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after a few days of trying it finally signed me up, in use it was as shit as i'd feared, i had a play around but i'm sorry, any "forum" that i cant make a new post onto is really not worth wasting time on.

i'll give it one final look once this place shuts but if its not a vast improvement on its present state then i'm out.

i'll just lurk on ds and say a sad farewell to all those i've got to know on ch4 and here.

thanks for this place when we needed it but no thanks to deathcloud.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
after a few days of trying it finally signed me up, in use it was as shit as i'd feared, i had a play around but i'm sorry, any "forum" that i cant make a new post onto is really not worth wasting time on.

i'll give it one final look once this place shuts but if its not a vast improvement on its present state then i'm out.

i'll just lurk on ds and say a sad farewell to all those i've got to know on ch4 and here.

thanks for this place when we needed it but no thanks to deathcloud.

The forum is not there yet BBBS ... when it is, it will appear under Communities ... I really can't understand how people can just totally diss it BEFORE the forum actually moves over ... as for the rest of the LiveCloud site, it's not a forum ... it's a site made of up of different groups/blogs etc. that lets you participate in as much or as little as you want ... I really don't get the doom and gloom about the whole thing ... this forum is not closing, it's being migrated .... everything will still be there ...
I'm still undecided.

I've been over to Livecloud, and I didn't like it much; even ignoring all the extra bits, the forum layout and the feel of the forum didn't appeal to me.
But, of course, this forum hasn't been relocated yet, and I gather that some of the issues with the existing setup have been addressed, so I'll wait and see. After all, the bookmark for this place is going to redirect us to there, so at least I won't have to try to navigate through the place to find it.
So I suppose I'll give it a try; but, honestly, I don't have high expectations.
If (as I suspect) I really can't get on with LC, I'll just fade into the obscurity of RL, with the occasional foray into Digital Spy... Disappointed
Originally posted by Sarum:
I'm still undecided.

I've been over to Livecloud, and I didn't like it much; even ignoring all the extra bits, the forum layout and the feel of the forum didn't appeal to me.
But, of course, this forum hasn't been relocated yet, and I gather that some of the issues with the existing setup have been addressed, so I'll wait and see. After all, the bookmark for this place is going to redirect us to there, so at least I won't have to try to navigate through the place to find it.
So I suppose I'll give it a try; but, honestly, I don't have high expectations.
If (as I suspect) I really can't get on with LC, I'll just fade into the obscurity of RL, with the occasional foray into Digital Spy... Disappointed

yep i feel the same at the moment, although iam not that keen on DS i do post there from time to time and i dont have to think too much about finding my way around it.
The forum is not there yet BBBS ... when it is, it will appear under Communities ... I really can't understand how people can just totally diss it BEFORE the forum actually moves over ... as for the rest of the LiveCloud site, it's not a forum ... it's a site made of up of different groups/blogs etc. that lets you participate in as much or as little as you want ... I really don't get the doom and gloom about the whole thing ... this forum is not closing, it's being migrated .... everything will still be

I agree with Shar. Don't diss it until you have a chance to give it a go. It will all be different when all these fora , threads and posts are there.
Originally posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
How do you get on the forum there?, am lost Crazy.

if you're lost darlo, i'll be well and truely flooked Eeker

Try the Sinking Ship:


this is a sort of general forum:

Try it. You'll probably recognise some names.

i'm in at the sinking ship thanks Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
I'm going to give it a go but also have joined the hub. Smiler

Gotta say it doesnt look all that easy to get into L/C

it was easy, i never joined i just signed in.

Hallelujah, Halle-bleeding-lujah. Clapping Thats what a lot of people have been trying to tell people for days. Laugh

Ha bloody ha! That didn't work for many of us as you well know! Jeez, we did enough explaining over the past few weeks about all that.
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
I'm going to give it a go but also have joined the hub. Smiler

Gotta say it doesnt look all that easy to get into L/C

it was easy, i never joined i just signed in.

Hallelujah, Halle-bleeding-lujah. Clapping Thats what a lot of people have been trying to tell people for days. Laugh

actually i originally tried to join but then i seen my e-mail was already in use, so i just logged in Big Grin
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
I'm going to give it a go but also have joined the hub. Smiler

Gotta say it doesnt look all that easy to get into L/C

it was easy, i never joined i just signed in.

Hallelujah, Halle-bleeding-lujah. Clapping Thats what a lot of people have been trying to tell people for days. Laugh

PMSL! Thank you strike! Now go and spread the gospel! Clapping
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
I'm going to give it a go but also have joined the hub. Smiler

Gotta say it doesnt look all that easy to get into L/C

it was easy, i never joined i just signed in.

Hallelujah, Halle-bleeding-lujah. Clapping Thats what a lot of people have been trying to tell people for days. Laugh

Ha bloody ha! That didn't work for many of us as you well know! Jeez, we did enough explaining over the past few weeks about all that.

exactly, after days of trying to log in and getting error after error i decided to give it one last trry and when i opened the site it said i was already logged in, since i never got to complete a profile i'll look forward to not being abl;e to log back in again next time i need to..

and why oh why are people constantly harping on about "it'll be better once this place is moved over", i know all the threads form here will be transfered, the fact is that its an absolute farce and it doesnt make any difference if its a farce with or without the posts from here.

what bloody use is a "forum" that doesnt have a post new thread button to a big portion of its members?

honestly i'm getting sick of the same few members of the livecloud boosters club telling everyone how wonderful it is or it will be once the data from here is copied over, it will only be wonderful if the software is copied over too and they are not doing that are they?
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
I'm going to give it a go but also have joined the hub. Smiler

Gotta say it doesnt look all that easy to get into L/C

it was easy, i never joined i just signed in.

Hallelujah, Halle-bleeding-lujah. Clapping Thats what a lot of people have been trying to tell people for days. Laugh

Ha bloody ha! That didn't work for many of us as you well know! Jeez, we did enough explaining over the past few weeks about all that.

exactly, after days of trying to log in and getting error after error i decided to give it one last trry and when i opened the site it said i was already logged in, since i never got to complete a profile i'll look forward to not being abl;e to log back in again next time i need to..

and why oh why are people constantly harping on about "it'll be better once this place is moved over", i know all the threads form here will be transfered, the fact is that its an absolute farce and it doesnt make any difference if its a farce with or without the posts from here.

what bloody use is a "forum" that doesnt have a post new thread button to a big portion of its members?

honestly i'm getting sick of the same few members of the livecloud boosters club telling everyone how wonderful it is or it will be once the data from here is copied over, it will only be wonderful if the software is copied over too and they are not doing that are they?

Unfortuneately you are endowed with a severe case of common sense.

Excellent reply. It politely sums up the arse-wipes (not so polite on my part) who simply have nothing better to do with their time than to break something which was already working & functioning in the capacity you would wish for.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by sunny dayz:
I'm going to give it a go but also have joined the hub. Smiler

Gotta say it doesnt look all that easy to get into L/C

it was easy, i never joined i just signed in.

Hallelujah, Halle-bleeding-lujah. Clapping Thats what a lot of people have been trying to tell people for days. Laugh

Ha bloody ha! That didn't work for many of us as you well know! Jeez, we did enough explaining over the past few weeks about all that.

exactly, after days of trying to log in and getting error after error i decided to give it one last trry and when i opened the site it said i was already logged in, since i never got to complete a profile i'll look forward to not being abl;e to log back in again next time i need to..

and why oh why are people constantly harping on about "it'll be better once this place is moved over", i know all the threads form here will be transfered, the fact is that its an absolute farce and it doesnt make any difference if its a farce with or without the posts from here.

what bloody use is a "forum" that doesnt have a post new thread button to a big portion of its members?

honestly i'm getting sick of the same few members of the livecloud boosters club telling everyone how wonderful it is or it will be once the data from here is copied over, it will only be wonderful if the software is copied over too and they are not doing that are they?

I'm not a member of the LiveCloud boosters club, I would also prefer this layout, but if we can't have it, we can't have it. I'm trying to make the best of it due to the fact I like a lot of people on here.I also post on DS where I float around anonymously posting here & there. At least here I've made some lovely friends who I wish to continue posting with.
Originally posted by brisket:
what bloody use is a "forum" that doesnt have a post new thread button to a big portion of its members?

I do not see a "Post New Topic" button when I am not signed in.
But as soon as I sign in a "Post New Topic" button appears.

in case you missed it many of us ARE logged in and have no post new topic button.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
I can see a New Topic button on the Support Feedback but not on the temporary Forum, maybe because it's temporary?

Once we're transported I'm sure the Forum will have the same posting facilities as here, we just have to be patient and wait and see.

Hi Yellow Hug

Are you talking about this forum

If so it is not a temp forum, it is a group owned by a guy named 'Topic' he has lent it to us until gaga moves over. You have to join the group to post a new topic, if you don't join you can only reply to existing topics. Just click on the join group button. Big Grin
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
I can see a New Topic button on the Support Feedback but not on the temporary Forum, maybe because it's temporary?

Once we're transported I'm sure the Forum will have the same posting facilities as here, we just have to be patient and wait and see.

I had that problem on IE. It might be to do with cookies or temporary files. I went into the preferences section to change email notifications and when I came out again the button had appeared. It's there all the time now. Still no jump to last post on a thread button though. Frowner

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