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Power to the people! Your guide to influencing the action


The Power has returned to the Big Brother House. But this week, the housemates aren't in control - The Power is in the hands of you, the viewers. You've already chosen one housemate to be immune from nominations, and picked the winner of the Step Up dance battle. There will be many more decisions coming your way over the next few days, so here's all the information you need to have your say on what happens in the House. Don't miss any opportunities to weild your Power...


One housemate will have the responsibility to decide who receives their letters from home, and who misses out. But who will be faced with these difficult dilemmas? That's up to you! Have your say using the 'Polls' section of the Big Brother iOS app. Don't have the app? Just search for 'Big Brother' in the App Store.


As part of this week's shopping task, Big Brother needs YOUR questions for the housemates. This is your chance to really grill them on the big issues surrounding their relationships, their behaviour and their personalities. Big Brother wants hard-hitting questions that will cause huge debates amongst the housemates, so don't hold back! Get involved by tweeting using the hashtag #BBtask, or by commenting on this Facebook post.

There'll be far more opportunites for you to get involved over the coming days, so make sure you've got the website bookmarked and the app installed, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for all the latest updates.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Anyone want to ask a question that doesn't have FB? I'll post it for you

I've just asked Helen if she thinks the house would have more fun if she wasn't there controlling it

I'm not on the BB FB site, but Erin, if you would please ask Helen....What is it like to be loathed by the public, yet protected by BB?



Originally Posted by Kaytee:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Anyone want to ask a question that doesn't have FB? I'll post it for you

I've just asked Helen if she thinks the house would have more fun if she wasn't there controlling it

I'm not on the BB FB site, but Erin, if you would please ask Helen....What is it like to be loathed by the public, yet protected by BB?




Originally Posted by Aimee:
Anyone want to ask a question that doesn't have FB? I'll post it for you

I've just asked Helen if she thinks the house would have more fun if she wasn't there controlling it

I'm not on the BB FB site, but Erin, if you would please ask Helen....What is it like to be loathed by the public, yet protected by BB


I'm not on FB so I have passed this on to Aimee, cheers Aimee.

Originally Posted by erinp:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Anyone want to ask a question that doesn't have FB? I'll post it for you

I've just asked Helen if she thinks the house would have more fun if she wasn't there controlling it

I'm not on the BB FB site, but Erin, if you would please ask Helen....What is it like to be loathed by the public, yet protected by BB


I'm not on FB so I have passed this on to Aimee, cheers Aimee.


I'll do it now

Winston Showan will decide which BBUK housemates get their letters from home today.


The public have the power and voted for the Housemate they wanted to determine the fate of the other Housemates’ letters from home.

The poll opened yesterday on the official Big Brother app and closed this morning. The public, perhaps surprisingly, chose Winston.

Later today Winston will be called to the Diary Room while the rest of the housemates watch from the Sofas.

In the Diary Room, the faces of the 8 remaining Housemates will appear on the screens in the following pairs:

Helen and Mark

Ash and Chris

Pav and Zoe

Ashleigh and Christopher

Winston must decide which housemate’s letter to delete and which to save from each pair.

Winston will automatically receive his letter.

Big Brother will deliver the saved letters later on this evening.

Catch the fallout of the task on Big Brother tomorrow (Tuesday) night.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by machel:

wonder who decided the pairs?


I would have put

ash and hellon

zoe and pav

mark and christopher

ashleigh and mark


as they are now with their closest friend (zoe and pav both latecomers)

They would have been my choices too Machel...seems once again they are protecting the dream team of HeleN & Ash ! And you can bet Helen will get her letter , cos suddenly , miraculously , she's homesick  

Last edited by Baz


Half of the Big Brother 2014 housemates have received letters from home, but others have gone without.


This week the public have the power and yesterday voted for the Housemate they wanted to determine the fate of the other Housemates’ letters from home: That housemate was Winston.

This afternoon he was called to the Diary Room while the rest of the housemates watched on from the Sofas.

In the Diary Room, Winston had to choose which housemate got their letter and which letter would be deleted from the following pairs:

Helen and Mark

Ash and Chris

Pav and Zoe

Ashleigh and Christopher

Winston chose to save Ash, Ashleigh, Helen and Pav’s letters, as well as his own.

As a result, Mark, Chris, Christopher and Zoe went without.

The letters will be delivered to the house later this evening.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Baz:

Typical !! And why give Ashleigh hers ....she saw her mum on video ! As for Helen ..I'd like to know exactly what she has over C5 ! 

Put up the vid link ,to be fair his reasons are sound .

I do laugh at BB they split up Helen and Ash so they could both get one!!!  They are always paired together unless it suits them

Last edited by Former Member

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