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Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
I think she just voiced her dislike of Freddie, and the likes of Kris, Karly etc, were weak and just followed her, I didn't actually see her orchestrating anything - what did I miss?
I think she has been given too much credit in this situation, and was followed rather than leading.

She didn't just voice her dislike of Freddie.
She screamed it at him, with her face distorted with rage, and demanded that no one gave him any tobacco. It was classic bullying.

Marcus is a very similar character though. Glance
Freddie came into the house a non-smoker and brought no cigarettes with him then proceeded to smoke everybody elses. That is why that week Lisa said for people not to give him any tobacco.If you watch Freddie smoke he never inhales and as an ex smoker i would be fuming that he was wasting tobacco just to blow smoke.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by stonks:
She gives me the irrits and she has them zany eye's that look like the brain is plotting 24/7.... Shake Head
So it's just her appearance and not anything she's actually done?

No its not her appearance its her whole attitude since she walked through the door. She deliberately built a group, influenced them without getting caught and using those group votes picked on people. She was certainly not a follower she was always the leader and its only since she lost so many of her group and found out she's unpopular that she has quietened down. They were openly talking a few weeks in about how difficult it was going to be a couple of weeks down the line when they had got rid of all the people they disliked and they had to start nominating each other.

Yep couldn't agree more. Also, her bullying of Freddy in the early days and her orchestrating of it, was awful. She has one huge chip on her shoulder and was always slagging Freddy off because of the fact that he was posh and had money. I didn't hear her slag Kenneth off because he has money and was waving those vile snake skin shoes about and telling her they cost over £3,000 Mad

May be because she didn't slag Freddie off because he had money and merely because he's a deluded, annoying anarchic Tory boy?

Sorry Flaps, your opinion in here is null and void, because you excuse Freddie for anything you have slagged other housemates off for doing!

Still love you though Valentine
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
I had great hopes for Lisa when she entered the house, and what a let down she was.
Her behavior towards Angel and Freddie was awful, she never once pulled one of her team up about their behavior, she led from the bus stop and condoned all the nastiness that went on. She's very selfish, she ordered tobacco and then demannded food. That night her, Karley and I think it was Charlie went into the kitchen and started eating cerial knowing they were on basic budget and Karley and her cackling about eating all the the others food, she needs to grow up.
She knows she's unpopular on the outside thanks to Kenneth, she's taken a step back. She seems to be trying to re-group now she's got the booming big mouth of Dave on side. I would love her to be gone this week!
If her behaviour towards Freddie and Angel was awful, that's a good reason for you to dislike her, but to dislike her for not berating any of her friend's behaviour towards them is ridiculous. Despite what she's been labelled, I don't think she is their leader and she certainly isn't responsible for how other people behave.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Amythist:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I hope she is gone this week too. She has out-stayed her welcome in the house by a few weeks.

Yes I really hope her time is up.....but then who can I growl at on the telly?

Well if she goes, I will be growling at David Big Grin

I cant help liking David....without Lisa he could be a lot better.

Every time I see him I get a picture of him pulling out clothing from a huge pile,in some big warehouse,making jokes and squawking if theres something he likes.
Originally posted by longcat:
QUOTE]Freddie came into the house a non-smoker and brought no cigarettes with him then proceeded to smoke everybody elses. That is why that week Lisa said for people not to give him any tobacco.

But when Lisa ordered tobacco after saying she would stick to basic rations she then demannded food. So if the food had to be for everyone, then so should the tobacco. Like I said in an earlier post, she's very selfish. The first week in she was getting most on the wine, the other commented on it.
Originally posted by longcat:
I don't think she ever had the influence that people gave her credit for.
Neither do I! She is painted as some Dr Evil mastermind, which I just can't see!

Marcus and Freddie plot and analyse way more than she does.
Her nasty treatment of Freddie, rallying her gang around her plotting, bitching and backstabbing. Lisa just being miserable, rude, agressive and intimidiating. She has to shout to make her opinion heard she should try to listen to people now. Then theres that sour face and her always trying to take over. Glad she is back on peoples radars as she was being quiet.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Her nasty treatment of Freddie, rallying her gang around her plotting, bitching and backstabbing. Lisa just being miserable, rude, agressive and intimidiating. She has to shout to make her opinion heard she should try to listen to people now. Then theres that sour face and her always trying to take over. Glad she is back on peoples radars as she was being quiet.

All of the above. Thumbs Up
I just poppped back to the thread "The trouble with Lisa is." My god she's changed since her BB warning/s! Devil
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by longcat:
I don't think she ever had the influence that people gave her credit for.
Neither do I! She is painted as some Dr Evil mastermind, which I just can't see!

Marcus and Freddie plot and analyse way more than she does.

Marcus is the one who plots and plans so hes seeing in her what he is like.

Shes too stupid
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:

May be because she didn't slag Freddie off because he had money and merely because he's a deluded, annoying anarchic Tory boy?

Sorry Flaps, your opinion in here is null and void, because you excuse Freddie for anything you have slagged other housemates off for doing!

Still love you though Valentine

But she did slag him off because he had money, saying he was going on about it. He actually doesn't and didn't do. Kenneth went on about how rich he was more so than Freddy ever has and she didn't mind that.

I just don't see him the way you see him. I think he is a gentle soul, albeit annoying at times but thereagain we all can be. Also, I don't make excuses for him or excuse him for anything he does. I have criticised him in the past and I did say earlier, that I had to mute the sound when he was singing the other day Red Face Laugh

Will we ever agree on a BB HM? Disappointed
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Her nasty treatment of Freddie, rallying her gang around her plotting, bitching and backstabbing. Lisa just being miserable, rude, agressive and intimidiating. She has to shout to make her opinion heard she should try to listen to people now. Then theres that sour face and her always trying to take over. Glad she is back on peoples radars as she was being quiet.

Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:

May be because she didn't slag Freddie off because he had money and merely because he's a deluded, annoying anarchic Tory boy?

Sorry Flaps, your opinion in here is null and void, because you excuse Freddie for anything you have slagged other housemates off for doing!

Still love you though Valentine

But she did slag him off because he had money, saying he was going on about it. He actually doesn't and didn't do. Kenneth went on about how rich he was more so than Freddy ever has and she didn't mind that.

I just don't see him the way you see him. I think he is a gentle soul, albeit annoying at times but thereagain we all can be. Also, I don't make excuses for him or excuse him for anything he does. I have criticised him in the past and I did say earlier, that I had to mute the sound when he was singing the other day Red Face Laugh

Will we ever agree on a BB HM? Disappointed

In the early days, I did say he was immensely annoying but seemed like a lovely, caring person, I have seen many things to the contrary since then and that's changed my opinion.

I doubt we will ever agree on HMs, but to me, that makes our close friendship all the more special, as we don't have to agree on BB to love each other Valentine
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:

I doubt we will ever agree on HMs, but to me, that makes our close friendship all the more special, as we don't have to agree on BB to love each other Valentine

Awwwww that's made me all warm and toasty inside Valentine
Originally posted by squiggle:
To put my twopennyworth in Liverpool Lass I always find you a very fairminded FM. I have seen many times where you have 'told it like it is' with Freddie but never in a nasty way.

Awww thanks Squiggle Hug

It's good on here cos alot of people do still like Freddy. You should've seen me defend Jason and Victor over on BBGF Eeker Laugh

I had to go in like this

Seriously, though. This place would be a pretty boring place if we all supported and defended the same HM Big Grin
Originally posted by squiggle:
To put my twopennyworth in Liverpool Lass I always find you a very fairminded FM. I have seen many times where you have 'told it like it is' with Freddie but never in a nasty way.
She is very fair minded, it's why I love her.

But she has even admitted that if other people had done what Freddie has done, for example go to the diary room to keep Marcus in in stead of Noirin, that she'd be outraged.
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by squiggle:
To put my twopennyworth in Liverpool Lass I always find you a very fairminded FM. I have seen many times where you have 'told it like it is' with Freddie but never in a nasty way.
She is very fair minded, it's why I love her.

But she has even admitted that if other people had done what Freddie has done, for example go to the diary room to keep Marcus in in stead of Noirin, that she'd be outraged.

That's cos l'm honest Big Grin
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i think lisa has a lovely smile.......

Hellooooooo Spongey wavey

Actually she has Nod She should spend more time smiling instead of looking like she could turn milk sour Big Grin
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
i think lisa has a lovely smile.......

Hellooooooo Spongey wavey

Actually she has Nod She should spend more time smiling instead of looking like she could turn milk sour Big Grin

hellooooooooo ll xxxxxxxx

she should yeah......i dunno...i liked her then didn' i kinda like her again.....

i'm hopeless....... Big Grin
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:

hellooooooooo ll xxxxxxxx

she should yeah......i dunno...i liked her then didn' i kinda like her again.....

i'm hopeless....... Big Grin

Without LF, none of us really get a proper idea of what each HM is like. We only have the HL show really and just hope that our instincts are right about them.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Originally posted by squiggle:
To put my twopennyworth in Liverpool Lass I always find you a very fairminded FM. I have seen many times where you have 'told it like it is' with Freddie but never in a nasty way.
She is very fair minded, it's why I love her.

But she has even admitted that if other people had done what Freddie has done, for example go to the diary room to keep Marcus in in stead of Noirin, that she'd be outraged.

That's cos l'm honest Big Grin
lol exactly! Valentine
Originally posted by longcat:
Freddie came into the house a non-smoker and brought no cigarettes with him then proceeded to smoke everybody elses. That is why that week Lisa said for people not to give him any tobacco.If you watch Freddie smoke he never inhales and as an ex smoker i would be fuming that he was wasting tobacco just to blow smoke.

She specifically said it whilst blatantly bullying him and Angel over the Noirin hunger strike argument. It was not just annoyance at his behaviour, it was spat out with venom, just because he was going to wear a towel for a while! Glance
I don't hate her, I just can't stand how she's always targetted all the youngsters and then drips in the old poison at every opportunity. I reckon Snarly might still have been in there had she not have sat at the bus stop bitching with Lisa.

Yes, I know that they all do it, but Lisa does it mainly with those most easily influenced, ie all the youngsters Wink

I also find her boring and can't think of anything memorable she's done except sitting at the bus stop smoking and bitching, oh and drinking tea. However, if she was up against Hira - I'd vote to boot Hira off Mad
I don't actually dislike Lisa that much. When she first went in, I thought she looked great, but she hasn't done herself any favours by sitting around in a dressing gown. When she shows her positive side, I quite like her.
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there?
Nasty? See above retort.

If you dislike her, because she's plain boring smoking herself to death all the time, then fair enough, but please tell me what I've missed.

I'm not a Lisa fan, but I don't hate her with a passion and particularly want her out of the house, she's more of a 'meh' for me.
I have felt like this for a while. I must admit Ive gone off her a bit recentely, as she doesnt seem to do much except smoke and be with David, but Ive never understood the hate for her when marcus does the same and also, has so many MORE other nasty and disgusting traits!! Confused
Little Miss Spurs
well at start she was ok

then turned nasty

then she lay low

some things she says i agree with she makes a good point fair enough she dosnt like fred and he especailly in early weeks i would think was really iritating,most of the house thought the same 9 nomms etc and i could see why,but lisas downfall was the nasty way she picked on him

I thought lisa would have been so good as well,she had imo good point about the hunger strike stuff but again blew it losing her temper

and the tshirt stuff fair play she was right not to go there

she had norins number long ago have to laugh when the s..t hit fan with noirin marcus run to lisa for advice which he never takes lol and siavash seeks her out

Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by longcat:
Freddie came into the house a non-smoker and brought no cigarettes with him then proceeded to smoke everybody elses. That is why that week Lisa said for people not to give him any tobacco.If you watch Freddie smoke he never inhales and as an ex smoker i would be fuming that he was wasting tobacco just to blow smoke.

She specifically said it whilst blatantly bullying him and Angel over the Noirin hunger strike argument. It was not just annoyance at his behaviour, it was spat out with venom, just because he was going to wear a towel for a while! Glance
Oops, I missed Longcat's post Blush

Totally agree then, I'd have said the same about the tobacco if that's what he was doing, it's a waste, especially as they get so much agro about what food they get because they buy tobacco.
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there?
Nasty? See above retort.

If you dislike her, because she's plain boring smoking herself to death all the time, then fair enough, but please tell me what I've missed.

I'm not a Lisa fan, but I don't hate her with a passion and particularly want her out of the house, she's more of a 'meh' for me.

Could you tell me how to pronounce 'meh' and what exactly does it mean?
lainy m
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there? Freddie, Siavash and Marcus.
Nasty? See above retort. see above answer

I hate her because she is a moody foul nasty vile ugly (inside and out) human being.
I can't stand the way she sits there like a pot of spite and venom bubbling away all the time and how she positively revels in any argument (whilst carefully never getting involved in them) To top it all (apologies to any Brummies and skinheads) she looks awful and sound worse.
She's being her usual vindictive and sneaky self right now. She doesn't have to say anything, her face and her general demaeanour speaks volumes as to the type of horrible person she is! Playing to her lapdogs *cough* dogface, who still think she's the dogz! Mad
Originally posted by lainy m:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there?
Nasty? See above retort.

If you dislike her, because she's plain boring smoking herself to death all the time, then fair enough, but please tell me what I've missed.

I'm not a Lisa fan, but I don't hate her with a passion and particularly want her out of the house, she's more of a 'meh' for me.

Could you tell me how to pronounce 'meh' and what exactly does it mean?

It's that noise you make when it's a *shrug* can take it or leave it kinda thing
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by J€šµ§ Øñ à ©höÞþê®:
Right, bear with me.

I have thought long and hard about whether I should make this thread or not as I know Lisa stirs up strong feelings in a lot of FMs.

I do, however, genuinely want to know what Lisa has done that is so wrong?

Back stabber? Who isn't in there? Freddie, Siavash and Marcus.
Nasty? See above retort. see above answer

I hate her because she is a moody foul nasty vile ugly (inside and out) human being.

But I haven't seen this, can you give me examples? Confused
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
She's being her usual vindictive and sneaky self right now. She doesn't have to say anything, her face and her general demaeanour speaks volumes as to the type of horrible person she is! Playing to her lapdogs *cough* dogface, who still think she's the dogz! Mad

Yep the nasty, Lisa is back! Mad
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
She's being her usual vindictive and sneaky self right now. She doesn't have to say anything, her face and her general demaeanour speaks volumes as to the type of horrible person she is! Playing to her lapdogs *cough* dogface, who still think she's the dogz! Mad

So she hasn't actually said anything nasty, she hasn't actually done anything nasty, just her face (which she can't help being born with) conveys all you need to know?

Seriously, I think the Lisa haters just hate her for no reason in particular and scrutinise every little thing she does and jumps on it.

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