Sorry this is late Ros, ....hope you have had a fabulous day
Sorry this is late Ros, ....hope you have had a fabulous day
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A very happy birthday to a lovely lady . Hope you got spoilt rotten ROS
<<< 5 of George's toenails
aww thank you all
A very happy birthday to a lovely lady . Hope you got spoilt rotten ROS
<<< 5 of George's toenails
fank oo but hmmmm I already have 10 of George's toenails thanks bazzy
aww thank you all
aww thank you all
thank you
Happy Birthday lovely Ros !!!
Happy Birthday Ros.
Belated Happy Birthday, lovely Ros.
I hope you had a fabulous day.
Hope you had a great day xx
Hope you had a very happy birthday Ros x
Belated birthday wishes, Ros - hope it was a good one! x
Happy birthday, Ros!
Awww, happy birthday Ros...sorry im late.
Happy belated buffday wishes Rosalina
I think this is edible But if not, it's still very pretty
Hope it was a fab birthday Ros xxx........ I would have brought some cake but nobody is going to beat that cake of Ducky's so I'll just contribute a wee drink for a toast to your good health! xx
aww thanks every body - had a great day thank you
oooo ducky that cake gorgeous
Hope it was a fab birthday Ros xxx........ I would have brought some cake but nobody is going to beat that cake of Ducky's so I'll just contribute a wee drink for a toast to your good health! xx
I think my cake may be a bouquet But once she's drank your pressie she probably won't notice the odd taste
I was gonna say that it's probably edible if you're a goat!
It's gorgeous, though!
Hope it was a fab birthday Ros xxx........ I would have brought some cake but nobody is going to beat that cake of Ducky's so I'll just contribute a wee drink for a toast to your good health! xx
I think my cake may be a bouquet But once she's drank your pressie she probably won't notice the odd taste
twas the cake shape and the beckoning of a bit of sponge beneath the foliage
And apologies for being late too, Ros; belated happy ones
thankk you both - great day thank you
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