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MOUTHY rapper Lady Sovereign has plunged Big Brother into a new bullying row. The 24-year-old star, given the boot on Monday night, claims personal abuse is rife inside the house. But she says bosses are keeping a lid on it to make sure the final series of the show does not end in controversy. Some of the nastier scenes have even been cut out. Sov, real name Louise Harman, said she struggled to cope with the daily attacks and almost crumbled under the pressure. She claimed Dane Bowers, 30, Stephanie Beacham, 60, and Vinnie Jones, 45, were among the culprits. And she said: “I was bullied into making myself look absolutely horrible and that wasn’t the case. “Everyone was bullying me except Sisqo and Stephen. I would say the main bullies were Dane and Stephanie, without a doubt.” And she revealed that the bullying got so bad that she went into the Diary Room to discuss their behaviour with producers. She continued: “They could see I was quite outspoken and they used it to their advantage. “At one point I went to the Diary Room and I wouldn’t say I was close to tears, but I was very sensitive about the issue of bullying. “I said it was unacceptable that certain people were treating me this way. I expressed my feelings but, at the same time, I stood up to them. No-one was bothered, though.” Lesbian Sov was singled out by the older housemates, who claimed she was lazy. Stephanie even described her as a “vile creature who has not been brought up well”. The young star found herself under attack, often over food rations, as she refused to muck in and help with meals. Dane raged: “I want to drop-kick her. She’d better be careful because I can tear her down and I’ll do it in front of people.” But the full evidence of bullying inside the house was left on the cutting-room floor. And insiders say bosses may be trying to see off a potential crisis which could ruin the last series of the show. It is not the first time Celebrity Big Brother has been embroiled in a bullying row. Last year fans complained to Ofcom over American rapper Coolio’s verbal attacks on singer Michelle Heaton, 30. The programme was later cleared of any wrongdoing follow an official investigation. The most famous bullying backlash came when fans reacted angrily to Jo O’Meara and Jade Goody’s racial attacks on Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, 34. More than 50,000 people complained to Ofcom and Channel 4. But a show spokesman said bosses did not feel the latest bullying had got out of control and would step in if they thought it had. She added: “The welfare of housemates is of paramount importance and unacceptable behaviour, including bullying, is not tolerated in the BB house. “All housemates are monitored closely around the clock by a dedicated team and procedures are in place, including access to BB at any time, to ensure that housemates feel supported.” Sov, who polled 69.5% of the eviction vote, said she was glad to be out because the show was a major disappointment to her. She added: “I wanted to go in and experience it ’cos it was the last Big Brother but I was expecting a little bit more if I am honest. “There should have been more nitty-gritty tasks. It was a bit repetitive compared to other series and I got bored a good three or four days ago. I think they really could have pushed us more to the limit. “I didn’t find it that gruesome or anything. It was a bit dull. “It was supposed to be going out with a bang and something to remember but the only thing I remember is arguments about food and that happens on every Big Brother.”

Source: Daily Star online 20/01/10

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we see so little of the  what's happening in the house, it's difficult to comment.although i do think vinnie,steph and dane  were over the top with sov from some of the evidence we saw on the highlights show.stephen's reaction  suggests he thought the same.
but who knows.
It's silly to compare her with Shilpa Shetty.

Shilpa behaved beautifully and did nothing wrong. Sove behaved like a truculant 15 year-old.

None of the so-called bullying would have happened if she had just done her fair share of the chores and thought about the others a bit more, instead of being so selfish.

She's just making excuses now!
None of the so-called bullying would have happened if she had just done her fair share of the chores and thought about the others a bit more, instead of being so selfish. She's just making excuses now!
Agree Spiteful to the end.
and it is silly to make a comparison between shilpa and sov, from what i've seen
I haven't made any comparisons to Shilpa as I don't believe there are any to be made, however I do believe she was utterly spiteful to take that key at the end and now to spring this bullying lark, well it all smaks of spitefullness in my book.
Reference: jacksonb
we see so little of the what's happening in the house, it's difficult to comment.although i do think vinnie,steph and dane were over the top with sov from some of the evidence we saw on the highlights show.stephen's reaction suggests he thought the same. but who knows.
I agree, and on last night's evidence it now looks as if Stephen is the new target (although he makes himself one, by being so odd ).

I wasn't a fan of Sov by the end, but what she says has a ring of truth about it, particularly since Stephen seems to be backing her up. Vinnie has shown himself to be a very nasty piece of work, and Dane's claws have been coming out too. Stephanie's an insufferable snob.

It's typical of BB bosses to play down Sov's claims. They say there isn't a problem - but I'd say if a HM is going into the diary room almost in tears to complain, then there definitely IS. Surely the person who's being bullied is better qualified to say it's happening, than some numpty member of the BB staff? And if there's no problem with how she was treated, how come we weren't allowed to see it and make up our own minds?
sov may have been mnay things, spiteful wasn't one of them

Guess its all perception JacksonB..I felt she was spiteful taking that key but hey, we could be here all day discussing this. I think the girl will go through life cutting off her nose to spite her face, which is actually quite sad.
I haven't made any comparisons to Shilpa as I don't believe there are any to be made, however I do believe she was utterly spiteful to take that key at the end and now to spring this bullying lark, well it all smaks of spitefullness in my book.
No - the comparison with Shilpa was made in the Newspaper article quoted.
I agree - there IS no comparison.
Shilpa did her best in the house and cooked and cleaned more than anyone.

Sov acted like a spoiled selfish brat.
She was given loads of chances by the others and talked to quietly and asked just to do her share.
 She refused to make any effort at all.
No wonder they lost patience with her - and now she pulls the "I've been bullied " card.
If that's bullying then every mother who tries to get her teenage daughter to clean her room and help with chores is also guilty of bullying!
She acts like a spoiled teenager!
"It's not FAIR....!"
Reference:Cold Sweat
It might be easier to read from the link as my copy/paste has merged into a single paragraph.
Cold Sweat - I've found a way to get around this paragraph thing.

You can't seem to put paragraphs in while you're actually posting, so the thing to do is to post as normal (and it appears without paragraphs) and then go into EDIT mode and put the paragraphs in then, and re-submit your post.

A bit of a faff I know - but it works.
Reference: Artmags
If that's bullying then every mother who tries to get her teenage daughter to clean her room and help with chores is also guilty of bullying! She acts like a spoiled teenager! "It's not FAIR....!"
Hmmm, interesting that you should use a mother and teenage daughter in your example. I do wonder whether she would have received the same treatment, if she'd been male and had had the same attitude to housework.

I saw her complaining several times that her offers of help weren't accepted. I also saw her hoovering the bedroom, whilst Ivana and Vinnie discussed how badly she would be doing it and whether it would have to be done again.
Vinnie's refusal to allow her to pass him food from the storecupboard was also an example of the lack of trust she was shown, in her abilities and also her motives.

I have no doubt that there are lots of incidents that we didn't see, which could have led to her trucculent behaviour by the end.
Just before I go any further, please allow me to say that I do not condone bullying in any shape or form. But I am perplexed about these latest allegations by 'Lady Sov'.

Why didn't she said she had been bullied on her exit interview with Davina or mention it after on BBBM or LBBM? She had ample opportunity to do so when she complained about the hm's, moreover she said she liked Vinnie. Why now, days after she has left the house has she dropped this bombshell of bullying. Because lets face it, allegations of bullying is a bombshell and very contentious
She wasn't my fav hm but I do think that some of them behaved badly towards her.
Stephanie and Vinnie practically ignored her in the house and Ivana saying goodbye to her on friday before the 3 way eviction was not only bitchy but rude too.
I can see how she adopted her truculent attitude after such treatment.
A weaker person would have buckled in floods of tears.
Shilpa behaved beautifully and did nothing wrong. Sove behaved like a truculant 15 year-old.
Shilpa along with Ken Russell treated Jade and her mother with disdain when they first entered, openly and to their face, without good reason.  Out and out snobbery. Shilpa was not faultless. Jade's behaviour later was of course abhorrent and Shilpa dealt with it all with enormous dignity.
Selina K
Reference Cold Sweat Today at 09:15:
Interesting to note that when The Star discuss CBB5 they do not include Danielle Lloyd...
Yeah - funny, that...

"The most famous bullying backlash came when fans reacted angrily to Jo O’Meara and Jade Goody’s racial attacks on Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, 34."

What's the betting that the Star will continue down the historical revisionist route and start airbrushing her out of the CBB5 stills photos?

Eugene's Lair
I did not like her but wont disbelieve she was bullied not seeing LF 24/7 who knows what goes on, even watching the HL shows Vinnie in my opinion is an awful bully with Stephanie and Dane as his back up team..
Stephanie ignored her from the minute she entered the house and looked down on her. Calling her a vile creature and a non-entity behind her back. Dane threatened to drop kick her and tear her down. Which was really brave considering she is only 5 foot tall.
i mentioned this story yesterday she said stephanie and dane had bullied her i see now vinnie has been added to her list. she needs a story to keep her name alive. she wasnt treated the best but did herself no favours either.
Fairfax offline 1262 Forum Posts Today at 01:26 (Edited: ) Reference: sov may have been mnay things, spiteful wasn't one of them Guess its all perception JacksonB..I felt she was spiteful taking that key but hey, we could be here all day discussing this. I think the girl will go through life cutting off her nose to spite her face, which is actually quite sad.
How right you are.Fairfax.
None of the so-called bullying would have happened if she had just done her fair share of the chores and thought about the others a bit more, instead of being so selfish.
So if you don't do as your told and do your fair share of the chores its ok to be bullied???  Perhaps if she hadn't been so-called bullied she would have been more inclined to help out and be a team player
Why didn't she said she had been bullied on her exit interview with Davina or mention it after on BBBM or LBBM?
How do we know that she didn't?  BB have plenty of opportunity to edit out what they don't want us to see
Reference: Tequila
How do we know that she didn't? BB have plenty of opportunity to edit out what they don't want us to see
Isn't the exit interview with Davina live and BBBMouth too? I just find it mighty strange that its being mentioned now and with Vinnie (the guy she said she likes) been added to the mix.
Maybe she's seen footage of Vinnie egging others on to isolate her and nominate her.
Yes I think that's more than likely...............and Vinnie was being more covert about it wasnt he?  loading the bullets and standing back to watch the others fire them
No the eviction takes place approx 15 minutes before it's broadcast so that they can edit out anything they want........which would then make BBBM 15 mins or so behind too
Well there you go, didn't know about the 15 minute window. Perhaps Lady Sov told BB of her bullying then and they choose to edit it as you believe or else she waited which I suspect until now to spring this on the public after seeing playback of the show and or discussions with 'her peoples' / agent. Thanks for telling me about the delay anyway.

yw Fairfax

The thing is.........I think most of us are agreed that Vinnie is a controlling thug who displays bullying tendancies towards many of the HMs he perceives as being weaker than him and even with the heavily edited HL's it doesn't take THAT much of a stretch of the imagination to realise there may well be some truth in Sov's "allegation" (if we're to believe the tabloids of course)

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