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Reference: Fairfax
Only after she had gone and bitched to all in sundry about how out of order he was.You can't say she is only a little bitchy or had a couple of bad days.. no excuses . She bitched like a good un and therefore is guilty of bitching.IMO
Is this one of the rules?

Nobody is saying that she is perfect, but compared to someone like Ben, who actually organised special bitching meetings in the Nest of Vipers, she is not a bitch.
Is it good if a H/M goes round calling women tarts,
Sounds like he just went charging into the house screaming " Josie, you're a tart!!"
She asked him  something like" does everyone outside think I'm a tart? " Then said oh no wait you're not allowed to answer that .. he said "Ok, I think you're a tart "
Josie is a lot of things but I don't think a tart is one of them, I think the comment is out of line. Can't believe I'm defending Josie lol

I'm not saying she is! Just trying to point out she asked " do people think I'm a tart" , he didn't just announce he thought she was . To me , it was a smartass response to a comment rather than a malicious pop at someones morals  , all that was missing was the standard " I'm joking" disclaimer that we often see from other housemates in similar exchanges

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