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Josie telling Sam that the reason Sam keeps picking on Corin is because he's right up John James's arse......she's also telling him to get his memory back and reminding him that when he was upset, Corin was the first one there for him..........

Meanwhile, it seems they all have it in for Corin this Morning.....only Josie seems to be sticking up for her.

Corin has told Sam to keep away from her as she doesn't want to feel on edge.

Do they think that all this picking on Corin is going to do them any favours...

Disappointed in Sam.......
The Devil In Diamante
[The Devil In Diamante (CC 3 / BB 13)] The Devil In Diamante (CC 3 / BB 13) online 6,635 Forum Posts Today at 10:55 AM Last Edited: Reference: I think JJ1 and JJ2 are going to be out the door before Corin. I do hope so LL...please let that happen.....
I honestly think it will happen.  I think all this business over the last few days will have turned people against JJ1 and JJ2.  Not saying Corin will be in the final, but I am sure those two will be out before her.
DID I have only come in on the end of this, so could you tell me what Josie said to JJ please
Josie was telling John James that it's because of him that Sam is being so awful to Corin as he's right up his arse. John James was sticking up for Sam saying Corin & Josie were ganging up on him.

Josie said there's no chance anybody could gang up on Sam, and that Sam was out of order because he's carrying things on and has told Corin she's going to have the night from hell. She also went on and mentioned them singling Corin out yesterday over the make-up and the task and that he never stuck up for her as much when Sam was calling her a fat slag and over the bikini remark....
The Devil In Diamante

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