convo between Corin and Sunshine continues with Corin trying to say to SS that she needs to understand what JJ is like and that her actions do have a part to play in how things go with them.  Sunshine justifying things by saying JJ started it and he did stuff first.

Corin - if you want to continue to do these things with him then be prepared that sometimes it could result in a blow up.

SS says BB said they were going to speak to him but she said no don't

Corin says she just needs to call a halt to the bantering, Everyone in the house knows what he's like.  he asked her to stop throwing the water and she kept doing it - she must've known what to expect.

SS - yes it's my fault, but at the same time I was pleading with him to stop and he didn't stop....
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Hi brisket.  I haven't been around the last few days 'cos I've had a horrible cold, which I'm coming out of tonight a bit I think.

But you're right. No-one has seen the footage that SS thought might be a problem, nor did we see the build-up to it. I suspect it was the sort of rough-and-tumble that she and JJ seem to engage in a lot which may have gone too far and which SS has become very sensitive about now.
Bathroom. Josie, Ife, Shabby
"She owes me an apology" says Shabby.

JJ leaves DRoom.
He goes to kitchen and Ife - yes Ife - runs and pounces on him. (not literally.)
How eager is she?
JJ speaks to Ife and gives her a version of events (presumably) but with sound-dip.
Cut to sleepers in bedroom.
Shabby in bed wearing jacket and braces.
Sunshine being thoughtful - can see her blinking - and a bit restless.

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