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Well, is there? I don't mean just in the religious sense, though if you must insist on forcing that upon us please enlighten us as to which persuasion of delusion you subscribe to. Everyone else, sock it to me, ghost stories as 'proof' or just weird stuff that happened that makes you believe.

I want it all. Between us we can find the truth, I know it, even if I think it's a load of old *cut*.

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I am a strong believer there is life after death I  have had to many experiences to be believe otherwise,like Yellow Rose it is not something I would talk about on a forum.. only to like minded people
Hi Marguerita.
I know you have suffered a great loss. I lost both my parents within 2 years of each other.Like you, I know that there is something else, and like you I feel that this is not the place to share it.
We all have a body, that is self evident. But emotions and the "spirit" people refer to are simply biochemical processes. 
People believe in the soul and spirit because they want to, not because there is any reason to believe they exist."
What exactly do they mean by the "Soul" and "Spirit"? I suspect they mean the unique personality of a human being. The thing that makes them who they are. But that personality is part of the brain.

It is only the brain function that makes us the person we are. You can prove this because if anything happens to a person's brain - such as an injury or an illness like a tumour - which interferes with the brain function then the person usually develops a totally different personality. Their nearest and dearest often say that the person they remember is dead to them and they hardly recognise the person they have become. Even memories may be lost.
Where is the "soul" then?

So the personality, the essential being, of a person is a part of the brain. Therefore, when the brain dies that dies too. When a person is dead and the brain has decayed there can be no more consciousness of any kind.

Our personality and consciousness is not separate from the body. It is not perched in the head somewhere behind the eyes ready to float out and begin a life of it's own if the "host" dies.
Such an idea is called dualism.
It is the stuff of fiction - there are numerous examples (Freaky Friday, Vice Versa, Laughing Gas etc.) where people exchange personalities or find themselves in someone else's body.
It can't happen because there is no such thing as a migratory "soul". All our consciousness is a part of the brain function.
Alter the brain function and the personality alters too and when the brain is dead that is the absolute end of all consciousness.

Therefore there CANNOT be anything after death - good or bad. Death will be like an anaesthetic from which you will never wake up. The lights will go out forever. It will be as it it was before you were born.
Anything else is just wishful thinking.

They called Leonardo De Vinci ( I think it was him) a fool when he said that the world was round. They said NO WAY was it round - that was impossible.

The thing is Arty you can give long explanations as to why it is impossible BUT no one knows ...  no one has completely died and come back.
We have no proof so I think to blithely say something is impossible is perhaps being a little closed minded..
Cos nothing is impossible - just unexplainable.
They called Leonardo De Vinci ( I think it was him) a fool when he said that the world was round. They said NO WAY was it round - that was impossible. The thing is Arty you can give long explanations as to why it is impossible BUT no one knows ... no one has completely died and come back. We have no proof so I think to blithely say something is impossible is perhaps being a little closed minded.. Cos nothing is impossible - just unexplainable.

Who is to say also that the soul/spirit is a part of the physical body. We have no proof either way.Who is to say it is not, without grounding proof.

 Although there is some scientists who actually say they can proof that is is seperate. I don't have a link to this right now, as i am only on here briefly today, but will get the link soon.

The answer to is there anything after death, is We do not know, and can never know until we ever/ if ever experience it.
Ev (Peachy)

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