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Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Guys I said it some people shouted into the BB house saying Freddie is popular, no wonder they are all nice to him Smiler

Bet they will still nom him though with their lame reasons... Siavash seems to have them all sussed... and Rod is under the radar so far..
They are too thick and will come up with a reason why that person shouted into the house... Big Grin Im Liking siavesh and hope Rodrigo is up and out soon because he is bland
They've been punished for talking about nominations, they've been reminded exactly what talking noms comprises and here they are, sitting round the dining table, talking noms. You'd think they'd have got it by now.

E.G. Karly's just said she knows who's going to go on Friday. Does she think that then saying she's not going to say who absolves her?
She's now said they CAN'T have two people evicted at the same time. Is she mad? Do they understand nothing?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
They don't learn either ...earlier they were talking about Freddie alway's staying even though he's up every week. They were saying it's what do they do?They start slagging him off by saying his haircut really suit's him and he look's good but it doesn't change his personality or make him a nicer person. Well i like him just fine thank's Thumbs Up
Originally posted by brisket:
They are not just talking (or whispering) they are actually shouting the selfish, thoughtless
Why don`t they just get up and shout in the other room?
Because they're too stupid and too selfish. Too stupid to know that you've got to let your food digest properly before you can sleep and too selfish that even if they did know about proper digestion they want to lie in bed, so they're going to, regardless.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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