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Lisa is just a loud, selfish, opinionated person but Carol was in a different league altogether.

Most (not all) younger people will find Lisa very overpowering and quite scary simply because they don't have the confidence to tell her where to shove her opinions and bolshy attitude.

Carole on the other hand was a manipulative controller of the worse degree who knew exactly what to do and what buttons to press in order to get her own way in any situation. A very nasty but very clever piece of work.
Originally posted by Joods:
Lisa is just a loud, selfish, opinionated person but Carol was in a different league altogether.

Most (not all) younger people will find Lisa very overpowering and quite scary simply because they don't have the confidence to tell her where to shove her opinions and bolshy attitude.

Carole on the other hand was a manipulative controller of the worse degree who knew exactly what to do and what buttons to press in order to get her own way in any situation. A very nasty but very clever piece of work.

Nod I used to really hate that woman.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by Joods:
Lisa is just a loud, selfish, opinionated person but Carol was in a different league altogether.

Most (not all) younger people will find Lisa very overpowering and quite scary simply because they don't have the confidence to tell her where to shove her opinions and bolshy attitude.

Carole on the other hand was a manipulative controller of the worse degree who knew exactly what to do and what buttons to press in order to get her own way in any situation. A very nasty but very clever piece of work.

Nod I used to really hate that woman.

Nod Me too - I got hit with the banstick on Ch4 forums for saying exactly what I thought of the creature. They only let me back after three days of grovelling Blush

Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Well most of the housemates are under 27 so Im guessing they are all too young and naive and cant handle situations like Lisa....

I don`t think they dare say anything she`d disagree with. She really annoys me sitting on her bus stop throne, voicing derogatory comments in that manly brummie accent (sorry - no offence to brummies - my best mate is a brummie and doesn`t sound like her).
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Lisa is intimidating, patronsing and threatening, all the makings of a bully. She mother's Sree because he's a mother's boy and needs to be, and the rest she intimidates. Marcus blew her game plan wide open when they argued, she hates his guts, but is afraid of him. Lisa, Sree, Karly all dislike Marcus, Lisa's problem with trying to influence others to nom him is Noirin. Noirin is well liked and fancied by the majority of Lisa's crew, only when Marcus is vulnerable(Without Noirin) Will Lisa strike. Personally I think Lisa's reign of terror is going to come to an abrupt end as Freddie, Marcus, and Siavash have her well and truly sussed.
Senora Reyes

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