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I will be glued even if its only to see the Murdochs and Ms Brooks sqirm.  I doubt that this Committee will be able to ask penetrating questions of Brooks since the police got there first (interesting eh) and  I don't expect honesty from the Murdochs ~ they are not known for it after all. 

 Sorry to appear cynical, but to me this is all staged for our benefit, to make us believe they are rooting out all that is wrong with the 'establishment'.  Hee haw!


I'm not convinced Rupert, James and Rebekah will squirm under questioning.  They are all well rehearsed  in saying what they feel needs to be said to divert attention away from themselves.  For years they have stuck by the "One rogue reporter" theory until it was proved otherwise. They have the financial means to employ top legal advisors to advise them on potential questions and how they should reply.

Smarting Buttocks
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

"I was a post box"! 


I know!!!


My daughter is sitting here & couldn't believe he said that!    She said "Mum, is he saying everyone was putting things in him, as in he was being shafted?"


I said "no, just then he meant that he just relayed information, however, give it an hour & yes, he will probably be saying exactly that!" 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I know!!!


My daughter is sitting here & couldn't believe he said that!    She said "Mum, is he saying everyone was putting things in him, as in he was being shafted?"


I said "no, just then he meant that he just relayed information, however, give it an hour & yes, he will probably be saying exactly that!" 

Just explain that his friend's daughter couldn't afford a stamp, so Yates agreed to hand deliver her CV.


This, of course, would not have any bearing on the outcome of her application, as both Yates and the head of HR were men of integrity. 


Oh, and the post box has a similar hat. 


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