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Eventually JJ had to back down (reluctantly.)
I don't like Keeley or Caoimhe or JJ.
But it IS a bedroom. And Keeley wasn't the only one being disturbed.
If it's such an important issue, then take it to somewhere more private.
JJ is annoyed because he had to back down and he is clutching at straws in his (and Caoimhe's defence.)
Reference MrMeatAndPotatoPie Today at 02:39:
 They were not slating anyone though?
It was going that way though.
Besides, the topic's irrelevant: they were disturbing people trying to sleep. Ben also made a good point: if they were having a serious conversation about Caoimhe leaving (as Caoimhe claimed), then the bedroom wasn't the appropriate venue.
Incidentally: notice how JJ and Caoimhe have dropped that "important" conversation now...
Eugene's Lair
And why - after smoothing things over with Keely, didn't JJ come out and tell Keeva that she will apologise? He could have handled that so differently when telling Keeva about it (and in the way it should have been handled after he sorted the situation out with Keely) but nooooo, he loves a drama and it's all poor me with him. He makes himself a victim in situations that have got bugger all to do with him.
JJ says: "If she'd asked us to leave the bedroom - that's fine."
Really JJ?  I doubt it. If she had you'd have been just as angry.
Caoimhe says she "Keeley) has met her match."
JJ is wriggling because he simply cannot get round the fact that bedrooms are for sleeping (specifically when the lights are out and people are trying to sleep.)
JJ is out of the Diary Room. He gets in bed alongside Mario and Josie.
They talk.
Steve tells them to shut up. They shut up!
Dave, annoyingly throws things on to sleeping housemates, rather like a naughty child.
Rachel is loud and gets up. So does JJ.
Josie wakes Mario, who soon sleeps again.

Why does it take them several hours to settle down in bed?

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