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Sooz, I am going tomorrow for the third time!!


I cried so much last time I might have to take a man size box with me tomorrow!


I worked out why I don't like Russell Crowe singing Stars though ... there are no stars out (in their multitudes!) whilst he is singing it. I have to say though, I did find him slightly more menacing, and more Javert like, on second watching.I also got a much stronger sense of Valjeans continual running and hiding.


I might just nip into Smiths or somewhere and get the CD tomorrow too

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Sooz, I am going tomorrow for the third time!!


I cried so much last time I might have to take a man size box with me tomorrow!


I worked out why I don't like Russell Crowe singing Stars though ... there are no stars out (in their multitudes!) whilst he is singing it. I have to say though, I did find him slightly more menacing, and more Javert like, on second watching.I also got a much stronger sense of Valjeans continual running and hiding.


I might just nip into Smiths or somewhere and get the CD tomorrow too

I've looked at the play list - I don't think Do You Her The People Sing is on it? Strange - I may be wrong though.

Soozy Woo

Gosh sooz, you're right, how weird (not weird that you are right, weird that they haven't included it). I suppose they will include it on the last track, but all the same ... weird


1 Look Down Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe & The Convicts
2 The Bishop Colm Wilkinson
3 Valjean's Soliloquy Hugh Jackman
4 At the End of the Day Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, The Factory Girls & Les MisÃĐrables Cast
5 I Dreamed a Dream Anne Hathaway
6 The Confrontation Hugh Jackman & Anne Hathaway
7 Castle On a Cloud Isabelle Allen
8 Master of the House Sacha Baron Cohen & Helena Bonham Carter
9 Suddenly Hugh Jackman
10 Stars Russell Crowe
11 ABC Cafe / Red And Black Eddie Redmayne, Les MisÃĐrables Cast & Aaron Tviet
12 In My Life / A Heart Full of Love Amanda Seyfried, Eddie Redmayne & Samantha Banks
13 On My Own Samantha Banks
14 One Day More Les MisÃĐrables Cast
15 Drink With Me Eddie Redmayne, Daniel Huttlestone & Les MisÃĐrables Cast
16 Bring Him Home Hugh Jackman
17 The Final Battle Les MisÃĐrables Cast
18 Javert's Suicide Russell Crowe
19 Empty Chairs At Empty Tables Eddie Redmayne
20 Epilogue Amanda Seyfried, Hugh Jackman, Eddie Redmayne, Anne Hathaway, Colm Wilkinson & Les MisÃĐrables Cast 


Even in the show I switch off a bit at Heart Full of Love (I;m not a big fan of Cosette (Collette/Courgette) - She's a bit wet IMO. Thought the little Cosette was fab though and ........I liked the Thenadier's more second time around. I did find them and Gavroche very Oliver like though.


Did you find it odd that he was a proper cockney but the factory workers were proper northern lassies?

Soozy Woo

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sooz, first thing hubby said after leaving the cinema was that Gavroche was a little bit Jack Wilde!!


I also heard really really strong Irish accents.


I didn't like the Thenadiers the first time, liked their first song the second time of watching it, but still didn't like them being carried out of the wedding scene.


Originally Posted by Rexi:

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sooz, first thing hubby said after leaving the cinema was that Gavroche was a little bit Jack Wilde!!


I also heard really really strong Irish accents.


I didn't like the Thenadiers the first time, liked their first song the second time of watching it, but still didn't like them being carried out of the wedding scene.


No I didn't like the wedding scene but I loved them haggling for Cosette.


So nice to have someone to talk about it with. My girlie still hasn't seen it - she's not bothered. I'm seeing my son at the weelend - he saw it last night and loved it .................he's more like me - loves a musical 'Quelle Surprise'

Soozy Woo



My family are a bit obsessed with it (would you ever have guessed!)


My boy was in his school's production of it. For the final dress rehearsal they always have the primary school as the audience. I got 'volunteered (you know how you do) to march a class load of primary school kids up to watch it.


I was okay till Eponine died,then this responsible adult, in charge of all these anklebiters, including her own (very embarrassed one) dissolved into a blubbering mess who discovered that she had no tissues and had to use her sleeve.


They didn't ask me the following year!!

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Hahaha Bethni ... come with me and my daughter tomorrow. We have quite unashamedly packed loads of tissues

It's my dream come true Rexi, Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman in the one move *sighhhhhh*  And when the battle cry goes out i just turn on the floods. No mascara for me, i've learned my lesson

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

We should have a forum outing 

Well... I was supposed to be going with my nieces, but niece 2 got fed up waiting for an arrangement and went with a mate  (said it was 'ok'  (i'm disowning her)) but it was verrrrry long, but she'd go with me if I wanted her to (I don't now - I want to go with someone as keen as me) and niece 1 has a bad back and doesn't think she can sit for that long.   I think I'm just going to go on my own one night after work and bugger them all.


Unless you've got popcorn, that is...

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

We should have a forum outing 

Well... I was supposed to be going with my nieces, but niece 2 got fed up waiting for an arrangement and went with a mate  (said it was 'ok'  (i'm disowning her)) but it was verrrrry long, but she'd go with me if I wanted her to (I don't now - I want to go with someone as keen as me) and niece 1 has a bad back and doesn't think she can sit for that long.   I think I'm just going to go on my own one night after work and bugger them all.


Unless you've got popcorn, that is...

I went with Mr Woo again ............he kind of ummed and aahed and when we got to the cinema he said 'shall we go and see something else?' ....................I shrieked 'NOOOOO'. He sat through it again (and snivelled again) and then he said he enjoyed it as much as the first time. Bless him.


Soozy Woo

Finally saw it this weekend! I haven't bawled so much at a movie since I saw the first ten minutes of 'UP'.


Wonderful, heart-wrenching film adaptation. I had my doubts about Anne Hathaway as Fantine, but she was absolutely perfect, and her 'I Dreamed A Dream' was perfect too, she captured Fantine's complete and utter despair. It broke my heart and left me in pieces. I really want her to win the Oscar for this.


Jackman is an excellent Jean Valjean, but his 'Bring Him Home' wasn't as subtle as I thought it might be, which was a little disappointing. Overall I loved him though and he brought me to tears on a few occasions.


Crowe doesn't have the greatest singing voice for Javert, but made up for it in his physical portrayal, he did a good job.


My only real complaints were the cutting of the intro to Eponine's 'On My Own' (Samantha Barks was wonderful), and I didn't like Eddie Redmayne as Marius. Maybe I was spoiled by seeing Michael Ball as Marius many years ago, but he didn't cut it for me. The actor who played Enjolras would have been a better Marius!


But I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, been looking forward to it for ages, and will try to see it again before the cinemas stop showing it. It really is a triumph.


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Mr Woo has just nipped in and he's off to town. I've given him instructions to pick up the CD. I promised that I'll get on the running machine if I've got that CD to listen to.


Soozy, I will admit to not knowing the songs, but don't you need something a bit more uptempo than Les Mis to work out to?


I've heard some find it a bit emotional.


But kudos for buying a physical release - long live physical releases. 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Mr Woo has just nipped in and he's off to town. I've given him instructions to pick up the CD. I promised that I'll get on the running machine if I've got that CD to listen to.


Soozy, I will admit to not knowing the songs, but don't you need something a bit more uptempo than Les Mis to work out to?


I've heard some find it a bit emotional.


But kudos for buying a physical release - long live physical releases. 


No it's quite up tempo enough - I do a brisk walk and sing along


Mr Woo came back empty handed  I've now got it downloaded and have lostened incessantly


I'm afraid my crush on Russell Crowe continues to grow - I have just one this on e bay


It will be going outside my bedroom door on the landing - Mr Woo has said NO WAY - as he can't cope with the competition - no one listens to Mr Woo It's mt house it goes where I say!!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Mr Woo has just nipped in and he's off to town. I've given him instructions to pick up the CD. I promised that I'll get on the running machine if I've got that CD to listen to.


Soozy, I will admit to not knowing the songs, but don't you need something a bit more uptempo than Les Mis to work out to?


I've heard some find it a bit emotional.


But kudos for buying a physical release - long live physical releases. 


No it's quite up tempo enough - I do a brisk walk and sing along


Mr Woo came back empty handed  I've now got it downloaded and have lostened incessantly


I'm afraid my crush on Russell Crowe continues to grow - I have just one this on e bay


It will be going outside my bedroom door on the landing - Mr Woo has said NO WAY - as he can't cope with the competition - no one listens to Mr Woo It's mt house it goes where I say!!


The link worked fine thanks.


I love movie posters.


I can understand why Mr Woo's position 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


I'm afraid my crush on Russell Crowe continues to grow - I have just one this on e bay


It will be going outside my bedroom door on the landing - Mr Woo has said NO WAY - as he can't cope with the competition - no one listens to Mr Woo It's mt house it goes where I say!!


that would have to go IN the bedroom if only for a few days just for bravado if it was me 


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