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All I'm saying, like Ducky, is that irrespective of which ever party or coalition is proposing it, it is dangerous if it makes any party in power more able to stay in power despite the wishes of the electorate, or indeed the very MPs we vote to represent us!
And like I say.... I haven't said what I feel about that All I am doing is answering various criticisms which seem to me to be aimed at the coalition.... or more particularly the Tories.....
All I am doing is answering various criticisms which seem to me to be aimed at the coalition.... or more particularly the Tories....
And that's what tribalism does.....  gets peoples backs up, makes you defensive, and all rational argument is lost.    

If we promise not to scalp you Baz.....will you go easy on the naughty step?
So much for Nick Clegg's "The failures of the old parties" and "a new politics" if a "new politics" means compromising nearly all your principles and to jetison three quarters of your policies and climb into bed with a party of ideological polar opposites then give me the 'old politics' any day.

The country can do without 'electoral reform' that keeps minority unpopular governments in office and makes 292 government MPs worth more than 350 of everyone else.  I don't think many voters asked, "Can we have legislation to keep unpopular minority governments in office for longer?".  Under these changes the Tories go from being a minority party of government to being a majority party of government without winning a single seat.

One excuse for this is harsh times and the government will have to make very unpopular decisions.  However, World War 2 hasn't just broken out and surely the country can handle a few lean years and tough decisions without wrecking democractic principles!  As much as it may pain this government to be a one term or less government, that's life! 


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