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Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Lori snaffled. Clapping

Maybe someday I'll catch the bus. Wink

Don't you dare try Smiler

Did you ever hear about the first time onetoo queued up for the bus, it got to 9.59 am, there was me, rzb, onetoo and a few others. The posts went 9.59, 9.59, 9.59 then onetoo's post was timed at 11.10, then the next one was 10.00.

Them C4 mods sure had a sense of humour Laugh
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Oh, my. This'll teach me to go to lunch! I can't do the quotes eyes are going buggy!! Crazy

squiggles: what ducky said about what Dave said. Wink

But also, EA has a good point: while the last post link works on this level: (the forums front page, if you will)

It does NOT work on this level: (a specific forum in the forums).

That's what I've put in a suggestion for.

How are we, now? Are we all on the same page?

I'd already told Squiggle to read back a few posts when you replied to me earlier. Big Grin
I learnt a valuable lesson a few months back on DS never to jump in mid thread. Always read all posts. Wink
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Flossie:

Have you looked at your pm?

* no doubt she will have disappeared again *

Flossie sorry haven't had time, had to call an emergency ambulance last night for my OH. He's in hospital with pneumonia, feel totally lost without him. Will check it when things calm down, hopefully.

squiggles, i'm sorry to hear this. Hope things get back to normal quickly!
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Oh, my. This'll teach me to go to lunch! I can't do the quotes eyes are going buggy!! Crazy

squiggles: what ducky said about what Dave said. Wink

But also, EA has a good point: while the last post link works on this level: (the forums front page, if you will)

It does NOT work on this level: (a specific forum in the forums).

That's what I've put in a suggestion for.

How are we, now? Are we all on the same page?

I'd already told Squiggle to read back a few posts when you replied to me earlier. Big Grin
I learnt a valuable lesson a few months back on DS never to jump in mid thread. Always read all posts. Wink

That's how people miss apologies, isn't it? Nod
I'm posting this here instead of in LC as I can't find my posts over there so won't see any reply.

I posted in the support forum over there this am when I got locked out of here, but I made a typo but couldn't find an edit/delete button. Is there such a thing or not?

Also on my laptop there's no left hand margin and the first part of the left hand side of the pages are not shown. It makes it almost impossible to read what's been posted or to see the name of the FM who made the post.

Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Flossie:

Have you looked at your pm?

* no doubt she will have disappeared again *

Flossie sorry haven't had time, had to call an emergency ambulance last night for my OH. He's in hospital with pneumonia, feel totally lost without him. Will check it when things calm down, hopefully.

Bloody hell squiggles, that is distressing. I have had a few lung infections in my time and they are just awful! Hug
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by *BB*:
I'm posting this here instead of in LC as I can't find my posts over there so won't see any reply.

I posted in the support forum over there this am when I got locked out of here, but I made a typo but couldn't find an edit/delete button. Is there such a thing or not?

Also on my laptop there's no left hand margin and the first part of the left hand side of the pages are not shown. It makes it almost impossible to read what's been posted or to see the name of the FM who made the post.

Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?

edit/delete button: it's a link, in the bottom right of your post. You have to have your mouse ON the post for it to show up: edit * report * delete * permalink

I feel your pain on the left hand side--I need to ask about that, because the same thing happens to me. I'm not sure about the righthand side though--that doesn't happen to me, so I'm wondering if the screen setting is too wide or something.

Does anyone else have that experience?
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Originally posted by *BB*:
I'm posting this here instead of in LC as I can't find my posts over there so won't see any reply.

I posted in the support forum over there this am when I got locked out of here, but I made a typo but couldn't find an edit/delete button. Is there such a thing or not?

Also on my laptop there's no left hand margin and the first part of the left hand side of the pages are not shown. It makes it almost impossible to read what's been posted or to see the name of the FM who made the post.

Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?

edit/delete button: it's a link, in the bottom right of your post. You have to have your mouse ON the post for it to show up: edit * report * delete * permalink

I feel your pain on the left hand side--I need to ask about that, because the same thing happens to me. I'm not sure about the righthand side though--that doesn't happen to me, so I'm wondering if the screen setting is too wide or something.

Does anyone else have that experience?

Oh! So the clicky thing is invisible unless I run the curser over it? I would never have found it if you hadn't told me. Confused Why is it hidden?

I have my screen resolution set to it's lowest point as I have very poor eyesight. I can't make it higher. Do you think that is why I have no left hand margin etc? The right hand margin is too far over to the right, I have to scroll right across the screen to see it.

While I am here, can you help with the email notifications? I went into my profile to stop them but some still appear. I don't know why because they are from people I have never heard of and I'm not posting in anything or taking part in any groups over there. Two emails arrived in my inbox while I have been typing this out.
Sunny: according to my database, you haven't finished your profile, and you just need to do that, first. If you think you've done that already, and you want more help, PM me, OK? I'll help you do some more troubleshooting.

*BB*: about notifications: you can turn them ALL off this way: log in to LiveCloud. On the black menu bar, select Manage, then Settings.
On that page, scroll to the bottom, where it says, "Going on Vacation?" and click the check box next to "Suspend All Notification Emails". THAT'LL take care of ALL the emails. Smiler
Originally posted by Lori Hope:
Sunny: according to my database, you haven't finished your profile, and you just need to do that, first. If you think you've done that already, and you want more help, PM me, OK? I'll help you do some more troubleshooting.

*BB*: about notifications: you can turn them ALL off this way: log in to LiveCloud. On the black menu bar, select Manage, then Settings.
On that page, scroll to the bottom, where it says, "Going on Vacation?" and click the check box next to "Suspend All Notification Emails". THAT'LL take care of ALL the emails. Smiler

Shouldn't you be in your bed Lori? Eeker Actually I thought I had clicked on that, but I will go and check to make sure. Thanks ever so much. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
This all sounds like a nightmare to me. Ive already lost most of my posting record, so dont know what else to expect. Just got used to being on Ga Ga and then this Eeker I had over 3000 posts before since BB4, so not a happy bunny. Shake HeadI had to register under a new name at one point too.

I was a double-twirly on C4. Post counts don't bother me now though.
Originally posted by Koala Brother:
I don't like the format over there so probably not
Come now koala....are you really prepared to give up all the cammaraderie of this place, just because it has a different look? The vast majority is much the same, once you let yourself get over the fact that the SURFACE look is different and that some things have a different name.

Take PMs for instance:-

Here they are called Private Messages, there they are called Dialogs

Here you can see if you have a PM because a 'NEW PM' button appears on the top bar, there you get informed by a number appearing in brackets next to the word DIALOG in the black bar at the top.

The way you set up and reply to a dialog is exactly the same as you do with a PM.

Once you remove the packaging it's just the same. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Rexi:
Originally posted by MoFo:
I joined but I dont know how to work it! Blush

Neither do I, but then I won't use the social networky bit of it. I'm assuming I will be able to get my head around the forum when it moves over Smiler
This is the trouble Rexi, I think that a lot of people are unaware that we don't HAVE to use the Social Networking side of things, once the forums are there. Once it's all in place we can hide away in the forums only and ignore all the rest of the stuff.
The good thing about it is that it will still be there and available should we ever decide we want to use it in the future. Conversely, if we DO continue using it, we always have the option of closing it down in the future and retiring to the forum only.
It can be opened and closed at any time, as and when YOU want it.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Angel of the North:
Dave (I think it was Dave) said in one of these type of threads that clicking on the poster and going to the post was some original design flaw (or some words to that effect)...and that it was old and obsolete Skull
Anyway, obsolete or otherwise, is it really such an arduous task to go to the last page and then scroll down?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by blondiecat:

I's confuddled. I came here at first when we lost the Ch4 forums and didn't like it. I decided tonight to give it another try and now this is going as well.

AND ... when I try to use a smiley it deletes anything I've typed.

I got nowhere to go and chat to people any more. Not good.

It only does that on IE I think..its fine if you use firefox or chrome
What croc says is true, it's anissue withIE only, ALL versions of IE. It has been reported and is being looked into. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by blondiecat:
Originally posted by Rexi:
Oh my goodness, I was only thinking of you the other day Eeker

How's your knee/leg/ankle (my memory isn't that good) Smiler

It's my knee. The one I had done in January is coming along well although the surgeon (a.k.a. Doctor Gorgeous) says it will be at least another 6 months before it feels anything like normal. I can walk and climb stairs and bend my knee so I'm happy - it just feels very odd!

I'm due to have the other one done in the next few weeks which was why I wanted a forum back because I'll have another 8-10 weeks off work and my old Ch4 friends were far more fun than Jezza Kyle and his bunch of idiots.
We're being transported lock. stock and barrel. So the link you use to get you to the GaGa forums should still do so once we've been embedded in Live Cloud proper. If you haven't bookmarked this place yet I advise you to do so now so that you'll be able to get here at any time, before or after the migration. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by *BB*:
I'm posting this here instead of in LC as I can't find my posts over there so won't see any reply.

I posted in the support forum over there this am when I got locked out of here, but I made a typo but couldn't find an edit/delete button. Is there such a thing or not?

Also on my laptop there's no left hand margin and the first part of the left hand side of the pages are not shown. It makes it almost impossible to read what's been posted or to see the name of the FM who made the post.

Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?
BB, just because you cannot see the first post you made does not necessarily mean you will not be able to see any of your posts anywhere else. It is a problem with IE. not you personally. Some of us told yoiu that we couldn't see it (the page)either when we used IE, but could see it using another browser. I know you have said you are not in a positioun to use another browser, which unfortunately means that you will remain unable to see that page until the issue has been resolved. As others using IE cannot see that page either I stress again that it is an issue with IE, not you personally. As you can see many other pages on LC, there is no reason to think that most of the rest of any posts you make will suffer the same TEMPORARY fate as your first post. Hug
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
This all sounds like a nightmare to me. Ive already lost most of my posting record, so dont know what else to expect. Just got used to being on Ga Ga and then this I had over 3000 posts before since BB4, so not a happy bunny. I had to register under a new name at one point too.
We ALL lost our post counts that we had accrued on C4 and had to start again, but our post counts will not be lost when we migrate to Live Cloud. I myself had a single twirly whem C4 closed, but personally, it didn't really matter to me. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by lainy m:
What do you mean when you say 'bookmark' this site?

Lainy I'm like you ..........all this terminology is completely lost on me. I'm a troglodyte in these matters. I hope to see you all on the other side but believe me if it's in the least bit complicated ........................just come looking for me in 'Cyber Space'.
Soozy Woo

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