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Originally Posted by Katerina:

Have there been any reports of a lion escaping from a zoo in the area? Where has he come from?!


It is a bit funny, isn't it But I hope they don't hurt the lion and can capture it if all this is true.

I doubt its come from Colchester Zoo 



We are always having people claim to have seen the Beast of Essex, and dodgy blurred photos of what could be a puma type animal...  or could just be a large moggy on the prowl!



IF it is a lion, and it if is roaming around the Clacton/St Oysth area, I do hope its caught humanely & safely too..  


then they need to track down the eejit that thought a Staffie (with pitbull ancestry) wasn't tough enough for them, and went for the lion.


with any luck the lion has already eaten him 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Radio 5live just spoke to a bloke in a caravan with 5 other ppl near Clacton. Nobody wants to go out for a smoke (there's kids in the caravan) and their fishing trip tomorrow might be cancelled too.

Dame, I find it funny too and don't know why.

see!!!   I rest my case!!  


don't be deceived into thinking he's on holiday 

Oh you are awful, but I like you.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Katerina:

On the BBC news channel now.


A resident of St Osyth is telling of hearing a 'loud roar'(might be the guy you just mentioned, Cologne)


The newsreader has a little smirk on his face!




oh gawd! 



please tell me there is more evidence than this ^^^^   it could be any of the locals!






The BBC website says "Essex police are working with experts from Colchester Zoo who believe the reports to be genuine after being shown a photograph by a member of the public" 


Hands up.....who's betting it's a photoshop job?  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

We get the Bodmin Moor beast every now and again when nothing else drags the grockels to this godforsaken sod of a piece of land. It's always a pussycat.


I'd love to live in Devon 


well, the bits of Devon I have seen.    


To be fair it's nice, but we've had wind and rain for about 2 months now. My cats have taken root on their chair and will only move for eating, treats and a quicky outside.

cologne 1

These lions get everywhere:


From DigiSpy:

Mountain lion sneaks into casino

Published Sunday, Aug 26 2012, 05:24 BST | By Colin Daniels |
A mountain lion

ÂĐ stock.xchng

A young mountain lion has been caught trying to sneak into a casino in Nevada.

The "underage" animal attempted to slip into the downtown Reno venue ahead of the breakfast rush, according to The AP.

Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesman Chris Healy said the male cat's behaviour was "almost the equivalent of being a stupid teenager".

He added that coming-of-age cougars often end up in inappropriate locations after being chased out of a territory by adults.

Guests at Harrah's spotted the mountain lion trying to walk into the casino on Friday morning. He struggled to work the revolving door and took refuge under an outdoor stage in a nearby plaza.

State wildlife officials tranquilised the 2-year-old animal and plan to release it back into the wild after tagging it for participation in a University of Nevada, Reno study.

No injuries were reported following the incident.


Haven't read every reply but if it's really a lion on the loose I hope it's captured safely I lived in Essex for many years, great County. great people, it annoys me that Essex is regarded as a joke. Yes some who've been portrayed as representing Essex are not only an urban myth but an embarassement to the many who live there who are nothing like other Essex people who have more class than is represented

Yellow Rose
Last edited by Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Haven't read every reply but if it's really a lion on the loose I hope it's captured safely I lived in Essex for many years, great County. great people, it annoys me that Essex is regarded as a joke. Yes some who've been portrayed as representing Essex are not only an urban myth but an embarassement to the many who live there who are nothing like other Essex people who have more class than is represented

Shut up!


[only joking!]

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Haven't read every reply but if it's really a lion on the loose I hope it's captured safely I lived in Essex for many years, great County. great people, it annoys me that Essex is regarded as a joke. Yes some who've been portrayed as representing Essex are not only an urban myth but an embarassement to the many who live there who are nothing like other Essex people who have more class than is represented

Shut up!


[only joking!]

I'll keep quiet on the Essex subject, but it's so misunderstood

Yellow Rose

"A construction worker was bitten by a crocodile during a toilet break in a river in Malaysian Borneo, but fought off the huge reptile and escaped with his life.

Pai punched the two-metre (6.5-foot) crocodile in the eye after it bit him just above his right buttock"


And the moral of the story is, "Go sh*t in ya own river"


they've called off the search now 


"The police issued a warning, urging people to enjoy the bank holiday but to be vigilant and on the look out for the wild animal.

However, nearly 24 hours after the alarm was raised and despite searching for paw prints, faeces or fur, police said they had found no trace of the lion.

An Essex police spokesman said: “There is no proof whatsoever that there is a lion on the loose, and with no further sightings were are standing down.

"We believe what was seen on Sunday evening was either a large domestic cat or a wildcat."



But I did laugh at this bit... 


Rich Baker, 39, from Romford, Essex, who was staying in a nearby caravan, said: “A man started running towards us yelling ‘It’s a f****** lion!’. He looked so panicked you knew it was not a joke. You could see the lion from the side.

“It was one million per cent a lion. It was a tan colour with a big mane, it was fully grown, it was definitely a lion.



I reckon it was a rather confident looking golden retriever 


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