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Your welcome amyethist

BB has given them cigs and now Shabby doesn't want one  Josie, Keever and Nathan talking about the way Shabby behaves, Keever seems to be turning on Shabby, saying it takes her along time to see how things are
Corin thanks everyone for giving up something so they could some cigs, Nathan says they should split it up equally
Sorry Oly. My misunderstanding.

More importantly I am so sorry to hear of the rather mean-spirited (and inaccurate) remarks in another thread. You can see from the reaction here how your LUTs are always appreciated.
thanks for that .  ^^^ .I did make it clear in my Post that Mario had just said what I then posted and the question about the 'relationship' had been asked and Mario happened to answer it.. but ho hum, as I was told, why let facts get in the way of a conspiracy theory eh? 

as for the rest of this place I have gone to post in a few threads today and because of what has been said I have stopped myself  and thought there's no point posting..

add to that the fact I appear to have been biased in my LUTs [after years of doing it on C4 with no complaints] according to you and maybe others who haven't voiced their opinion, when all I do is report the facts of all the HM's behaviours, warts and all, regardless of whether it upsets the HM's supporters or not,   I am feeling not that  enamoured of this place as a BB discussion forum atm..


maybe it's the heat getting to me I dunno but the enjoyment has gone from it for now 

will add a huge thanks to those that keep it going tho 

and maybe a break will do me good
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Olly I KNOW I will not be the only FM who will be desperately disappointed to read this, I have enjoyed your LUTs so much and really appreciated them when I was away and couldn't watch LS.

Anyone who knows what this forum is like, knows that opinions are always going to be wildly different and expressed in varying levels of forthrightness's part of the package.   Treat them in the manner they deserve
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
JJ and Shabby in the bathroom, JJ saying he would have left the other day if it wasn't for Josie, he says you need at least one good friend in here

Shabby says she and Keever made a deal and if keever is choosen on friday then she will try and leave with her, but she thinks Keever wants to stay, Shabby doesn't think Keever would leave if Shabbys name was called  Shabby doesn't think she could stay in the house without Keever

Shabby has made the decision and she is going to stick by it (we'll see)
Shabby still talking to JJ about leaving, she may leave tonight or think about it till the morning
she doesn't know who she would have picked if she would have won the task, she doesn't think either Sunshine or Dave deserve to leave, she would rather go, she doesn't even know why she's on BB she didn't really think it through beforehand, JJ says thats the same for me
JJ thinks he was put in cause he's argumentitive (sp)
Shabby says BB knew what they were doing when they asked for that particular hat, when she has others they could have taken
Corin wants to go out clubbing ben wants to go to a restuarant
JJ is advising Shabby to talk to keever and tell her how she feels
Corin is massaging Steves head and Sunshine has got a new tooth brush as she keeps losing hers
Bathroom.  JJ, Josie, Shabby.
They are laughing about Ben's rising bed incident this morning. JJ points out that Ben doesn't see the funny side of things.  (Yes JJ actually said that!!)
Josie and JJ are wringing and squeezing an article they have just washed in the bath.

Bedroom. Lights are out.

The Nest.  Shabby joins Mario, Ife, and Dave.  Caoimhe has her head resting on a pillow on Mario's lap.
Shabby implies that in today's Save & Replace task she was not really trying.
Just moving the tiles aimlessly - and she didn't really want to win she says.
JJ has joined them in The Nest. (I think Mario and Caoimhe left.)
They are surmising who might go on Friday.
Shabby says it depends how they have edited the programmes this week. It is possible that Caoimhe has been edited to look not so good.

Shabby thinks BB are hoping that "something is actually going to happen" between her and Caoimhe.
Shabby doesn't want Sunshine to leave. She doesn't think anybody deserves to leave.

Mario returns with a warm drink.

Shabby and Caoimhe rolling cigarettes.
Caoimhe thinks she has probably been portrayed as an "absolute bitch." Shabby says she is not.
Ife joins them. They say they won't go to bed on Thursday night. They will sleep in The Nest. They will spend all day Friday in the bathroom.
Ife whispering very close to Caoimhe's ear.
Mario appears and tells them BB wants them to have their microphones on or not cover them up.  Ife and Caoimhe continue to whisper and ignore BBs request. What they say is inaudible.
Ife joins Nathan and Corin in the smoking area. Caoimhe goes indoors.
Ife whispers to Nathan, who says he doesn't like breaking the rules.
Ife called to the DRoom.   (Ife is doing a great deal of whispering tonight.)

The Nest.  JJ, Dave, Mario.
They are speaking about the difficulty of nominating people.
Ife returns from DRoom. She has been told off for taking off her mike to whisper to Caoimhe.

Caoimhe goes to DRoom.
Shabby drawing images in the bath with foam - one is a heart.
Caoimhe returns - and she too has got into trouble for not wearing her mike (when she whispered to Ife). She now says she couldn't understand what Ife was saying anyway (but sahe appeared to respond to Ife's satisfaction.)
Caoimhe playing with the foam stuff (or mousse) and chasing Shabby with it.
Shabby and Caoimhe are chasing round the house and garden with the can of spray foam/mousse.
Squirting it on each other.

Bedroom. Lights out.
Caoimhe chasing JJ with the foam canister.
Kitchen. JJ, Shabby, Ife, Mario, and Josie (who is not wearing her mike.)
Smoking area. Caoimhe and Shabby.
Kitchen. Josie now has her mike on. JJ has his hood up. He is eating a large sandwich.
Josie eats an apple. They all move to the sofas.
Ife explaining how to detect if a person is lying. (She has read a book.)
She makes it sound so simple!!! She has been trying it out on Mario.
She has spend much of the last 3 nights with Mario.
Sofas. A big spider has been spotted. Nobody wants to touch it - although Ife tells them to put it outside but not kill it.
Cut away, and when we return the spider problem seems to have been resolved.
Again Ife is alongside Mario.
Ife and Josie go to kitchen for more food.
(Strange how some people are freely able to help themselves to food from the kitchen, while others are criticised. Or does everybody criticise everybody else.)
Returning to the sofas Ife says "Where's Mario?"

Bedroom. JJ in his bed. Josie going to bed.
Bedroom. JJ and Josie (in a semi-whisper) speak across to each other.
JJ settles down. Josie sucks her thumb.

Mario and Ife emerge from the DRoom together. They read the rule book
Nathan - disgruntles - passes through on his way for a smoke.
"Did we wake you up?" asks Mario.
"Not you two" says Nathan. "It's John and Josie talking sh*t."
(So - yet again - JJ and Josie disturb the bedroom. (Selfish and thoughtless or deliberate?)
Nathan comes back in and says that JJ and Josie do this every single night.
Nathan says he is trying to resist throwing a diva-type strop.

Mario suggests thet he asks them to come and talk out of the bedroom.

(Cut to the bedroom where the volume has gone up. JJ is loud, Caoimhe - again  - and Shabby are speaking at normal volume.)
Nathan goes to bed.
Ife says "Shall we go to bed or......."    (sound dip)

Kitchen. Now Caoimhe and Shabby are eating.
(Do they have lots of food?  everyone is tucking in tonight.  But these are all people who criticize others for eating.)
The talk is barely of passing interest.
They, again, go to smoke.
Shabby thinks Sunshine will stay.

Shabby thinks she will leave alone or she and Ceoimhe will leave together!!!
Caoimhe thinks she may go.
Shabby seems to like the idea of someone being evicted because they are "lesbian."
(A highly dramatic persecution complex?)
They wonder who is the house bitch.
They agree that Govan was.
Caoimhe and Shabby don't think Sunshine will go on Friday. They think the public will feel sorry for her.
Now another cigarette.
Shabby yawns.
They mention Dave (Caoimhe's boyfriend). Shabby thinks he will be sensible enough not to take what he sees at face value.
Oh really?  So we would all be wise not to take it at face value.?
Conversation is halting, sprinkled with pauses, and slightly repetative.

This is a lengthy scene. 
No idea what is happening (if anything) in the rest of the house.

Caoimhe thinks she may be ready to sleep. Shabby says they must do their teeth first.
They do, and get into bed.
For the 3rd consecutive night Ife is full of talk (specifically with Mario) and it's happening again tonight.
They are now doing an impression of people entering the house on the first night.
Ife does one of Ben. Mario does one of Ife which doesn't exactly delight her.
But it does give her an excuse to smack, pat, touch, hug and maul Mario, and keep a giggly conversation going.
They go to DRoom together (as Mario asks "What are we coming in here for?")

Ife and Mario leave the DRoom.
Mario says "Let's go to bed."
Ife trying to keep a conversation running. She takes his arm.

Ise says something strange about people putting "itching powder in my bed" to which Mario replies "That's my bed."
Mario says he wants to go to bed.
Ife: "I'm having such a wicked time - especially since I've  found you and stuff."
They go to smoking area.
Ife has reverted to her original gibbering self - "like."
I honestly don't know what on earth she is trying to say.
She says "like" repeatedly.
(As the making of a cup of tea took 20 minutes the other night, the rolling of this cigarette is taking hours.) 

The cigarette is not yet lit.
Mario says: "Smoke your cigarette; I am tired."

Ife talks and talks and questions. (It is talk for the sake of talking - opinion.)
I am baffled - and a tad suspicious - of this sudden late night desire that Ife has of delaying bed-time as long as possible and spending all this time with Mario.

But tonight Mario is trying to hasten it along. He has said he is tired several times.


She talks, rather than smokes. The cigarette goes out.
She talks.
She re-lights the cigarette.
Then the whole thing is repeated.
Not only was it the longest time for making a cigarette; it was also the longest time taken to smoke one.

They return to the house. As they do Ife says "Are you going to bed?"
(Presumably she doesn't hear when Mario says he wants to go to be because he is tired.)

Mario in bed. Ife gets in to the bed.
Now the big question is will she continue to whisper for ages, or is sleep allowed?
She nestles her head in towards Mario so that it touches his face and begins to whisper.
Mario yawns.
More whispering from Ife and responses from Mario.
Eventually Mario tells her he must get some sleep now.

Cameras show Josie. But all seems to be quiet.
I can'e even hear a whisper.


Last edited by brisket
Thanks Kimota

Mario and Sunshine are in bed together, Sunshine has drawn some strange lipstick on, think she's trying to impersonate Lady GAGA, she says she has to be back at Med school on the 24th August but has got permission to go back later, she wants Mario to be out before the 24th so they can go on holiday together

Dave wanders by and asks if anyone wants any washing doing

Sunshine asks Mario who he thinks will leave on Friday he thinks it will be Keever as she is a pretty girl and pretty girls always get voted out, just like racheal was, Sunshine mentions Sophie from last year, but Mario says she was never up for eviction so thats different

Mario wants to have a nap but Sunshine wants to talk about herself, then says she's only joking
Dave tells sunshine to wipe her lipstick off as she looks silly, he then grabs her face with his wet hands and she screams
Sunshine is now wearing a blonde wig  and sunglasses to go with her lipstick combo

Ben in bed talking to Dave and asking if mario is now ignoring him because he didn't agree with him (don't know what about) Ben says he would be very isolated if it wasn't for Dave, he thinks JJ and Josie used to be his friends but Josie only chats with him now to pass the time, he joins Dave in the BR to help with the clothes washing

Ben talks about his  normal day, passing quotes on to newspapers that he has gained from the night before, writes speaches, has his lunch ,goes for a walk, has drinks with friends, listens to the news, he calls himself a diariest (sp) not a journalist, he gets paid about ÂĢ100 for each piece he writes

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