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Originally Posted by Rexi:

Are you watching? I shall take you by  the hand and lead you through Oxford life

I've only been to Oxford on one occasion, it seemed like a v nice City, somewhere I could possibly consider living. I hate big busy Cities, the likes of Oxford, Cambridge, York, Norwich, Salisbury etc. are more my cuppa tea. Why anyone would, for e.g. go on holiday in New York is completely beyond me


ION, my birth surname is Lewis! 

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I love it here Supes's been my home city all my life, so I've loved it, hated it, been bored with it, and finally realised ... I love it

There are far worse places to live!

We are lucky when we live in beautiful parts of the world

My thought for the day: if you were a bird, why would you go somewhere really shit and polluted rather than somewhere nice with loads of fresh air

Originally Posted by machel:

didn't take to morse at all but lewis - started watching again

OMG machel


How could you not take to Morse? He was soooo lovely


edit to say ... if you walk past St Aldates Police Station, look up, they have real life cut-outs of Morse and Lewis in an upstairs window.


Life imitating art ... or wishful thinking?


I was never a big fan of Morse but it least it had Morse being a classic car, real ale bore while generally moaning at running down and bullying the hapless "LEWIS!".  Can't really get into plodding pot boilers like Lewis that seem to scream, "This must be quality, it lasts for hours!".  Kevin Whatley always strikes me as the Gary Lineker of actors (personality not professional ability).


I preferred the books, so was a bit at sea when Morse was first aired.

Couldn't get past the Jag (Morse had a Lancia originally), Lewis was a tall Welsh bloke - and a couple of years OLDER than Morse.  Various other details got changed but thankfully not the location.


I've got family living in Oxford and along the Thames at Wallingford too.

They often see the film crews for both Morse (and possibly Lewis) and Midsommer Murders.  It seems funny - dunno why, perhaps I'm easily amused? - to see signposts for Jericho, Woodstock etc when I go visit the rellies.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
(entre nous, I can't access the footie thread on m'phone. How frustrating!)

Well, if it's any help, the last post was me none too happy about the exclusion of Holty - Barry Butler Norwich City Player of the Season for 3 consecutive seasons!  Woy has shown no respect whatsoever to a City legend!

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

I preferred the books, so was a bit at sea when Morse was first aired.

Couldn't get past the Jag (Morse had a Lancia originally), Lewis was a tall Welsh bloke - and a couple of years OLDER than Morse.  Various other details got changed but thankfully not the location.


I've got family living in Oxford and along the Thames at Wallingford too.

They often see the film crews for both Morse (and possibly Lewis) and Midsommer Murders.  It seems funny - dunno why, perhaps I'm easily amused? - to see signposts for Jericho, Woodstock etc when I go visit the rellies.

Oooo get you  with yer posh Eastenders

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Well his time will come. I don't think anyone expects much and he has gone for a traditional safe pair of hands approach. I'm looking forward to the tournament.

Yes, and the traditional really awful tournament and the traditional Sun and Daily Star going mental in their crusade against the currant England managerial  incumbent.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
(entre nous, I can't access the footie thread on m'phone. How frustrating!)

Well, if it's any help, the last post was me none too happy about the exclusion of Holty - Barry Butler Norwich City Player of the Season for 3 consecutive seasons!  Woy has shown no respect whatsoever to a City legend!

Just out of interest..what are your thoughts about Danny Mills?

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

I preferred the books, so was a bit at sea when Morse was first aired.

Couldn't get past the Jag (Morse had a Lancia originally), Lewis was a tall Welsh bloke - and a couple of years OLDER than Morse.  Various other details got changed but thankfully not the location.


I've got family living in Oxford and along the Thames at Wallingford too.

They often see the film crews for both Morse (and possibly Lewis) and Midsommer Murders.  It seems funny - dunno why, perhaps I'm easily amused? - to see signposts for Jericho, Woodstock etc when I go visit the rellies.

Oooo get you  with yer posh Eastenders

They've all got the Oxford burr too.  Or should I say Arrrrrrksfarrrrd.

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
(entre nous, I can't access the footie thread on m'phone. How frustrating!)

Well, if it's any help, the last post was me none too happy about the exclusion of Holty - Barry Butler Norwich City Player of the Season for 3 consecutive seasons!  Woy has shown no respect whatsoever to a City legend!

Just out of interest..what are your thoughts about Danny Mills?

Not a lot!  Didn't really get the chances that his ability should have given him at Norwich but is on record for slagging the club off on quite a few occasions - even though he was brought through the youth ranks at Norwich (if I recall correctly) - so I've not got much time for him.   I'm biased of course.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Not as such, no.

Mmmmm..what about the folk music real ale drinking bores?

But, but.... they don't drink

They hug half a pint of some noxious looking liquid and moan if it costs them more than 50p...!  The 'music' is to distract from the taste

Ha you know, I LUURVE that kinda music..well some of it

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Madam I would rather spend eight hours drinking real ale with an Oxford Morris dancing side who also played folk music after the event, than one hour drinking fizzy alcohol preparations at the Riverside. I like real ale, me.

Sir, I will look out for you and wave at the next Vin Garbutt gig!


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