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Hi Brisket I have had them mostly through a cut or getting a thorn stuck in my finger etc the small cuts are the most painful,if it was at the tip of my finger I would have to put a plaster on it as it hurts when you touch anything, especially using  a keyboard as it  will only help keep the wound open,take the plaster off at bedtime, sorry I dont know what else to suggest
my boy gets eczema on his hands which include these cuts, in the winter...   we tried everything from eczema treatments to hand creams, to the E45 range...     we have now found something that works..

Its Dream Cream from Lush.   Yeah, yeah, I know... lush shops stink, its cosmetic, blah de blah... but doctors are actually recommending this stuff for ezcema now as well.   And it really does work!

Dream Cream

& the ten quid pot lasts ages.
What you need is Hemp hand cream from the body shop. I am not exagerating when I say this stuff is nothing short of a miricle cream! A few years ago I had such dry cracked knuckes from the cold they cracked and started to blead when I curled my fingers round the steering wheel in the car. My friend worked for the body shop and insisted I try this. After ONE application my hands were soothed and within a day they were back to normal. I always recommend this to friends who always agree that is amazing stuff. It doesnt smell very nice though.
t doesnt smell very nice though.

How is it to apply Gyps?

The Lush Dream Cream is a bit of a miracle cream too...  but its not pleasant to use...  it doesn't immediately sink in, and you have to sit & let it absorb...  which I hate.

But as you have said about the hemp one....  you only have to do it once... and the next day your skin is amazing.

does the hemp one have an immediate effect?

do you use it as a treatment, or preventative or both?
The hemp one does have an immediate effect, it makes your skin really silky and 'soothed' is the best word. It is easy to apply it sinks in quite well but is very very rich so best to rub the backs of your hands together, rather than get it on your palms as it could be greasy there. Id say after 3 mins its absorbed totally.

I used it initially to help my hands recover from that awful cracked mess but now when its cold and you feel your hands get dry i rub a little in and it stops them drying out.

Ive had the same tube for about 3 years now, so a little goes a long way.
My dad was an electrician and chasing cables and wires used to play havoc with his hands - they were full of cuts, especially in the natural creases along the fingers.
Being a blokey bloke , he wouldn't use any handcream because of the perfume so it was either good old Vaseline (if you can slather it on and wear latex gloves overnight then all the better )...or he'd use Vaseline Intensive Care hand cream during the day.
My Dad worked in the market - out in all weathers - his hands used to crack on the fingertips and knuckles - he used to put this stuff something like Vaseline on his hands. It came in a block with a very distinctive smell (not unpleasant) it was called Melrose. I've never seen it since.

The old lady who ran the stall next door (Ruby) always knitted my Dad and his brother a pair of fingerless gloves for Christmas.
Soozy Woo

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