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Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
do you know what i'm getting sick of hearing?

no! i hear you cry.

well i'll tell you.

it's how imperative it is to have 'fun' like it's a religious obligation.

If people enjoy their lives it doesn't matter what the hell they do. It's like when you go on holiday and people look down on you when you come back because you've not visited the 'top attractions' and gone to all the 'great nights out' that are on offer.

People like her drive me bloody mad.

Thumbs Up i agree
so, people dont write letters anymore.....why IS that then Bea?, cause I suppose ya COULD say, people dont go out and gather some reeds smash em to a pulp....wait for them to dry....then use a bird feather and some squid juice to send a letter anymore, Shake Head
people dont write letters anymore cause they can PHONE or text or send a fecking E-MAIL cause its quicker and a lot less hassle and ya dont have to wait fer fecking weeks to get a response ya fecking IDIOT, Crazy
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
so, people dont write letters anymore.....why IS that then Bea?, cause I suppose ya COULD say, people dont go out and gather some reeds smash em to a pulp....wait for them to dry....then use a bird feather and some squid juice to send a letter anymore, Shake Head
people dont write letters anymore cause they can PHONE or text or send a fecking E-MAIL cause its quicker and a lot less hassle and ya dont have to wait fer fecking weeks to get a response ya fecking IDIOT, Crazy

She lives in Enid Blyton land.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
so, people dont write letters anymore.....why IS that then Bea?, cause I suppose ya COULD say, people dont go out and gather some reeds smash em to a pulp....wait for them to dry....then use a bird feather and some squid juice to send a letter anymore, Shake Head
people dont write letters anymore cause they can PHONE or text or send a fecking E-MAIL cause its quicker and a lot less hassle and ya dont have to wait fer fecking weeks to get a response ya fecking IDIOT, Crazy
I agree we are in the 21st century, things change... I bet she hasnt written a letter in years herself Big Grin
Originally posted by cup:
oh i am off to bed

gutted no one landed on moon

tell any off your friends or family abroad to start writing again no email or webcam see their grand kids an family every 3 years

whats that now super powers now

nite all Wave

Night cup! I'm writing a reply to your post but I'm going to mail it to you on some parchment and send it via a you'll get it soon Hug
Originally posted by Videostar:
I do agree with Bea that the moon landings never happened. Glance

But I love sci fi and Star wars tho. Big Grin

oh no NOT this one again, the moon landings certainly DID happen, it has been proved time and time again,
but some people just WONT have it,
still, give it a year or so, they are sending up a lunar sattelite to MAP, in great detail, (think google earth) the entire surface of the moon and the landing sites will be clearly visible in the photographs,.....but, no doubt another theory will arise that they have faked THAT as well, Big Grin Laugh
old hippy guy

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