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Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I like being liked  TBH - I'm liking virtually everything over there!

Soozy, I thought you didn't do fb...have you joined?

I've been on FB for ages but just se it for games etc. - I joined years ago when I was banned from Ch4 - never really got to grips with it TBH so I don't do friends requests etc. But .........................I'm loving this!

Soozy Woo

I've been away all day and have been trying quickly to catch up, so please bear with me:


I've had a trawl through the FB comments, and they're pretty funny. However, I noticed one "Stop moaning!"-type post that claimed Live Feed would be back for the "proper" BB series.

Now, I'm assuming that's not true (or more accurately, "unconfirmed"), but does anyone know anything about this claim? Is it just bollox? I had a quick look on DS (guessing they'd be the first to hold a party if it was true), but couldn't find anything...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

I've been away all day and have been trying quickly to catch up, so please bear with me:


I've had a trawl through the FB comments, and they're pretty funny. However, I noticed one "Stop moaning!"-type post that claimed Live Feed would be back for the "proper" BB series.

Now, I'm assuming that's not true (or more accurately, "unconfirmed"), but does anyone know anything about this claim? Is it just bollox? I had a quick look on DS (guessing they'd be the first to hold a party if it was true), but couldn't find anything...

I think it maybe wishful thinking Eugene..

Originally Posted by barney:

have joined in the spamming


taken a few ideas from this thread - thanks   its great fun, but I guess Channel 5 don't pay their staff for Sunday, everyone seems to be on the same "BRING BACK LIVE FEED" side

 True.....  Mind you last night was hilarious... that poor bloke on the Casino programme  NO LIVE FEED, NO VOTE! 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Do you think Channel 5 are really regretting their decision about the Live Feed? Or even taking Big Brother on?


I've just got a vision of the drones working the weekend... frantically deleting posts all day yesterday and today they've probably got their feet up, beer on the go and deciding to leave it till the bosses go in tomorrow.


Oooh, i got 12 'likes' on my last comment


Do you remember the good old days when Big Brother was on Channel 4 and had Live Feed? Oh how we laughed, the memories we could all share right now, such splendid times. But now Channel 5 has come along and taken a great big dump on the whole show. No Live Feed and an appalling new editing style which now resembles the god awful USA version of Big Brother. 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

ahhh,  couldn't hear that clip on my crappy lappy! 

" If you`re e.mailing Ian (?) about a certain house  with "celebrities" in it saying where`s the live feed, the answer is...I haven`t got a clue. It`s nothing to do with me ummph`ve e.mailed us but we can`t do anthing about it.. so....just so`s you know."

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Oooh, i got 12 'likes' on my last comment


Do you remember the good old days when Big Brother was on Channel 4 and had Live Feed? Oh how we laughed, the memories we could all share right now, such splendid times. But now Channel 5 has come along and taken a great big dump on the whole show. No Live Feed and an appalling new editing style which now resembles the god awful USA version of Big Brother. 

I'm one of them


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