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After the nominations arguments had died down and the realization that the whole House would face the chop this week, the majority of the housemates set about working on their re-enactment of Big Brother Day 50.

However, while the other housemates were busy practising their different roles, a very down-faced Siavash came to the Diary Room to talk to Big Brother. Annoyed that this was the very last Task, Siavash wondered why Big Brother had chosen Day 50 the one episode he would never want to watch back the one with him and Noirin.

"I have already paid the price," he moaned to Big Brother, upset that his ex-girlfriend had watched it. "And now I have to relive it again."

Later on, in the Bedroom, Charlie agreed with Siavash that it was a bad episode to recreate. It makes me look really bad! he moaned.

Dressed up for the part of the ex-housemate alpha-male, Lisa, on the other hand, was absolutely loving playing the role of Marcus. Things got more than a little frisky with the Irish temptress, Noirin (Sophie) by the Bus Stop much to Lisas amusement.

Sophie struggled more than a little with the Irish accent in the Diary Room. Liverpool is all I can do, she said, to Big Brother, in what can only be described as a cross between Liverpool, Irish, with a hint of Birmingham.

As the evening went on the housemates were gathered at the Dining table and told they have successfully passed the Shopping Task. So, the last week will be a week of Luxury.

After they had passed the Task, Rodrigo was drawn to a worried looking Charlie in the Bedroom. Earlier in the day, the housemates found out they were all up for eviction. Charlie was sure that it was going to be his last night. I know its me, he told Rodrigo dismally. He wasnt alone, Sophie was also convinced she was going.

On a brighter note, David was very pleased that they had been given a bit of notice so he could plan is outfit.

At least we have got hair straighteners, he said.

Quite right, David.

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