Hi all, can you believe it, its been over 2 years since you all were supportive in the run up to Lamb in a Prams arrival. Well its that time again, im due on monday with lamb in a pram mk2.
I didnt find out the sex again, so place your bets lol
Hi all, can you believe it, its been over 2 years since you all were supportive in the run up to Lamb in a Prams arrival. Well its that time again, im due on monday with lamb in a pram mk2.
I didnt find out the sex again, so place your bets lol
Replies sorted oldest to newest
I bet .. a boy or a girl ! Good to see you.. and all the best!
Awwww Sheepy - that's brilliant news
It's going to be a little sister for Mk1, and she will be just as beautiful
A boy I reckon, 7lb 9oz ( I don't do new money!)
Welcome back Sheepy and congratulations.
I reckon it's a boy and he'll weigh 9lb 2oz.
I think it will be another girl, but everybody that looks at me says boy. All i know they have forwarned me that its a biggun lol
I think it will be another girl, but everybody that looks at me says boy. All i know they have forwarned me that its a biggun lol
*upgrades estimate to 9lb 9oz"
And hands Sheepy a rubber ring!
I think it will be another girl, but everybody that looks at me says boy. All i know they have forwarned me that its a biggun lol
Now you tell me!
*goes off to add a couple of pounds to my guess about the baby's weight*
Congrats Sheepy hasnt the time flown by
LOL, i dont do big babies.
Time has super flown by shizzle, hows your little one doing? x
He's fab and funny and totally leaves me shattered running around but i love it
your little girls gawjus xx
Marni is sooo funny too, she is talking properly too, she doesnt shut up from the minute she opens her eyes til she closes them again.
think she been here before cos she just hit every milestone without any prompting lol
A boy 9lb 7oz
A girl 8lb 4oz, all the best.
It's gonna be another girl....I feel the vibes!
And 6lb 2oz.
Marni is sooo funny too, she is talking properly too, she doesnt shut up from the minute she opens her eyes til she closes them again.
think she been here before cos she just hit every milestone without any prompting lol
Were you reading lots of books about what they're supposed to do and when they're supposed to do it? Maybe she absorbed the knowledge by osmosis type thing.
Lovely to see you again Sheep, and for such a nice reason I say a boy, and 8lb 12oz
I reckon boy - and being as you were measuring big at the same time as I was - I'm going for 9lb 2 (sorry)
OMG good luck Sheepy.
Marni is sooo funny too, she is talking properly too, she doesnt shut up from the minute she opens her eyes til she closes them again.
think she been here before cos she just hit every milestone without any prompting lol
Were you reading lots of books about what they're supposed to do and when they're supposed to do it? Maybe she absorbed the knowledge by osmosis type thing.
nope didnt read any books lol
heres a photo of lamb in a pram as she is now
Aww sheepy another on the way..two years ! gawd it just seems like months ago. I shall say a girl 8 lb 6 oz.
yes she was 2 on June 9th, its gone so quick.
Cant believe im a matter of days away from giving birth again lol
Oh I remember it well
Boy, Tuesday 9lb 8oz
Oh Sheep she is a wee beauty, I predict another girl 8.11oz..
oooh congratulations!
Erm I say girl 8lbs 7oz
Marni is a wee topper.
I say another bonnie girl 7lb 12oz
All the best Sheepy.
She's beautiful, Sheep!
And congrats on the new one!
I'll say a boy, 9lb 11oz, just like my first grandson.
Wow what a little poppet! She is lovely Sheepie. Congrats on the new bairn too...
I am gonna go for BOY and around 8 pounds.
Well done to you Sheepinajeep
Oh, a girl and 7 pounds 9 ounces.
well im now classed as overdue, no signs of anything happening yet, well not that i can feel anyway.
Im waiting for midwife to call to check my blood pressure as it was 170/80 yesterday, so she doing house visit to check it today. She told me to rest and if it was still up i would be sent to big hospital 45 miles away to be monitored and possibly induced.
So heres hoping its gone down xx
Good luck Sheepy - eat some Vindaloo, that might get you started!
But maybe not in a way you'd like xx
Sheepie! Congratulations. Marni is gorgeous. I'll say this is a boy, 8lb 10 oz and he'll be born on the 7th.
(i'm gonna get at least one thing right on one of these threads eventually)
Good Luck, Sheepie
I'm gonna guess a girl .... weighing 8lbs 13oz's
Good luck when the time comes Sheepy x
Girl. 15 pounds 15 ounces.
Just kiddin' I wouldnt wish that on you... Girl. 8 pounds 8 ounces!
Any news yet? Where is this little lamb?
Any news yet? Where is this little lamb?
I thoughtthe Lambkins thread was an update... Wonder if LIAP2 has arrived yet
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