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A delivery has arrived

A man in an helmet

HMs are giddy

The helmet is off and it's Isaac!!!!!!!!

Noirin shrieks

Noirin and Isaac hug deeply.

Isaac and Noirin have a heart to heart and are arm in arm...

Noirin asks Isaac in disbelief "What have you done ?!"

Siavash is in the himself.

Isaac wants some answers..."I'm not stupid, I'm Isaac Stout."

Noirin apologises to Isaac for kissing on national TV.

Noirin tells Isaac she feels sick

Freddie just told Siavash, "Stick around, this is going to be fun !". Siavash is not really convinced

Marcus has decided this is the perfect moment to start talking to Siavash !

What has Marcus got to say...? He's told Siavash that it's better to know now than later.

Marcus tells Siavash, "He seems like an alright guy." How reassuring.

Isaac is in the garden approaching Siavash, He shakes Siavash's hand !

Isaac has made his introduction and prowls back in the house.

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