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Steve has been in DR getting instructions form BB - he relays them to the HMs

he and Nathan geeing up the players

Sunshine is lying on the couch "getting in the mood" to do the crying bit

Steve says they must remember to sing anthem with pride

Ife says when she came in the house people must have thought she was a weakling, real girlie girl - how wrong they were she says.  mario says any girl prepared to go around with no hair is not a girlie girl

Josie says she wishes she'd made more effort - she didn't realise how sexy everyone would look.  Ife and her start comparing how the boys look - Josie says she hadn't realised how much like Beckham JJ was, they both agree Nathan is looking nice cleanshaven ....Ben gets a smiling grimace
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
SD for singing, HMs laughing and clapping

someone comments Germans have a massive pool. Shabby wishes they could hear them better.  Shouting thanks danke to germans

Shabby says free and easy in germany

Lots of laughter, clapping thumbs up to german HMs
Ask if the germans are flirting - Shabby we like cross country flirting, she says they are doing it for Corin.

Shouting names out Shabby is attempting to speak in german
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Might have been if I had looked at the badges!

Just popped in for a minute ... JJ is on a mission to find ToT, he's quizzing Mario!
He's even asked Mario if he is the tree

Keeva in the bathroom talking to Mario about Shabby
Bored by the sexual tension stuff
REALLY loves her boyfriend - no way anything is going to happen
Wonders whether to tell Shabby again that nothing will happen
Mario says no - will embarras her
Keeva doesn't want anyone to think she's flirting with her - Mario says noooo they won't.  Keeva going to have a ciggie
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
yeah you would ...but she's well in there providing advice and analysing Keeva's behaviour.  Nothing good can come of this (opinion)

All seems to have stemmed from a comment that Steve made about sorting out the sexual tension between them - seems to have freaked keeva out and got her worried about how she is being perceived outside
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Caoimhe told Mario that if she was single she may perhaps have a kiss with Shabby. .but that would be it.

Does she not understand that would make things worse? 

maybe Caoimhe needs a lesson on the fact gay relationships are no different to hetro ones.. you can;t lead anybody on... and kissing somebody who fancies the pants off you just for a bit of a 'fun' snog is not on..

*lurks again *
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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