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Last night this week's Shopping Task continued with the Box Task with Siavash, and BB6's Makosi and Craig, climbing into separate boxes to see how long they could sit it out.

On a wind-up, Makosi told Siavash that there was another House and Siavash was shocked.

The three boxees then talked about Halfwit, and Craig and Mokosi suggested that he must be annoying to live with if he had been up for Eviction so many times.

After getting Siavash to make sure the housemates were no longer at the Sitting Room door, Craig revealed that he thought the three people who were at the door the longest were the three people who had the biggest gameplans. Dogface, Charlie, Karly and Lisa were stood at the door, but it wasn't clear which three he meant.

Makosi got out of her box and left the House, as did Craig, leaving Siavash box clever.

Late into the night Marcus visited the Diary Room and talked about there being bull-******** in the House and people not being honest with how they felt about each other.

His tirade was targeted at Noirin as he slated her for always following the path of least resistance, only caring about herself and not accepting criticism. He was also critical of Siavash for not being honest with people and ignoring issues in an attempt to remain 'friends'.

When Marcus left the Diary Room he was pretty wound up and went to the Kitchen where he asked Siavash why he was still friends with Noirin after all the things that had been said. Siavash suggested that the 'rabbit' argument was a bit of a mistake and that by he and Noirin both being up for nomination this week, a line has been drawn under the whole thing.

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