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Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
i wonder if there is any way we as licence fee payers can complain about them thinking of using our money to fund ch4, i'd rather they went bust.

I'd rather they went bust too...I think through this LF business, it has already revealed alternative agendas than just a good business decision. Dunno who you would complain to though until public money was actually given to them and they perhaps misspent it...until then it's all just guessing.

My take on stuff - Cut LF through cost say C4 (the whole idea of BB was 24/7 feed)....then give the presenter a huge payrise....revamp the BBBM studio for only one show a week...stop charity donations on voting.....etc,etc.

If it was a LF cost issue only, C4 would have sold the LF rights to BB (PPV) and made their money that way ...but it seems PPV isn't even an option being discussed. Confused

They have tinkered and reduced LF many times over the past few years...imo C4 only ever wanted BB as a HL show....LF was/is too inconvenient for them. They bought the original BB idea and have converted it into the fiasco they now call BB, through sheer laziness and taking it's popularity for granted.

LF brings in massive amounts of publicity for BB and C4 have just chucked it all away....anyone with any sense would be questioning that type of business decision.

Oh dear I ranted! Eeker Blush

...and clicking post now as it took me ages to type it all! Ninja
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:

No offence Oly but Endemol HAVE been busting their arses. CH4 are the complete cock-knockers.

And Jacob ASKED people to wait 24/48hrs and he'd update if he had news it isn't his fault we're all too impatient lol

nooffence but endemol have know about this situation as long or longer than we have, we all saw it coming and they hoped it wouldnt be as bad as we knew it would be, if endemol cared at all they would have been giving c4 this crap since cbb at the latest, but they waited to see just how much damage it caused first and only then tried to do something.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:

No offence Oly but Endemol HAVE been busting their arses. CH4 are the complete cock-knockers.

And Jacob ASKED people to wait 24/48hrs and he'd update if he had news it isn't his fault we're all too impatient lol

nooffence but endemol have know about this situation as long or longer than we have, we all saw it coming and they hoped it wouldnt be as bad as we knew it would be, if endemol cared at all they would have been giving c4 this crap since cbb at the latest, but they waited to see just how much damage it caused first and only then tried to do something.

I know what you're saying BBBS, but technically Endemol have no say in how CH4 broadcast the show, when, how many ad breaks etc all they do is produce it. - When I say they've busted their arses this year I'm ref' to Production of the show wise... Which honestly this would PWN many prev' BBs had we the 24/7 Feed.

Endemol WARNED CH4 between CBB/BB10 that this would happen and CH4 Basically gave them the same answer they gave about charity this year "We don't care" - Endemol took a reluctant step back and said "Okay do it your way but we'll step in if needs be"

And now, needs be.
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
Originally posted by Bethni:
I think i'll just have to renew my World of Warcraft account.... i wasn't going to bother till after BB had finished.... well it has now Frowner

Oh i play that!! I have a Pally lvl 80, Mage lvl 80 and working on a Priest lvl 70 at the moment lol.

What server you on? Im on Azjol-Nerub.

Snap!! I have a frost Mage lvl 80 and a Pally duel specced lvl80 and a rogue lvl 72 !! Aszune realm.

Aww shame we are not on the same servers. My mage has gone Arcane now used to be frost. I haven't duel spec yet on my Pally saved up for my epic flappy on mage.
Then Dean BBBS is right.... endemol shouldn't have taken the step back... They produce the show, i asuume they argued out the terms with C4 when they sold the programme to them. If they knew this was going to happen months ago and just put their hands up to it then they are no better than C4.

They were prepared to let us Fans fight for THEIR programme when they just gave in to pressure from C4 !

I know you have friends over at Endemol and are loyal to them but dont be blinkered as to what their input is to this shenanigins. If we can manage to force meetings and get petitions up and running in a few days i'm sure there's lots more they could have done in the MONTHS they've known about it.

Anyway, i'm just totaly disheartened, disgusted and disenchanted with the whole thing. Frowner
Originally posted by Bethni:
Yeah Lara .... my mage is a scribe so i make plenty on my inscriptions so gold is easy to come by for flappies and things. I think i'm just going to be spening the summer on the Lich King instead of BB lol.

I guess I will do the same and lvl that damn priest, she is haunting me. She is a scribe too.
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Yeah Lara .... my mage is a scribe so i make plenty on my inscriptions so gold is easy to come by for flappies and things. I think i'm just going to be spening the summer on the Lich King instead of BB lol.

I guess I will do the same and lvl that damn priest, she is haunting me. She is a scribe too.

Stick with it Lara....... inscription is by far the best profession to have. I have a priest too but i think its very low lvl , i just couldn't get into it. My brother has one tho and loves it.
Originally posted by Bethni:
Then Dean BBBS is right.... endemol shouldn't have taken the step back... They produce the show, i asuume they argued out the terms with C4 when they sold the programme to them. If they knew this was going to happen months ago and just put their hands up to it then they are no better than C4.

They were prepared to let us Fans fight for THEIR programme when they just gave in to pressure from C4 !

I know you have friends over at Endemol and are loyal to them but dont be blinkered as to what their input is to this shenanigins. If we can manage to force meetings and get petitions up and running in a few days i'm sure there's lots more they could have done in the MONTHS they've known about it.

Anyway, i'm just totaly disheartened, disgusted and disenchanted with the whole thing. Frowner

Tbh I find it odd how no-one seems to want to fight for LF to be returned except us telly watchers...non of the newspapers seem particularly interested even though they have all made money outta BB. Makes me wonder what they know that we don't? Disappointed

Laugh Glad someone read my rant Bethni. Cool
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:

Stick with it Lara....... inscription is by far the best profession to have. I have a priest too but i think its very low lvl , i just couldn't get into it. My brother has one tho and loves it.

Did you have herby with it too? I have tailoring I don't think it works lol I am so low lvl on it.

Yes i have Herbs with it.... its by far the simplest way to lvl it and it costs next to nothing Wink I can honestly say the only things ive had to buy for it is paper, parchement and the original scribe kit. Thats it..... and ive made a fortune off of it too Wink
I have never really watched live feed much, I usually rely on forum memebers to give me the goss.
But I'm wondering......if they can show live feed at night, when most people are sleeping, why don't they scrap that and use those hours as day or evening live feed?
It doesn't make sense for them to alienate people like this, they are shooting themselves in the foot.
Originally posted by *Pesky-Pixie*:
Originally posted by Bethni:
Then Dean BBBS is right.... endemol shouldn't have taken the step back... They produce the show, i asuume they argued out the terms with C4 when they sold the programme to them. If they knew this was going to happen months ago and just put their hands up to it then they are no better than C4.

They were prepared to let us Fans fight for THEIR programme when they just gave in to pressure from C4 !

I know you have friends over at Endemol and are loyal to them but dont be blinkered as to what their input is to this shenanigins. If we can manage to force meetings and get petitions up and running in a few days i'm sure there's lots more they could have done in the MONTHS they've known about it.

Anyway, i'm just totaly disheartened, disgusted and disenchanted with the whole thing. Frowner

Tbh I find it odd how no-one seems to want to fight for LF to be returned except us telly watchers...non of the newspapers seem particularly interested even though they have all made money outta BB. Makes me wonder what they know that we don't? Disappointed

Laugh Glad someone read my rant Bethni. Cool

Both The Sun (which have unlike them been rather ANTI-BB anyway this series) and NOTW have votes going and are somewhat pushing it.
well they can hide all kinds of stuff now that go on during the day and can now select who and what why they protray people

Any slip ups by housemates we will never see

Any big issues brushed under the carpet

They could never hide a thing because we were always watching

And the forum members had power to right wrongs

even weekend live feed would be some sort of compromise

But the viewers and loyal bb fans made the flipping show and were slapped in the face they are hiding behind the credit crunch card.

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