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Originally Posted by pirate1111:

im very sorry for banging on about my little girl

but ive never been upset like this before

odd to say but i didnt feel this bad when my Mom died

but thank you for your nice words

they DO mean a lot

i havent a close family-so you 'faceless' lot are the next best thing ive got

and i really appreciate all you say


You probably don't realise how many times you have lifted the spirits of others on here who might be having a bad time, Pirate. 

We are all here for each other, which is one of the reasons I like this place.

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

ive just come home from pub-took my dopey greyhound there (i never took mintchop cos she whinged if we stood in one place)

someone asked about minters-i broke down-proper broke down

i cried in the middle of the pub

mate walked me and wilfyboy home

i think ive gone bonkers


You haven't gone bonkers, you just have a big heart.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by pirate1111:

im very sorry for banging on about my little girl

but ive never been upset like this before

odd to say but i didnt feel this bad when my Mom died

but thank you for your nice words

they DO mean a lot

i havent a close family-so you 'faceless' lot are the next best thing ive got

and i really appreciate all you say


You probably don't realise how many times you have lifted the spirits of others on here who might be having a bad time, Pirate. 

We are all here for each other, which is one of the reasons I like this place.

I second that , wholeheartedly  


I hope you are OK this morning pirate .  Such wonderful comforting posts in this thread.  She sounds a very special little girl and you will always have your memories of her.  She knows she was loved, she just went off to sleep and in time you will feel less raw and the happy times you shared will comfort you. Take care now and hold all your loved ones even closer.


i'll tell you about my minty or mintychop or chopsicle, she'd answer to all her nicknames

about 10yrs ago i split up with this girl, but i brought her kids up, cos she was crap,the youngest who was nearly 3 loved me & we had a proper parent/child relationship

then me & her mother split up, but i still paid for kids uniforms etc...

anyway, we lost touch cos she met someone else etc...


then met lisa a yr later, we got a house, she bought me a retired greyhound, i had to choose one-this maniac thing came bounding out, smiled & licked my cheek, it wasnt the one they was gonna originally show me

but there she was, crappest greyhound EVER, couldnt win races,so got dumped


then she was mine

my little girl

lisa said she replaced the little girl who i bought up

she was always escaping to run up & down the alleyways & nose into someones garden

many a time she's got out & ive stumbled through a 150ft garden in pjs with a torch at midnight to find her

then greyhound trust asked if we would 'foster' a dog, we said yes, his name was henry

we took mintchop to the place, she ignored this henry, i said can we let her off the lead to see who she gets on with, they said yep

she went straight up to wilf & they f*cked off together, up the corner of the field

for AGES

so wilf came with us there & then

our neighbour said 'you'll keep him, he's lovely'

and we did keep him

he's as thick as pig sh*t, a bit autistic, but mint liked him

and minticles has been my best mate

i wouldnt even go on a free holiday to spain cos i love my dogs

im looking after the wilfy boy

he's a bit odd-not the full ticket

my life revolved around minty, she really was my little mate

now im lost


the thing about chosing a greyhound what really p!sses me off is that people go to the rescue centre & pick the 'pretty ones'

the brindles

the fawns

the 'nice' colours that catch the eye

the plain old black ones get left at the back of the queue

cos theyre not colourful


ive been told that by the woman who ran our local rescue place


so heres my advice


go into a rescue centre & choose the one that chooses you


regardless of what colour they are


cos i tell ya

you'll have a true friend


Minty was a real character I can tell.  We had a rescue greyhound when I was a little girl pirate, Judy.  She was very sweet but definitely a little on the thick side and our Scottie was very jealous of her speed.  He used to plot his revenge, he was a very cunning dog and had his own agenda in life, a lot of which involved following us when we went out by hiding behind parked cars until we were too far from home to go back with him, when he used to trot out very pleased with himself.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:


A smile only the owner would know Sainty.

nah thats not the mintchop smile

thats her pulling a face cos the sun was in her eyes

the mint smile was, she pulled her lips back & showed her teeth

when she was really excited,she'd smile, her nose would twist to the side & she'd sneeze aswell

little sod would never let me get a pic of her when she did it


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