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Lisa has used and needed the bloc vote to get to the final week,and she has done it.Siavash wasn't meant to be there ,just Lisa's little family. Thinking that there were no more nominations Lisa returned to character.Aggressive ,nasty, and intimadating. But hold the front page!"Another round of nominations had to take place"
I can just imagine the panic.Lisa has not rallied her troops,sh**.
Lisa and David happily went in and nominated knowing others had refused to, their punishment was that they faced the public vote.However it has all backfired,and Lisa's "little family" have turned on each other!!

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Originally posted by longcat:
Charlie and Sophie have hidden behind the block vote while it suited them. Now that Siavash has survived they have jumped ship faster than a rat.

Charlie was fully in the voting block for tactical reasons
Sophie on the other hand was more of a floater, went with the herd when her mates Kris and Karly were in the house and was later kept onside by Lisa cos Team Lisa wanted the numbers
I don't think Sophie's game-plan goes past a bit of overacting when pissed and shaving some points off her apparent IQ
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Seems there is only going to be 24 hours to vote for whoever will go on Tuesday. Lisa or decide! Nod
Twelve weeks I have waited to wipe that smirk of Charlie's face ,tomorrow for me could be the best eviction of the series if Charlie goes.

Unfortunately Erinp people out there do not seem to be viewing Charlie the smae way as most of us in here! We are just a spit in the oceon I'm afraid! Frowner
Originally posted by figtree:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Seems there is only going to be 24 hours to vote for whoever will go on Tuesday. Lisa or decide! Nod
Twelve weeks I have waited to wipe that smirk of Charlie's face ,tomorrow for me could be the best eviction of the series if Charlie goes.

Unfortunately Erinp people out there do not seem to be viewing Charlie the smae way as most of us in here! We are just a spit in the oceon I'm afraid! Frowner

All the young teeny boppers who think he is cute, won't be voting to evict him Mad
Originally posted by figtree:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Seems there is only going to be 24 hours to vote for whoever will go on Tuesday. Lisa or decide! Nod
Twelve weeks I have waited to wipe that smirk of Charlie's face ,tomorrow for me could be the best eviction of the series if Charlie goes.

Unfortunately Erinp people out there do not seem to be viewing Charlie the smae way as most of us in here! We are just a spit in the oceon I'm afraid! Frowner

I'm not so sure, the betting as him way down from Siavash, Sophie and Rodrigo, or did when I last looked!
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Seems there is only going to be 24 hours to vote for whoever will go on Tuesday. Lisa or decide! Nod
Twelve weeks I have waited to wipe that smirk of Charlie's face ,tomorrow for me could be the best eviction of the series if Charlie goes.

Same here Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Actually, Lisa said a couple of days ago that there would be an eviction Monday or Tuesday, so youre wrong Nod

Yep, but she thought it would be due to the public voting for their winner, not them having to nom one last time.
Confused really? well in that case IM wrong. Apologies Erin P Blush
Little Miss Spurs
Yup .... summat has definitely worked her last nerve, that's for sure

To cover herself, Lisa should have instructed Charlie who to nominate and why, in the event of a surprised Nomination Day - she failed to do so & Charlie didn't know what to do, so he failed to nominate at all and Lisa was extremely annoyed and so her minions turned on her.
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Actually, Lisa said a couple of days ago that there would be an eviction Monday or Tuesday, so youre wrong Nod

Yep, but she thought it would be due to the public voting for their winner, not them having to nom one last time.
Confused really? well in that case IM wrong. Apologies Erin P Blush
Hug Thumbs Up
Originally posted by erinp:
Lisa has used and needed the bloc vote to get to the final week,and she has done it.Siavash wasn't meant to be there ,just Lisa's little family. Thinking that there were no more nominations Lisa returned to character.Aggressive ,nasty, and intimadating. But hold the front page!"Another round of nominations had to take place"
I can just imagine the panic.Lisa has not rallied her troops,sh**.
Lisa and David happily went in and nominated knowing others had refused to, their punishment was that they faced the public vote.However it has all backfired,and Lisa's "little family" have turned on each other!!
Completely agree. Fate sometimes wears great big hobnail boots and I think they're about to stomp all over Lisa's schemes and dreams.
captain marbles
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by figtree:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Seems there is only going to be 24 hours to vote for whoever will go on Tuesday. Lisa or decide! Nod
Twelve weeks I have waited to wipe that smirk of Charlie's face ,tomorrow for me could be the best eviction of the series if Charlie goes.

Unfortunately Erinp people out there do not seem to be viewing Charlie the smae way as most of us in here! We are just a spit in the oceon I'm afraid! Frowner

All the young teeny boppers who think he is cute, won't be voting to evict him Mad


All parents, take away their phones and lock them in their rooms until after the eviction! Grrr Mad Ninja

But first! Do find out if they actually watch the show and even know who Charlie is. Big Grin Wink

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