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Reference: OHG
yet another "rebellious youth"..oh I am angry, oh I take no shit, hey I am 24 years old and I know it all,.....YAAAAAAWN when ya get to MY age you have seen this so many times it gets boring, I am certain there is a factory somewhere where they churn them out, or maybe I am just getting old,

How old was Marcus, by the way?
SOD IT!!!! its taken me the best part of an hour just to suss out how to even bloody log in here, ya log in...ya go to the home page...NO link back here, hit back button..still not logged in..log in again "log in failed cause you are already logged in" WTF?? and then...I wanted to reply to QOTHT,s reply to me....where is the quote option? quote Nan..."whara load of old shit"
anyway, my response, is, ...... what do ya mean a bit old at 24? I am 56 and  STILL a rebel,....... now I ask myself,...was it worth all that effort?
don't like this forum ONE bit,
old hippy guy

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