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Little catch up

Most housemates sitting around playing a game of guess who they are describing, Keever and Shabby in the bathroom, quizzing Mario on wether he has a twin, that is swapping places with him in the house, he says no but he does have a secret, they beg him to tell them but he says no, they are asking him about his TOT task and by the sound of it Mario has met the bloke who is the voice of the tree before

BR Sunshine in bed with JJ  Nathan also there, they are talking about theme parks and places they want to go when they get out, JJ also confesses to having a barbie collection *there is somthing about this bloke*

Effy has been to see the doctor in the DR *don't know whats up with her*
Govan talking to Corin in the kitchen about the after shows you have to do, he says if anyone is nasty to him on BBBM he will give it back to them
Looks like they are still living on rice and chickpeas, Steve doesn't seem to happy about this
It's been quiet in here, so I'll do a bit of a LUT.

The house is digesting the shock of Govan's eviction.  

Nathan is in bed asleep. Shabby and Caiohme and Corin are in the bathroom. All others are in the kitchen having a beer and discussing Sunshine's remaining pizza and crisps. And the eviction.

Now Ife, Caiohme and Nathan are smoking, complaining about SS not wanting to share her crisps. SS had offered her the pizza but they are complaining she had taken the topping off anyway.

Shabby joins them. Then Josie. SD

LR. Mario and SS. SD. Caoihme goes to wait for DR door.

Garden. Nathan going back to bed. Josie is happy she is getting the treat day Govan gifted her. She wants Pad Thai noodles as her special meal. JJ comes and tells them SS has given the crisps and returns to the house. Shabby complains she shouldn't have felt she had to, she should have given them in the first place. Josie says she respects her Vegan-ness!

Caoimhe returns to the garden. She is angry. Asks if anyone has met a Vegan who doesn't eat vegetables. They are all angry with SS's eating issues now.

Kitchen. Everyone else, I think. SS insisting she does eat potatoes though!

Garden. Corin leaves and returns to the house. Much laughter between Josie (who was grieving just an hour ago) and Ife. JJ in garden too now.

Kitchen. SS is feeling a bit got at now.

Garden again! Argh! This is tough! Kitchen again! ADS!
Garden. JJ doing lifts and performing for Ife and Josie. Someone shouting into the garden. SD. They notice a moth in the pool... poor moth etc. Oooo! We haven't had that yet this year have we? 

Bathroom. Guess which two. Shabby telling Caoihme she could come across as two-faced. (She has clearly hugged someone, don't know who). Shabby tells her maybe she's just a nicer person than her (Shabby). C trying to explain how she isn't playing games. Shabby says she hopes C isn't playing any games...  Convo changes to Govan going. Shabby starts to go off on one... and goes off!. Ife comes in, then Steve to use the loo. Ife tells C to be herself and not worry if she seems two-faced.

Hmmm... methinks Govan's parting words about Ben and Mario doing fauxmance may have hit home with Shabby.

Steve has a chat with C too! Tells her to be herself. C says she can't help being herself. Convo returns to bloody pizzagate... again!

They all leave the bathroom. C to garden, Steve and Ife have a little hug and chat in LR. Ife goes to find Shabby who is now in garden with C. SNAFU!  AD.
Ife, Shabby and Caoimhe are discussing evictions outside. Shabby says that she'd be interested to see how the public react to Caoimhe and Ife, and then says "people like groups".
Ife tells Caoimhe and Shabby that Sunshine will share her crisps tomorrow. Caoimhe shouts: "I don't f**king care! I just want some crisps now!"
Josie walks through the sitting area shouting: "Well congratu-f**king-lations guys, you got rid of my little man! Well done, guys!" She laughs afterwards, as the other housemates laugh. Ife says: "You go Josie, you strut!"
Ife is having a cuddle with Steve. They're talking about how they feel when evictions are happening. Steve says he's not bothered, but the food situation really got to him.
Ife, Caoimhe and Steve are talking about being yourself in the house, and not worrying about perceptions. All agree that Big Brother is clever and manipulative.
Shabby screams: "Stop playing with those f**king socks!" with regards to David and others. Caoimhe says: "You need to calm the f**k down." Shabby retorted: "Don't tell me what to do." Ife walks in to the bathroom and says: "You told us to tell you not to get angry, remember?" Shabby storms out of the bathroom
LR/Garden. Shabby said she'd be 'interested' what would happen if either Caoihme or Ife were up for eviction. Talk of Anfonee/Craig (I wonder why!)  Shabby storms off again and C and Ife follow.

Bathroom. Normal toothbrushing chat between many HMs. Many are going to bed now, lights out in bedroom already! Josie says she'll miss Govan and wouldn't even mind if he farted on her now! She's getting goodnight hugs in her lonely bed. JJ doing his face cleansing routine in his bed. Nathan asleep. It's much quieter in there tonight than last night... so far, but there is still a little chat! 

Shabby and C in bed at peace together it seems. C is bringing up the two-faced comment from Shabby, who apologises!

Bathroom. Many SDs because Sunshine is singing and Ife no doubt will when she finishes brushing her teeth.

Bedroom. Ben returns from DR and urgently whispers to Dave... then Bathroom, then Bedroom... etc.

I think I'll just comment if there is any significant comment/action for a while.
So there has been a little bit of bed-hopping. JJ and Ben got into bed with Josie... then Mario joins them - 4 in a bed, Mario on one end cuddling Ben, who strokes his arm a lot, Ben next to Josie too, and JJ on the other end.

Josie gets out of bed and Ben lies between Mario and JJ, very happy with his lot now!

Steve starts to fake snore, chuckling silently to himself as they debate how quickly he can get to sleep and start to snore!

Josie is now back in the foursome bed, Mario and Ben get out of it leaving Josie and JJ. Nathan stirs and looks miserable.

Steve complains, jokingly, 'now I know where I stand' as he is left out of the bed-hopping! 

JJ and J whispering.
Nathan is genuinely excited and pleased - really looking forward to it

Josie and Natan in the garden having a smoke

Nathan says he'd never leave anyone without a smoke, even if it was his last 20 he'd share

He says it's the first time he's felt proper happy in here!  so excited about the task ( he really does have a light in his eyes)
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
HMs in the garden discussing the task

Josie looking forward to seeing JJ in a pair of shorts  she's giggling

Ben is instructing the others on the National Anthem, singing it a little

Shabby inside waiting for DR - arms still crossed

Steve comes from DR - HMs have to wear the costume for their nationality

JJ adamant that his passport is British - they better give him a british costume!! <-JJ
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
cheers everybody,  Xochi and Erin for the overnight's and to Hoochie 

something form last night that made me LOL proper. .when everybody was getting in Josies bed Ife joined them but left very quickly cos she said it was uncomfortable with all the boney legs and knees

Steve called across to her and said come in here love you'll  not have that problem here  

*leaves huge breakfast  hamper  for all *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby and keeva in Bathroom

Shabby "I'm starting to think my venom against Ben was misdirected" ( hmm wonder if the eviction result has anything to do with this change of heart)

Shabby talks directly to camera - "....Not going to give that satisfaction ...sorry about that" claps hands together and walks off ....sorry didn't catch the beginning
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Reference: Hoochie
Morning Olly

Nice to see their reaction to this task - do you know what's up with Shabby ..she's the only one who doesn't seem happy?
oops just seen this

Shabby thinks Dave should have gone in place of Govan. .

it was made worse cos Shabby was in the loo I think and overheard Dave telling Ben and Mario possibly , that the Lord had saved Ben..

 I never actually heard this tis Mario's retelling of it I think.. am too hot to even know where the info is coming from atm.. .

I have one of them bluetooth ear pieces so when wandering around the house I can still hear them  . . I must be mad..

*crawls back into chest freezer. .phew toooooooooo hot and sticky to think  *
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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