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I'm a little bit proud of the way my my 2 little men are growing too. Okay, they have their moments of spite and mischief, but it's so much easier to rationalize their behaviour when they are 11 and 9
Suze I'd safely say your boys will turn out a credit to you....It is true the world reaps what we sow with our children,imo set rules and boundaries ,love them to pieces but ensure the rules and boundaries are adhered to and we don't go far wrong.
Suze I'd safely say your boys will turn out a credit to you....It is true the world reaps what we sow with our children,imo set rules and boundaries ,love them to pieces but ensure the rules and boundaries are adhered to and we don't go far wrong.
hahaha thanks Lee  It's all about giving them a sense of perspective, they know they are precious to me (and the rest of the family) but the world doesn't revolve around them and they aren't more entitled to anything above anyone else. I'm with you, I think a small part of my soul would die if I had to witness any of my kids have a 9 week hissy fit on national telly 
It is stupid of Sam to shocked, offended, or indignant at various reactions to him.
(The style and degree of those reactions is another matter.)
But he must remember much of his behaviour sets out to cause reactions. So if he gets reactions in return he should not be surprised. After all that's exactly what he is seeking.
JJ blasted Sam for his behaviour in the house, saying: "Where there's a line, he'll always cross it." John James agreed, and related Sam's involvement in his argument with Josie to David and JJ.

"I believe he was using that situation," John James said. "He didn't care about that situation, he didn't care about Josie [being upset]." JJ agreed, exclaiming: "Of course not!

"He was calling her a fat slag a few days ago and now he's her best mate? F**k off."

Meanwhile, Sam and Josie had picked up on the conversation. Sam crouched behind the settee and laughed with Josie as they silently listened in to the discussion, while John James declared: "In a way, I hope he goes [in tomorrow's eviction]."

As Corin walked into the sitting room, the two eavesdroppers told her to be quiet and she joined Josie lying on the floor. Sam laughed as he explained: "They're bitching about me!"

The atmosphere took a sudden turn for the worse when John James asserted: "If Josie had kept [her dislike of Sam] up, if she'd kept her attitude the way it was last week, he would have been out. It's only because she's changed her opinion that he's got a chance."

Sam bolted over the sofa to where Josie lay, saying: "Seriously, are you hearing this? That is too much!" The two burst into hysterics, as Sam repeated: "Can you believe he just f**king said that? That is so f***ing bitchy I don't know what! That is f***ing out of order, innit?"

Corin attempted to persuade Sam to leave the sitting room, but he refused, saying: "They're being really horrible. They're saying that I'm only being nice to Josie to be safe from eviction." Turning to Josie, he said: "This is all because I came into your conversation earlier, isn't it? F***ing knob."

As the trio continued to discuss Sam and the producers' decision to send him into the house, Sam explained to Josie that he had approached her earlier "because [she] looked genuinely upset". Josie reassured Sam that she did not feel the same as John James and JJ, but the 21-year-old appeared hurt by the allegations.

"I tell it how it is. If I don't like you one day then I'll tell you. Like earlier, when I had that argument with JJ. That's going to be shown before my eviction, if I was bothered about that why would I be having arguments with people?" he argued.

Continuing, he said: "They're just being f***ing knobs. John James is just so bitter about things." He then quietly added: "It's actually really upsetting. I thought he was one of my friends.
Reference: Lee
As he gave her a second chance after hearing her slate him when he wasn't there to defend himself....So it's ok she can like him one minute not the next,that's fine as long as she can ,does that apply to Sam too then?....She let Imbecile say she was clueless,she's anything but clueless that's for sure,Sam said JJ was being malicious about him,he didn't find that funny,she did and continued to try and cover her own butt to the other HM's saying she thought it was all funny.
Of course it applies to Sam too!

All humans can change their minds, change their opinions, change their behaviour, depending on the circumstances etc. If someone is nice to you, you tend to like them. If they start deliberately annoying you, you're very likely to get annoyed.

If you watch the video again, you'll see Sam smiling and laughing about it, right up until the end.
tbf lee.......josie was called fake for liking sam on here in is possible for sam to dislike her one day and like her the next........same as its possible for josie to think the same way..but josie was called on here as being fake and sucking up to sam pre maybe some of them in there are taking the view sam is being fake to avoid eviction.............if its viewed on here as josie is only liking him to avoid his nomination.......surely people can see why they might make the same assumptions regarding sam?
I haven't read this thread (need to make a(nother) cuppa first) but my mum was here watching live feed and spitting feathers about Dave. Everytime he spoke she grabbed the remote and turned the sound down. I've never heard my mum swear as much as she did about that man I said for a laugh that I might bring him round for tea.

She grabbed her shopping trolley and went home
Watching it last night I got the feeling Dave was doing his usual, making bullets for JJ1 to fire.

Dave does his "drip, drip, drip" which he knows will set JJ1 off...wind him up and off he goes.

Then JJ2 and Dave just sat back and let JJ1 cop it all from Sam, rant and rave whilst they back peddled.

I actually felt sorry for Sam when he was whispering to Josie "Dave's been quite nice and JJ2 hasn't said much, it's just JJ1 bitching"...he obviously missed all the crap Dave said about him...Dave even said Jo will go but if it's a double Sam will go to "and that's what I want to happen"

I am in no way absolving JJ 1 and 2 (or even Sam becasue I don't know what happened earlier so can't comment) for their part...but Dave is manipulative and orchestrated that whole thing, he knows just what to say to fire JJ up.

He even said that BB had put Sam in JUST to upset the house of love that HE (Dave) had "created" and "his people" would see just what was going on and deal with it (or sort it? I can't remember the exact words) The ego on that man!

(Right thread this time...Hahaha, I had to repost here )
I nearly choked, when he said that! Tosser!
I know HM "hate" is all a bit panto on the forums but some of the stuff he's said has blown me away.  Ooh like the time he said when he became reborn Jesus prevented him from being a bad person because everything he says or does is filtered through Jesus first so he can actually do no wrong! (or words to that effect)  I mean WTF?
Reference: Leccy
I know HM "hate" is all a bit panto on the forums but some of the stuff he's said has blown me away. Ooh like the time he said when he became reborn Jesus prevented him from being a bad person because everything he says or does is filtered through Jesus first so he can actually do no wrong! (or words to that effect) I mean WTF?
Does that mean Jebus is nominating peeps?

And sticking his head under Dave's wife's skirt?
Last night I could have happily swung for Monk Dave...He is EVIL!..As demonstrated last night, he actively encouraged the argument between JJ1 & Sam...Then sat back admiring his work...Then later in the bedroom whilst Sam lay in his bed probably still upset, the Evil Monk topped it off with hysterical, manical, false laughter.

Senora Reyes
Last night I could have happily swung for Monk Dave...He is EVIL!..As demonstrated last night, he actively encouraged the argument between JJ1 & Sam...Then sat back admiring his work...Then later in the bedroom whilst Sam lay in his bed probably still upset, the Evil Monk topped it off with hysterical, manical, false laughter. I HATE HIS GUTS!!!
By far my most hated Hm, of all time, way out ahead of Maxwell et al now.  I can't even think of how a HM could make me hate them more.

And Deman! Love it

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