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Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
She's being her usual vindictive and sneaky self right now. She doesn't have to say anything, her face and her general demaeanour speaks volumes as to the type of horrible person she is! Playing to her lapdogs *cough* dogface, who still think she's the dogz! Mad

So she hasn't actually said anything nasty, she hasn't actually done anything nasty, just her face (which she can't help being born with) conveys all you need to know?

Seriously, I think the Lisa haters just hate her for no reason in particular and scrutinise every little thing she does and jumps on it.

She makes the bullets, but makes sure it's her lapdogs that fire them. The whole David/Bea thing... she was asking what she said, winding David up when they were on their on, but when Bea asked her a question it was 'I don't want to get involved' That's her mantra.. not getting involved (except behind the scenes)
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there? Freddie, Siavash and Marcus.
Nasty? See above retort. see above answer

I hate her because she is a moody foul nasty vile ugly (inside and out) human being.

But I haven't seen this, can you give me examples? Confused

The way she talks about people behind their backs (and never in the positive) she bitches everyday and night, the way she treated Freddie in the early weeks was disgusting and lets be honest she influences nominations.
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by felix:
... while excusing beatch halfwit or pukus The Sleazebag Three.....
Exactly! I'm more appalled at their behaviour than anything Lisa has done

Freddie has never bitched or been nasty to anyone.
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
She's being her usual vindictive and sneaky self right now. She doesn't have to say anything, her face and her general demaeanour speaks volumes as to the type of horrible person she is! Playing to her lapdogs *cough* dogface, who still think she's the dogz! Mad

So she hasn't actually said anything nasty, she hasn't actually done anything nasty, just her face (which she can't help being born with) conveys all you need to know?

Seriously, I think the Lisa haters just hate her for no reason in particular and scrutinise every little thing she does and jumps on it.

Who used the word hate? That's a bit strong! Disappointed
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
She's being her usual vindictive and sneaky self right now. She doesn't have to say anything, her face and her general demaeanour speaks volumes as to the type of horrible person she is! Playing to her lapdogs *cough* dogface, who still think she's the dogz! Mad

So she hasn't actually said anything nasty, she hasn't actually done anything nasty, just her face (which she can't help being born with) conveys all you need to know?

Seriously, I think the Lisa haters just hate her for no reason in particular and scrutinise every little thing she does and jumps on it.

She makes the bullets, but makes sure it's her lapdogs that fire them. The whole David/Bea thing... she was asking what she said, winding David up when they were on their on, but when Bea asked her a question it was 'I don't want to get involved' That's her mantra.. not getting involved (except behind the scenes)

But she didn't make the bullets.
I knew this argument was going to happen yesterday as I saw it on here, so I made sure I paid special attention to the lead up to it.
Bea asked David about the food in the kitchen, after Freddie and Marcus had wound her up about, THEY made the bullets by using Bea as their weapon and then not getting involved.
David went out to Lisa after and was fuming telling her about it, all I heard Lisa say was "I know" etc, she didn't prompt him for more info, it would go quiet and he'd go on about it again.
I honestly don't know what you're watching, because I don't see it
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by longcat:
Freddie came into the house a non-smoker and brought no cigarettes with him then proceeded to smoke everybody elses. That is why that week Lisa said for people not to give him any tobacco.If you watch Freddie smoke he never inhales and as an ex smoker i would be fuming that he was wasting tobacco just to blow smoke.

She specifically said it whilst blatantly bullying him and Angel over the Noirin hunger strike argument. It was not just annoyance at his behaviour, it was spat out with venom, just because he was going to wear a towel for a while! Glance
Oops, I missed Longcat's post Blush

Totally agree then, I'd have said the same about the tobacco if that's what he was doing, it's a waste, especially as they get so much agro about what food they get because they buy tobacco.
But......... she's a hypocrite though because one week (a few weeks back) they were on basic budget and her and Karly said that they'd just have beans, lentils and rice so that they could buy baccy.

She then expected to eat every meal going and it all blew up one evening when she helped herself to meat and pasta and of course it pissed the others off.

Someone told her there was a storm brewing (think it was Dogface) so she stormed into the kitchen and said something like 'WELL FOOK YA! FOOK YA THEN IF YOUR GONNA BEGRUDGE ME A BIT OF GRUB!' And stormed back to the bus stop.

Karly, to her credit, stuck to what they'd agreed and didn't eat the stuff from the non-smokers larder.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there? Freddie, Siavash and Marcus.
Nasty? See above retort. see above answer

I hate her because she is a moody foul nasty vile ugly (inside and out) human being.

But I haven't seen this, can you give me examples? Confused

The way she talks about people behind their backs (and never in the positive) she bitches everyday and night, the way she treated Freddie in the early weeks was disgusting and lets be honest she influences nominations.

Marcus talks about other people ALL the time in that house behind their backs, even his supposed friends, I've not seen Lisa slag off any of her friends behind their back or even to their faces.

All people go on about is what happened in the early weeks, even if it did happen as you say, she stopped her behaviour and stopped nominating him, Freddie however, has nominated Lisa every single week without fail, he does seem to bear a grudge!

Let's be honest, everyone influences nominations, if you look at them, Marcus, Noirin, Siavash, Freddie and now probably Bea used to nominate exactly the same people as each other every week.

I feel like I'm defending Lisa now, I'm not, I'm just point out the double standards in here and am totally perplexed at how one HM can provoke such strong feelings of hate when she has done nothing to warrant it that other HMs haven't done and worse.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by felix:
... while excusing beatch halfwit or pukus The Sleazebag Three.....
Exactly! I'm more appalled at their behaviour than anything Lisa has done

Freddie has never bitched or been nasty to anyone.
Laugh Laugh Seriously! You're joking, right??? Eeker
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there? Freddie, Siavash and Marcus.
Nasty? See above retort. see above answer

I hate her because she is a moody foul nasty vile ugly (inside and out) human being.

But I haven't seen this, can you give me examples? Confused

The way she talks about people behind their backs (and never in the positive) she bitches everyday and night, the way she treated Freddie in the early weeks was disgusting and lets be honest she influences nominations.
Yep Nod The nominations of Lisa, Karly, Dogface and Kris were identical for the first few week which became so obvious that we started calling it the 'Block Vote' in another forum.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by longcat:
Freddie came into the house a non-smoker and brought no cigarettes with him then proceeded to smoke everybody elses. That is why that week Lisa said for people not to give him any tobacco.If you watch Freddie smoke he never inhales and as an ex smoker i would be fuming that he was wasting tobacco just to blow smoke.

She specifically said it whilst blatantly bullying him and Angel over the Noirin hunger strike argument. It was not just annoyance at his behaviour, it was spat out with venom, just because he was going to wear a towel for a while! Glance
Oops, I missed Longcat's post Blush

Totally agree then, I'd have said the same about the tobacco if that's what he was doing, it's a waste, especially as they get so much agro about what food they get because they buy tobacco.
But......... she's a hypocrite though because one week (a few weeks back) they were on basic budget and her and Karly said that they'd just have beans, lentils and rice so that they could buy baccy.

She then expected to eat every meal going and it all blew up one evening when she helped herself to meat and pasta and of course it pissed the others off.

Someone told her there was a storm brewing (think it was Dogface) so she stormed into the kitchen and said something like 'WELL FOOK YA! FOOK YA THEN IF YOUR GONNA BEGRUDGE ME A BIT OF GRUB!' And stormed back to the bus stop.

Karly, to her credit, stuck to what they'd agreed and didn't eat the stuff from the non-smokers larder.

Actually you're wrong KG. Lisa and Karly had stuck to their rations, they had the other food after Kris had left as he said they could have his share of it. Marcus begrudged this and kicked off about it, that's when Lisa told him to **** off about it.
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by felix:
... while excusing beatch halfwit or pukus The Sleazebag Three.....
Exactly! I'm more appalled at their behaviour than anything Lisa has done

Freddie has never bitched or been nasty to anyone.
Laugh Laugh Seriously! You're joking, right??? Eeker

Give me evidence that he has...and no im not joking.
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there? Freddie, Siavash and Marcus.
Nasty? See above retort. see above answer

I hate her because she is a moody foul nasty vile ugly (inside and out) human being.

But I haven't seen this, can you give me examples? Confused

The way she talks about people behind their backs (and never in the positive) she bitches everyday and night, the way she treated Freddie in the early weeks was disgusting and lets be honest she influences nominations.

Marcus talks about other people ALL the time in that house behind their backs, even his supposed friends, I've not seen Lisa slag off any of her friends behind their back or even to their faces.

All people go on about is what happened in the early weeks, even if it did happen as you say, she stopped her behaviour and stopped nominating him, Freddie however, has nominated Lisa every single week without fail, he does seem to bear a grudge!

Let's be honest, everyone influences nominations, if you look at them, Marcus, Noirin, Siavash, Freddie and now probably Bea used to nominate exactly the same people as each other every week.

I feel like I'm defending Lisa now, I'm not, I'm just point out the double standards in here and am totally perplexed at how one HM can provoke such strong feelings of hate when she has done nothing to warrant it that other HMs haven't done and worse.

Lisa only stopped nominating him when she found out that he's popular, if you think that suddenly that she likes him you are very much mistaken.

Freddie noms her because he sees what shes clearly upto with using her friends as her henchmen and they all nominate her way.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Yep Nod The nominations of Lisa, Karly, Dogface and Kris were identical for the first few week which became so obvious that we started calling it the 'Block Vote' in another forum.

They weren't identical actually, go to the website and look at the noms history.
Marcus has actually nominated Halfwit 3 times!
I'd imagine if Lisa had nominated someone she's now supposedly friends with, 3 times she'd be slagged to the hills Laugh
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Laugh Laugh Seriously! You're joking, right??? Eeker

Give me evidence that he has...and no im not joking.

I'd happily give you evidence, if you had provided me with evidence of your claims in that thread you did.
There are hundreds of news stories on the BB website if you want to trawl through them.

Blaming Lisa for dis-harmony in the house and then slagging off Siavash behind his back yesterday, might be a good starter point though Thumbs Up
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by longcat:
Freddie came into the house a non-smoker and brought no cigarettes with him then proceeded to smoke everybody elses. That is why that week Lisa said for people not to give him any tobacco.If you watch Freddie smoke he never inhales and as an ex smoker i would be fuming that he was wasting tobacco just to blow smoke.

She specifically said it whilst blatantly bullying him and Angel over the Noirin hunger strike argument. It was not just annoyance at his behaviour, it was spat out with venom, just because he was going to wear a towel for a while! Glance
Oops, I missed Longcat's post Blush

Totally agree then, I'd have said the same about the tobacco if that's what he was doing, it's a waste, especially as they get so much agro about what food they get because they buy tobacco.
But......... she's a hypocrite though because one week (a few weeks back) they were on basic budget and her and Karly said that they'd just have beans, lentils and rice so that they could buy baccy.

She then expected to eat every meal going and it all blew up one evening when she helped herself to meat and pasta and of course it pissed the others off.

Someone told her there was a storm brewing (think it was Dogface) so she stormed into the kitchen and said something like 'WELL FOOK YA! FOOK YA THEN IF YOUR GONNA BEGRUDGE ME A BIT OF GRUB!' And stormed back to the bus stop.

Karly, to her credit, stuck to what they'd agreed and didn't eat the stuff from the non-smokers larder.

Actually you're wrong KG. Lisa and Karly had stuck to their rations, they had the other food after Kris had left as he said they could have his share of it. Marcus begrudged this and kicked off about it, that's when Lisa told him to **** off about it.
We must be talking about different scenarios then because when Lisa went into the kitchen the time I'm talking about, she didn't mention anything about Kris having given her mince and she certainly said to Karly when she went back to the bus stop, 'you wouldn't begrudge anyone a bit of food would ya?' which I can't see that she would have said if it was actually her own mince she was eating. She also said to Karly something like 'fook em, I won't eat any of it anymore' or words to that effect.

In any event, if I've got it wrong - then soz.
Originally posted by *KG*:
We must be talking about different scenarios then because when Lisa went into the kitchen the time I'm talking about, she didn't mention anything about Kris having given her mince and she certainly said to Karly when she went back to the bus stop, 'you wouldn't begrudge anyone a bit of food would ya?' which I can't see that she would have said if it was actually her own mince she was eating. She also said to Karly something like 'fook em, I won't eat any of it anymore' or words to that effect.

In any event, if I've got it wrong - then soz.

Nope, it was the same thing we're talking about. When Marcus came outside to them at the bus stop she pointed out it was Kris' and he said they could have it.
Marcus then went on about them agreeing to no extra food and going back on their word.
I didn't see it as going back on their word, there was spare food, and seeing as they weren't getting any and Kris was their friend, it seemed sensible for them to have it.
VS, this was just said in another thread btw

Originally posted by erinp:
David's ,this all started when Freddie said to Marcus yesterday that he get a feeling and he said it's just a feeling that David has taken his rizzlers and Hira's food,it was Marcus who then mentioned this to Bea in the kitchen and she then started on David,if she is up along with Lisa I will vote Bea out! Thumbs Up

Providing the bullets anyone? Laugh
Originally posted by paace:
Why did she have to shave off her hair Eeker
I wish she was a bit more feminine. Is she called a butch lesbian?

I can't understand why some lesbians want to look like men. Can someone explain this to me?
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by paace:
Why did she have to shave off her hair Eeker
I wish she was a bit more feminine. Is she called a butch lesbian?

I can't understand why some lesbians want to look like men. Can someone explain this to me?
The same way I don't understand why some gay men act so feminine, surely it's an oxymoron to be more feminine to appeal to men who like men? Laugh

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