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Corin advising Shabby to move on with stuff and not make her time in the house about her relationship with keeva ...she could talk to and get to know others - she might like them

Shabby says K does follow her around a bit

Shabby seems a bit paranoid 'cause keeva went To DR just after talking to Ife - thinks she may be talking about her to BB
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Sofas. Ben, Dave.  Jj with hood up. (It must be a cold day in the house,)
Bedroom. Lights out. Josie in bed. Nathan hovers nearby speaking to her.
They kiss goodnight.
Mario settles down in his bed.

JJ lays alongside Sunshine (with his hood up.) Mumbling - can't understand what is being said.
Garden. Shabby doing silly gyrations. Beating 'drums' on her chest. Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife creating rhythms using their mouths and hitting whatever else comes to hand.

Sofas.  Football chanting going on. It seems that BB house will not be a retreat from football tomorrow. There's no escape.

Corin has just reminded us that the football is going to be 4 times.
She says it will be fun and they'll all be on a high after the match.
(Is she a poor man's Sherry Hewson?)

Ben still pottering about before getting into bed.
JJ calling loudly across the bedroom (as is his wont.)

They do a "walton'sstyle"  goodnight to each individual, rather than say "goodnight everyone."
Caoimhe and Shabby smoking.
Caoimhe says she and her boyfriend/fiance Dave are so madly in love.

Cut to bedroom. JJ in bed with Josie. Still speaking loudly. But not wearing his hood now.

Back to smoking area and Caoimhe and Shabby.
Shabby she she likes the chase, but once she gets the girl she is chasing (she shrugs) loses interest.
Caoimhe is saying "like" a lot tonight, as if competing with Ife for the biggest number of "like"s.

She is also saying "f***" a lot. They continue to talk about their personal love lives and relationships.

They agree that neither of them are tired and they want to stay up smoking thin roll-ups and drink coffee.

(At that my heart sinks.)

Bedroom. Ife snuggling up to Mario in bed.  They are whispering quietly.
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JJ and Josie still whispering in bedroom.
Can't catch the details but they are pointing to specific housemates  whispering a comment and JJ says "but I'm not like that."
Sorry I can't get the words, but it is clear that a few of the housemates are being discussed. (Are they revealing, or fishing, or both?)
(Strange how JJ can lower his voice when it suits him.)

Caoimhe and Shabby drinking and smoking again. Caoimhe talking about family.
She says she was such a "deep" child.
She talks about her schooldays - "like."   She hated school. Then later she studied with more commitment. The she started dancing and loved it.
After leaving school, she got a boyfriend and was happy.
Dave emerges from The Nest and joins Caoime and Shabby.
Mutual apologies are exchanged.
Shabby thinks Govan did nothing to deserve such booing.
It was a shame for Govan because he is just 21 years old.
(Old enough Shabby.)

Shabby says the "coding thing" she did with Govan - if shown on tv - would not look at all that bad.
They continue to discuss Govan and try to paint him as a perfect human being.
They say nice words of 'understanding' to Dave.
Meanwhile Dave backtracks. His view of Govan is much tempered. (But that could be because he is speaking to Shabby and he may even be trying to bridge a few gaps.)
Dave tells them he didn't want Govan to go and he understands their feelings.
(Will they believe him or think he is ingratiating himself a tad?

Dave may now be trying a little too hard to gain acceptance from Shabby and Caoimhe.)
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Dave, Caoimhe and Shabby disperse.
Nathan, complete with cough, has had brief words with them.

Bedroom. JJ and Josie still whispering.
(This could be seen as a dodgy alliance - especially because of the whispering.)

JJ leaves Josie's bed.

Ife and Mario still talking to each other in bed.

Shabby and Caoime now lolling about in the bathroom.
They both say that JJ is "growing on" them so much. He is so cute they say.

Shabby announces that - apart from herself - she has no idea which way nominations will go and who will be up. She says everyone has been charming today.

Shabby refers to the "24 hours live feed" and is obviously aware that staying up late is one way of getting on camera.
Shabby and Caoimhe continue to talk in the bathroom.

Meanwhile the bedroom is now quiet. (Not even snoring.)
Haven't had camera shots all round the bedroom, so cannot at the moment confirm who is not yet in bed (apart from Caoimhe and Shabby.)

Bathroom. Caoimhe and Shabby still talking...and talking...(the content is sort of indeterminate.)
Caoimhe and Shabby agree that neither of them are tired.

(Oh dear!)

I think this is what is generally known as "small talk."

I think it is also known as camera time.

But camera time is only usaeful if it is well spent.)
Back to smoking area. This time one cigarette is shared.
Chat is not flowingly quite so readily now. Longer pauses.

"Bathroom?" asks Shabby. "Yea" replies Caoime.
They return to the house.
JJ is there (I think he has just emerged from the DRoom.) He has been advised to apply a plaster.  (I don't know where, but I think it is not his mouth.)
Ah! It is on his foot.
He joins Caoimhe and Shabby in the bathroom. (2 hoods and a hat being worn in the bathroom - what a strange thing.)

Now Dave appears.

JJ curious about the voice of the TOT.

He thinks it is in the bathroom.

Shabby mentions the chest of drawers, but JJ moves on to other possibilities.

JJ has obviously spent some time considering the Tree of Temptation.

(Does he want to arrange a meeting?)

He looks around the bathroom.
They refer to the hints Mario may have given them (such as "it is plain to see," but this has not enabled JJ to find it yet.

Shabby cannot imagine what the house would be like without Sunshine now.
(Although she sometimes annoys her.) Dave is part of this conversation too.
Shabby sometimes feels sorry for her because she is picked upon.
JJ returns from the DRoom.
2 conversations at once now. Dave and Caoimhe about Sunshine. Shabby and JJ about TOT.
JJ has now got his patest obsession. He firmly believes it is in the bathroom.
JJ is looking for a tree. Shabby - she can't help herself - says but trees can be turned into wood hence the "chest of drawers."
Bathroom. Caoimhe, Shabby, Dave and JJ.
The topic is now Mario.
Various conspiracy theories.
They think Mario may be involved in some devious plot.
On the other hand he may not.
In which case this group are chasing a storyline which doesn't even exist.
Wild goose chase or deliberate ploy to stir up the housemates.
Shabby now thinks Mario has been on a task from day 1.
She also thinks he was not really up for eviction at all this week.

She thinks if he is a permanent mole he will never be up for eviction.
They agree not to question Mario further on this matter, but to keep their eyes and ears open.
Now Shabby asks "Is Mario the Tree of Temptation?"
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They are now questioning if Mario is indeed a real housemate.
Shabby thinks Mario may be a brilliant actor.
(What better than you Shabby?)
They now are watching the cameras.
JJ was told by BB that if they keep pushing this business of the Tree. they will feel it's wrath!
So they keep talking about it!.
Shot of Mario. Ife alongside. (Where will JJ sleep?)
Shabby and Caoimhe go for a smoke
Shabby believes that something will happen between those two (Dave and JJ) while we are out.
Shabby has a feeling this will be "another late night."
Bathroom. JJ now clutching at the wildest of straws.
But suddenly he believes the chest of drawers is The Tree.
(I've just noticed that JJ's voice is quite piercing and harsh.)
Shabby and Caoimhe return to the bathroom.
JJ surmises how later in the series this part of the bathroom may be transformed.

Shabby says something doesn't add up with Mario. She doesn't want to get him evicted.
JJ says he thinks he is working for BB.
Shabby says if any of us get any more evidence just tell each other and nobody else.
Shabby - although she doesn't want him evicted - talks about his "flashy shoes" and fancy clothes.
Caoimhe believes he has rich parents.
They comment that Mario goes to the DRoom but never tells the others what was said (unlike the other housemates.)
Shabby:"Either he's doing something or he's just having a laugh."

Why were there only 13 beds they ask and initially only 13 housemates?

Meanwhile Mario turns over in bed.

They agree Mario is bright, very good at acting,
They are now inclined to think that he is not a housemate. Shabby also thinks the public know that!   (Well that's wrong!)
Shabby thinks something really weird is going to happen.
They now have conspiracy theories about mirros and cameras.
Now suspicious of everything.
Shabby says "This is another thing we shouldn't talk about?"
(Seriously? In the BB house?)
Dave asks why the chest of drawers are even there? "It doesn't do anything."
"The drawers don't even open."
Caoimhe has gone to DRoom.
Shabby, Dave and JJ now doubt that Mario is his real name.

Shabby says "We are definitelty on to something."
Then says asks "Are we crazily over-thinking things here?"

We know how obsessive JJ can be and is reluctant to let things drop.

Shabby leaves it to Dave and JJ to find out more from Mario himself.
JJ keeps looking at mirrors and various parts of the bathroom.

Worth remembering that The Tree has already spoken to Shabby.
She is not unaware of The Tree. So she is having to tread a line here.

They refer back to the task where Mario won a BB quiz.
They now think that Mario was definitely wearing an ear-piece.
They also believe there was no genuine tombola on the first night. That Mario was destined to enter the house.
JJ thinks Mario is not part of the production team but was a genuine applicant to be a BB contestant.
So Mario will not now - by these 3 plus Caoimhe at least - be regarded as an ordinary housemate. They will have him under watch and be suspicious of him.
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Isn't it bedtime yet?

Shabby and JJ feel Mario has a swet nature, even though much of this conversation makes him sound like the enemy.

A further reminder that Shabby does know about The Tree - and has felt its wrath!
Caoimhe appears. Dave yawns.
They decide they are tired and go to the bedroom.
Except for Shabby who is still on camera in the bathroom.

Kitchen. JJ tells Dave that he is going to suss him. (Mario that is.) "I'm going to suss him without him noticing."
(That will be fascinating to see.)

Shabby and Caoimhe go to DRoom.

Bedroom. Ife and Mario asleep side by side.

Much of the conversation tonight was fast-moving, so I was not able to capture every part of it.
But, in summary, Shabby, Caoimhe, JJ and Dave have guessed and theorised and conspired and pieced together a possible line of investigation.
They think they have identified the Tree of T in the bathroom (although Shabby already knows this of course but has to stay quiet or she will be punised again.) So Shabby has a delicate line to tread.
Perhaps more importantly they have also decided that Mario's part in this BB series is highly questionable. They will be listening and watching Mario very keenly and closely.

Caoimhe and Shabby leave the DRoom.
There are lots and lots of used glasses all over the worktop.
(I wonder who will wash them tomorrow/today?)

Shabby wants toast. Caoimhe wants to go to bed.

They go to bathroom to brush their teeth.

Caoimhe goes into toilet.

Shabby goes to chest of drawers (ToT) and drums on it.
(But no message is forthcoming - sorry Shabby.)
Caoimhe squeezes spots in close up.
Now Dave is up again. He collects cans and glasses from the garden.
He plays with a sock-ball.
He stacks beer cans as a wicket but before he 'bowls' they tumble down.

But he perseveres.

Everybody else now in bed.
A close-up of JJ sleeping but it's not clear where he is. I can't tell if he has hoisted Ife out of his usual bed  to enable him to get in,  or if he is elsewhere.
Dave goes to DRoom.
HMs called back to the sofas

Dave keeps asking Mario why his puppet has been represented as a mole..."is BB trying to tell them something?" ... JJ pipes up a comment to this effect as well - Mario brushes off these comments

BB informs the HMs they can only remove their puppets in shower or pool - free to leave the sofas

Nathan calls out - "How am I supposed to cook with one hand?"  BB ignores him

I'm off to start preparing Sunday Lunch
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
thanks for the overnight Brisket. .

I fell asleep  on the sofa to the sound of Shabby droning on and woke at 4am to the sound of Shabby droning on and the word Mario even invaded my sleep

thanks for the Morning catch up Hoochie

Worth mentioning that altho it is Steve's birthday today nobody has fashioned a card for him. .think this is the first BB I have seen where the HM's haven't made an effort for somebody's birthday. . 
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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