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Originally posted by Mazzystar:
I swear by chicken shizzle.

I have runner beans,peas,lettuce,two or three types of tomato(was only supposed to be two..but ones deffo mutant!),various spuds in pots,onions, and in the greenhouse more toms,cucmber,peppers and melons!

What type of cucumber are you growing?... have you grown them before?

My boy grew them last year... his first gardening experience... they loved it on his windowsill... to the extent where I feared for him as they were taking over his room... so we moved them downstairs into the conservatory.

They were mental plants... but unfortunately the cucumbers were rank! My son was v dissappointed (he loves cucumber... we have to hide it from him)
Originally posted by Bovrilking:
Bov... what cucumbers are you growing.. and where are you growing them?

Burpless Tasty Green, i have them in growtubs inside my has 2 about 5" and about 4 new fruits on the go, the other has about 7 just starting to develop

Ok... let me know what they taste like! (I can't remember which ones we grew... but they weren't those ones)
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Bovrilking:
Bov... what cucumbers are you growing.. and where are you growing them?

Burpless Tasty Green, i have them in growtubs inside my has 2 about 5" and about 4 new fruits on the go, the other has about 7 just starting to develop

Ok... let me know what they taste like! (I can't remember which ones we grew... but they weren't those ones)

Will do Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Bovrilking:
These are the growtubs that i got, i have cucumbers, peppers and my courgettes in them


Those grow tubs look handy.

Potato Barrel

I bought this potato barrel year before last... but benefit of hindsight n all that... I don't think I was watering them enough... all that work.. and barely enough for us to have one meal!!!

I am gonna try again with spuds... apparently empty compost bags turned inside out and rolled down work well.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Bovrilking:
These are the growtubs that i got, i have cucumbers, peppers and my courgettes in them


Those grow tubs look handy.

Potato Barrel

I bought this potato barrel year before last... but benefit of hindsight n all that... I don't think I was watering them enough... all that work.. and barely enough for us to have one meal!!!

I am gonna try again with spuds... apparently empty compost bags turned inside out and rolled down work well.

Oh i was gonna get that one, i bought these 2 like plastic sacks with side flaps, the seconds have grown faster than my firsts Roll Eyes Big Grin

Just planted my strawberries in my strawberry jar was sunny then Laugh
Get yourself some biodegradable peat pots 2", 3" or 5" and put one seed in each, once they are set and ready to move, just plant the whole pot out, no need for root damage when transplanting



That's the problem!!!!!!!

I am off to source the pots right now!

Don't BUY the pots - cut empty loo roll tubes in half and plant in those.
Originally posted by rusticana:
Get yourself some biodegradable peat pots 2", 3" or 5" and put one seed in each, once they are set and ready to move, just plant the whole pot out, no need for root damage when transplanting



That's the problem!!!!!!!

I am off to source the pots right now!

Don't BUY the pots - cut empty loo roll tubes in half and plant in those.

We tried that last year with the chilli's... they went mouldy! (any idea what we did wrong... I assume its to do with being damp... but you have to water them?????)
This year I'm trying something new in the greenhouse.

My son had one of those tall water filled lamps in his bedroom - he got fed up with it and threw it out. I've put it in the greenhouse, removed the one way valve from the air line and attached drip-feeds tubed to each of my various plants )toms, kukes and peppers. It's great takes about twelve hours worth of water and just drips away all day.
My mum grows her own veg, or at least she attempts to haha
2years ago she did potatoes and they were really successful Smiler but she said she would space the planting out a bit more because we ended up with more than we could eat.

We used to grow strawberries all the time, but our lab used to wait until the day we were thinking of picking them and then go around the pot munching away Crying

She attempted pumpkins, chillies, peppers and courgettes last year but it was a bit of a disaster, she didn't move them into big pots in time and they exploded or something (not sure shes not very good with the whole describing thing)

She has just ordered an orange and lemon tree and some raspberries. PLus we have an apple and a pear tree which produces a good yield each year.

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