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Originally posted by Jingo:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jingo:
Wrong side of the bed and got your blinkers on? Laugh

I don't need to have seen last nights HL's to know Bea is negative. I've watched her for weeks. It's my opinion.

Do you think it helps your argument by insinuating I 'got out of the wrong side of the bed'? Maybe you'd like to throw PMT into the mix? I mean.. it really does help you look like someone able to engage in an adult debate and not like you're clutching at straws to explain your inability to grasp than someone just might not have the same point of view as you at all.

Your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it.. I'd just recommend you watch the show someone is referring to before poo-poo'ing their opinion. Just a thought. Big Grin

Do you think it helps yours by teling people to stick it? Six of one, half a dozen of the other springs to mind. You can't criticise someone for something you have no hesitation to do yourself.

Who's opinion did I poo-poo? Laugh

You started the poo-pooing Tupps. I said Bea was delusion, you disagreed with something I hadn't even said, I explained the misunderstanding... and you came back with "if you haven't seen it then pointless me saying anything further".

THAT's poo-pooing if we're going to be pedantic. That's dismissive. You engaged ME in conversation. At no point have I commented on your opinions, just tried to make mine clearer.

Ah.. now we're into the forget the exchange on BB part and do the explaining your posts part.

You started it. If you start 'attacking' the poster rather than the argument, don't be surprised if they tell you to shove it where the sun don't shine. I put forward an opinion.. another way of viewing it based on what was shown last night. You don't like that fine.. address that and not me.

If you have any problem with the interpretation of a simple post saying there is no point in a poster (me) saying anything further about something because you haven't seen the show they are referring to.. then ask.. don't assume. However, for future reference and for avoidance of doubt.. if I am being arsey then it is pretty obvious.. a one line statement of fact is not me being arsey. If in the future you have one shred of doubt as to whether I am stating a fact or on my 'high horse' etc. then maybe do yourself a favour and ask rather than project.

Have a nice day and happy posting.
Bea told her new cherums.. cockroach and yorky pud (her names for them) that she was voting for Freddie and Marcus. Why does she have the need to ingratiate herself with them at all? Being her own person was the thing I really admired about her, but for someone who can't stand duplicity, and bangs on and on about it, why did she then backstab yorky by nomming him. She's the most duplicitous person in that house, and if she thinks she's a nice person, then she's bukkin fonkers! Nod
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jingo:
Wrong side of the bed and got your blinkers on? Laugh

I don't need to have seen last nights HL's to know Bea is negative. I've watched her for weeks. It's my opinion.

Do you think it helps your argument by insinuating I 'got out of the wrong side of the bed'? Maybe you'd like to throw PMT into the mix? I mean.. it really does help you look like someone able to engage in an adult debate and not like you're clutching at straws to explain your inability to grasp than someone just might not have the same point of view as you at all.

Your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it.. I'd just recommend you watch the show someone is referring to before poo-poo'ing their opinion. Just a thought. Big Grin

Scotty didn't insinuate you got out of the wrong side of bed, she stated it.

I think you should read back Flossie. It wasn`t me who posted that it was mrd d. Moon
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jingo:
Wrong side of the bed and got your blinkers on? Laugh

I don't need to have seen last nights HL's to know Bea is negative. I've watched her for weeks. It's my opinion.

Do you think it helps your argument by insinuating I 'got out of the wrong side of the bed'? Maybe you'd like to throw PMT into the mix? I mean.. it really does help you look like someone able to engage in an adult debate and not like you're clutching at straws to explain your inability to grasp than someone just might not have the same point of view as you at all.

Your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it.. I'd just recommend you watch the show someone is referring to before poo-poo'ing their opinion. Just a thought. Big Grin

Scotty didn't insinuate you got out of the wrong side of bed, she stated it.

I think you should read back Flossie. It wasn`t me who posted that it was mrd d. Moon

Well who did it wasn't actually relevant to the main issue.

The point is that whoever did say it, they weren't insinuating. Moon

And for the record it does look as though Tupps has a very special exit from the bed marked "Abrasive Day"
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jingo:
Wrong side of the bed and got your blinkers on? Laugh

I don't need to have seen last nights HL's to know Bea is negative. I've watched her for weeks. It's my opinion.

Do you think it helps your argument by insinuating I 'got out of the wrong side of the bed'? Maybe you'd like to throw PMT into the mix? I mean.. it really does help you look like someone able to engage in an adult debate and not like you're clutching at straws to explain your inability to grasp than someone just might not have the same point of view as you at all.

Your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it.. I'd just recommend you watch the show someone is referring to before poo-poo'ing their opinion. Just a thought. Big Grin

Scotty didn't insinuate you got out of the wrong side of bed, she stated it.

I think you should read back Flossie. It wasn`t me who posted that it was mrd d. Moon

Well who did it wasn't actually relevant to the main issue.

The point is that whoever did say it, they weren't insinuating.

And for the record it does look as though Tupps has a very special exit from the bed marked "Abrasive Day"

It would have been relevant to you if someone else had made the mistake Floss.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Scotty:
We`ll have to agree to disagree on that tupps. Wink

It was supremely kind of her to think about those who wanted to go home. She`s like that. they all have to nominate and they all have their reasons.. no really fair to have a go at any HM for something they all have to do

She didn`t nominate Freddie because of their past "friendship" Big Grin No, she knew that if she did the GBP would detest her for it. you can't possibly know that scotty.. just as I couldn't possibly know whether that was in fact the case.. it is supposition on your part..

David was her safest bet. yep.. but maybe not entirely for the reasons you're attributing her decision to nom him

BTW her other reason for nominating Marcus was that he supported Freddie during his and Bea`s fall out. I know which reason I believe. Wink she's doing what they all do.. giving reasons for nominating.. and we know BB doesn't just accept 'he/she wants to go home' on its own.. Wink

I`m not avoiding replying, I`m just a bit tired now for long posts tupps.(late night) No offence. I appreciate your reply though. Valentine
Originally posted by Flossie:
Well who did it wasn't actually relevant to the main issue.

The point is that whoever did say it, they weren't insinuating.

And for the record it does look as though Tupps has a very special exit from the bed marked "Abrasive Day"

Oh for crying out loud Flossie.. normally you bother to read things before flapping your gums. Have you lost your spectacles?

Go get them and read the thread again before you stick your beak in. My post re. insinuation was to another FM not mrs d.. who did in fact state it.

And for the record, no-one really cares what you think and if they did they would have to check back on the hour because you seem to change your mind more often than you probably change your underwear.

Now shoo.. next time you have the urge to post to me or about me, drag out your plastic garden furniture and go take a flying leap over it. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by suzybean:

It would have been relevant to you if someone else had made the mistake Floss.

I like to think I focus on the key issues rather than getting distracted with minor issues or irrelevancies, unless it is spelling or grammar of course Big Grin

You would have a hairy fit and die baldy if you were misquoted and/or accused of saying something you didn't. Pants on fire you fibber! Laugh
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
The implications of me getting out of bed on the wrong side, are putting my size 5 feet into size 13 slippers! Blush

I may actually get out of bed on the wrong side one day and come and post.. almost like the 'control' in an experiment. Then when people, miles away and on a computer, felt like telling me I am narky they have something to go by. Of course I wouldn't be here on account of being banned.. but you get my drift.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
The implications of me getting out of bed on the wrong side, are putting my size 5 feet into size 13 slippers! Blush

I may actually get out of bed on the wrong side one day and come and post.. almost like the 'control' in an experiment. Then when people, miles away and on a computer, felt like telling me I am narky they have something to go by. Of course I wouldn't be here on account of being banned.. but you get my drift.

fukkemall Pay no heed. Got time for a ????E Valentine
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Well who did it wasn't actually relevant to the main issue.

The point is that whoever did say it, they weren't insinuating.

And for the record it does look as though Tupps has a very special exit from the bed marked "Abrasive Day"

Oh for crying out loud Flossie.. normally you bother to read things before flapping your gums. Have you lost your spectacles?

Go get them and read the thread again before you stick your beak in. My post re. insinuation was to another FM not mrs d.. who did in fact state it.

And for the record, no-one really cares what you think and if they did they would have to check back on the hour because you seem to change your mind more often than you probably change your underwear.

Now shoo.. next time you have the urge to post to me or about me, drag out your plastic garden furniture and go take a flying leap over it. Thumbs Up

Oh dear oh dear, did you get the gas bill as well today?

I have already accepted that Scotty didn't make the suggestion, I appreciate you would like to focus on this to divert from the issue of your behaviour.

As for not caring about my opinion, well you seem to be, and I think I am one of the most consistent of fms but I do absorb new information and reality. I presume you are insinuating ( you see how to use the word? ) that my recent criticism of Bea is on contrast to my previously approval of her. Well when the facts change so do I.

Bea has undergone a number of transitions herself, from friendly harmless hippy, to adorer of Freddie, to BB's repeatedly "shocked" or "upset" hm, to David hater, to David lover, to Freddie hater, from Lisa hater to Lisa lover, from Siavash lover to Siavash critic, and finally to Freddie torturer

I think you will find it is Bea that is incapable of sustaining a constant position not me. I still quite like her but she has shown a level of expediency and use of debating ploys and a lack of compassion that has been very unpleasant.

Do you resent not having a garden or something? Would you like to see my wooden garden furniture? You seem desperate to get personal.

And I wonder what you will be like when the electricity bill turns up!
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Jingo:
Wrong side of the bed and got your blinkers on? Laugh

I don't need to have seen last nights HL's to know Bea is negative. I've watched her for weeks. It's my opinion.

Do you think it helps your argument by insinuating I 'got out of the wrong side of the bed'? Maybe you'd like to throw PMT into the mix? I mean.. it really does help you look like someone able to engage in an adult debate and not like you're clutching at straws to explain your inability to grasp than someone just might not have the same point of view as you at all.

Your opinion and you are perfectly entitled to it.. I'd just recommend you watch the show someone is referring to before poo-poo'ing their opinion. Just a thought. Big Grin

Scotty didn't insinuate you got out of the wrong side of bed, she stated it.

I think you should read back Flossie. It wasn`t me who posted that it was mrd d. Moon

Well who did it wasn't actually relevant to the main issue.

The point is that whoever did say it, they weren't insinuating.

And for the record it does look as though Tupps has a very special exit from the bed marked "Abrasive Day"

It would have been relevant to you if someone else had made the mistake Floss.

Thankyou suzy.

And for the record Flossie,we might not all agree on what tupps is saying but it doesn`t mean she got out of a bed called "Abrasive Day"
She is giving her opinion and standing her ground, which,I might add, you do yourself quite vociferously.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Well who did it wasn't actually relevant to the main issue.

The point is that whoever did say it, they weren't insinuating.

And for the record it does look as though Tupps has a very special exit from the bed marked "Abrasive Day"

Oh for crying out loud Flossie.. normally you bother to read things before flapping your gums. Have you lost your spectacles?

Go get them and read the thread again before you stick your beak in. My post re. insinuation was to another FM not mrs d.. who did in fact state it.

And for the record, no-one really cares what you think and if they did they would have to check back on the hour because you seem to change your mind more often than you probably change your underwear.

Now shoo.. next time you have the urge to post to me or about me, drag out your plastic garden furniture and go take a flying leap over it. Thumbs Up

Oh dear oh dear, did you get the gas bill as well today?

I have already accepted that Scotty didn't make the suggestion, I appreciate you would like to focus on this to divert from the issue of your behaviour.

As for not caring about my opinion, well you seem to be, and I think I am one of the most consistent of fms but I do absorb new information and reality. I presume you are insinuating ( you see how to use the word? ) that my recent criticism of Bea is on contrast to my previously approval of her. Well when the facts change so do I.

Bea has undergone a number of transitions herself, from friendly harmless hippy, to adorer of Freddie, to BB's repeatedly "shocked" or "upset" hm, to David hater, to David lover, to Freddie hater, from Lisa hater to Lisa lover, from Siavash lover to Siavash critic, and finally to Freddie torturer

I think you will find it is Bea that is incapable of sustaining a constant position not me, and she I still quite like her but she has shown a level of expediency and debating ploys and lack of compassion once she has felt confident that has unpleasant.

Do you resent not having a garden or something? Would you like to see my wooden garden furniture? You seem desperate to get personal.

And I wonder what you will be like when the electricity bill turns up!

Yep, you are definately having difficulty reading today. I'm sorry I have not perused your post but the fact it has been made means my last sentence seems to have escaped you.

For the hard of comprehension here it is again but put simply. If you have the urge to post to me or about me again.. THEN DON'T. Big Grin
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Does Tupps have a good side of the bed? Wink

Perhaps there are two Tuppses because this Tupps seems very different from the reasonable and polite poster of a week ago.

I am polite and reasonable, usually.

I suppose I am not so polite and reasonable when busy-body keyboard ferrets presume to tell me how I am feeling simply because I DARED to post an opinion contrary to their own. I don't find that particularly polite or reasonable, in fact I find that pretty rude.. and there is nothing more satisfying than telling them where they can stick their amateur psychology and insolence.
Originally posted by Scotty:

Thankyou suzy.

And for the record Flossie,we might not all agree on what tupps is saying but it doesn`t mean she got out of a bed called "Abrasive Day"
She is giving her opinion and standing her ground, which,I might add, you do yourself quite vociferously.

Well Tupps seemed to be intent on being abrasive.

Vociferous? Moi?
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by suzybean:

It would have been relevant to you if someone else had made the mistake Floss.

I like to think I focus on the key issues rather than getting distracted with minor issues or irrelevancies, unless it is spelling or grammar of course Big Grin

You would have a hairy fit and die baldy if you were misquoted and/or accused of saying something you didn't. Pants on fire you fibber! Laugh

Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Does Tupps have a good side of the bed? Wink

Perhaps there are two Tuppses because this Tupps seems very different from the reasonable and polite poster of a week ago.

I am polite and reasonable, usually.

I suppose I am not so polite and reasonable when busy-body keyboard ferrets presume to tell me how I am feeling simply because I DARED to post an opinion contrary to their own. I don't find that particularly polite or reasonable, in fact I find that pretty rude.. and there is nothing more satisfying than telling them where they can stick their amateur psychology and insolence.

Dear oh dear.

The most satisfying thing in your life is telling people where to stick their "insolence"?

That is sad.
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by suzybean:

It would have been relevant to you if someone else had made the mistake Floss.

I like to think I focus on the key issues rather than getting distracted with minor issues or irrelevancies, unless it is spelling or grammar of course Big Grin

You would have a hairy fit and die baldy if you were misquoted and/or accused of saying something you didn't. Pants on fire you fibber! Laugh


What is that smell????


Where is my personal fire extinguisher???????
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Does Tupps have a good side of the bed? Wink

Perhaps there are two Tuppses because this Tupps seems very different from the reasonable and polite poster of a week ago.

I am polite and reasonable, usually.

I suppose I am not so polite and reasonable when busy-body keyboard ferrets presume to tell me how I am feeling simply because I DARED to post an opinion contrary to their own. I don't find that particularly polite or reasonable, in fact I find that pretty rude.. and there is nothing more satisfying than telling them where they can stick their amateur psychology and insolence.

Dear oh dear.

The most satisfying thing in your life is telling people where to stick their "insolence"?

That is sad.

How can I say this politely... foxtrot oscar.. wavey
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Scotty:

Thankyou suzy.

And for the record Flossie,we might not all agree on what tupps is saying but it doesn`t mean she got out of a bed called "Abrasive Day"
She is giving her opinion and standing her ground, which,I might add, you do yourself quite vociferously.

Well Tupps seemed to be intent on being abrasive.

Vociferous? Moi?

Laugh Laugh
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by suzybean:

It would have been relevant to you if someone else had made the mistake Floss.

I like to think I focus on the key issues rather than getting distracted with minor issues or irrelevancies, unless it is spelling or grammar of course Big Grin

You would have a hairy fit and die baldy if you were misquoted and/or accused of saying something you didn't. Pants on fire you fibber! Laugh


What is that smell????


Where is my personal fire extinguisher???????

It`s empty! Eeker
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by suzybean:

It would have been relevant to you if someone else had made the mistake Floss.

I like to think I focus on the key issues rather than getting distracted with minor issues or irrelevancies, unless it is spelling or grammar of course Big Grin

You would have a hairy fit and die baldy if you were misquoted and/or accused of saying something you didn't. Pants on fire you fibber! Laugh


What is that smell????


Where is my personal fire extinguisher???????

You don't know, and at your age too? Eeker
PS: rumour has it your garden furniture is plastic! Big Grin

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