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Leona’s shock makeover

Posted Thu 10 Feb 2011 12:49 GMT by Ben Gilbert
What's happened to Leona Lewis? That's the buzz in Hollywood this week after the former ‘X Factor' champ was snapped on the red carpet at two separate, high-profile showbiz engagements looking like a very different girl to the one who claimed the reality TV singing crown in 2006.

Of course, in 2011 pop is all about the whole package. There's no point having a great look but no songs. The sophistication of the music industry and the audience which feeds it is such nowadays that we demand absolutely everything is in place before falling head over heels for an act, new or otherwise.

Why? There can be no doubt that Lady Gaga has set a high bar in style, image and presentation. But who would have taken any notice if she tried to seduce the radio waves with a bunch of Rachel Stevens' outtakes? No stone goes unturned. Just look at the long, drawn-out promo campaign behind her latest album, ‘Born This Way'.

Enter Leona, who is reported to be nearing completion on her third album, which is due for release in a matter of months. But before any music can be heard, the singer has to deliver a visual splash. Which explains her appearances at the premiere of Justin Bieber's film debut and a pre-Grammys party in Los Angeles.

Gone are the long wavy locks that had become her trademark. She also appears to have spent most of the time since last year's Labyrinth tour on the treadmill rather than in the studio. This svelte diva look has been topped off with a series of quirky, provocative outfits, featuring hot red lips and a bow across her chest.

While the radical makeover has certainly made some waves, as she bids to steal a piece of the pie cooked up by Gaga and ensure a big comeback, it is not without criticism. Leona has been accused of dumbing down her image, losing the original charm that sealed her emergence to become little more than a Kardashian clone.

There have even been suggestions that the new look hasn't been achieved entirely naturally. Dr Barbara Lutz, of the Transform Cosmetic Surgery Group, commented: "It appears Leona has had the bridge and tip of her nose thinned."

However, her spokesman has moved to categorically deny claims the star has had a nose job. "Suggestions she has had cosmetic surgery are total rubbish." Of course, his comments are unlikely to put an end to such speculation, given the dramatic overhaul that has taken place everywhere else.

Leona is hardly the first female act to look beyond her roots in a bid to remain fresh and build excitement. Madonna has made a career out of evolution, while Kylie Minogue, Britney Spears and Rihanna are just some of the other singers who always ensure their pop comebacks lack nothing when it comes to a new style.

But after splitting with teenage sweetheart Lou Al-Chamaa, she faces more accusations of being blinded by Hollywood's bright lights. "I think it's so funny how so many people think I've moved to LA!" she Tweeted defensively yesterday. "I'm hardly here! Still live in London round the corner from my mum & dad ha!"

in Behind The Music

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What a shit horrible look.    The outfits are ghastly and her face too long for the flat straight hair.  Looks as horrid as Alexandra Burke.  You have to be really pretty to get away with such a harsh flat hairstyle,  Probably 1 in 50 women can get away with it, if that. Alexandra Burke can't and neither can Leona.

She doesn't look too different facially - I wouldn't say she has had any surgery.

However, the hairstyle does not suit her and that top with the lips is possibly the worst top I've ever seen.

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