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I guess they will have to do the same as those of us who didn't vote Labour for the last 13 years..... moan and wait
Ah but ..............Labour always got the majority for three terms. Even after 13 years Conservatives couldn't get a majority and had to kiss and cuddle up. Now having got that power they're changing the rules in order to cling on...............I can't remember the last time we went five years - and as for raising the percentage to 55% that really is a desperate move to skew things in their favour isn't it?
Soozy Woo
Ah but ..............Labour always got the majority for three terms. Even after 13 years Conservatives couldn't get a majority and had to kiss and cuddle up. Now having got that power they're changing the rules in order to cling o
Ah. but they are not in government alone...... and with the Lib Dems  they do have a majority..... both in votes and seats.....
moan and wait
It's a ping pong game, we've moaned and waited for 18 years, you (and I mean that in the sense of political persuvasion) waited for 13 years. Nobody actualy won this election and if Cameron was true to himself, he would have gone it alone and called another election in a few months time. The fact that he didn't and the Lib/Dems got together with him makes me feel quite convinced that the only thing these two parties have in common is to get power. I'm sort glad that Labour didn't sell themselves out for that.
cologne 1
I guess they will have to do the same as those of us who didn't vote Labour for the last 13 years..... moan and wait
I would gladly have done so if they had got a majority and I will gladly do so if the coalition stay together. But not if they end up a minority government, powerless to win a vote on new laws but protected against a vote for dissolution. That's the situation that worries me......and should worry all those who want a stable government.
It's a ping pong game, we've moaned and waited for 18 years, you (and I mean that in the sense of political persuvasion) waited for 13 years. Nobody actualy won this election and if Cameron was true to himself, he would have gone it alone and called another election in a few months time. The fact that he didn't and the Lib/Dems got together with him makes me feel quite convinced that the only thing these two parties have in common is to get power. I'm sort glad that Labour didn't sell themselves out for that.

Yep I agree totally with this, Power hungry, i will sell my soul now give me the keys to no 10, losers.......I mean losers literally
The fact that he didn't and the Lib/Dems got together with him makes me feel quite convinced that the only thing these two parties have in common is to get power.
And you really believe that Labour isn't exactly the same Cologne..... Call me cynical, but I truly believe that ALL political  parties are driven by wanting power.... not much point in being in politics if all you want to do is sit on the sidelines..... cos you can't get much done from there....
Ah. but they are not in government alone...... and with the Lib Dems they do have a majority..... both in votes and seats.....
I realise that ...........I would try and explain myself again but maybe you misunderstood my post. That's what's so crooked IMO. Labour had the majority for thirteen years ....three terms in fact ....never tried to pull a stunt like that though.
Soozy Woo
I realise that ...........I would try and explain myself again but maybe you misunderstood my post. That's what's so crooked IMO. Labour had the majority for thirteen years ....three terms in fact ....never tried to pull a stunt like that though.
No, I understood your post Soozy..... But, at the risk of getting jumped at from a great height, in my book it was far more *crooked* taking us into a war based on a pack of untruths......
Call me cynical, but I truly believe that ALL political  parties are driven by wanting power.... not much point in being in politics if all you want to do is sit on the sidelines..... cos you can't get much done from there....
I'll call you on that one then Baz! (Evenin' all btw.)

If that is the case, why do any of us espouse any political beliefs? Surprisingly, I think many people who enter politics do it to make a change for the public good. And this particular discussion shows that politics is a subject that many are quite passionate about.

And for what it's worth, I think this constitutional change is quite sinister... and, if not abused by this coalition arrangement, leaves it open to abuse by others in the future.
I just think that, given the way things are, we should at least be giving them a chance.
I agree with that Baz, honestly I do......but I think it's just as dangerous to ignore it for the sake of stability. Not everyone is blinded by party politics, and I would hate you to think that's what drives me on this.   I feel very strongly that this is wrong and I would whichever party was advocating it.  

I think people can give the coalition a chance and at the same time stand up and say this is wrong. The two things shouldn't be mutually exclusive.
If that is the case, why do any of us espouse any political beliefs? Surprisingly, I think many people who enter politics do it to make a change for the public good. And this particular discussion shows that politics is a subject that many are quite passionate about.
Ahh but I was very careful to say Political parties Xochi..... not some politicians... or voters   And I stand by my assertion that those who run the political parties are driven by a desire for power......Evening Xochi by the way
I agree with that Baz, honestly I do......but I think it's just as dangerous to ignore it for the sake of stability. Not everyone is blinded by party politics, and I would hate you to think that's what drives me on this.   I feel very strongly that this is wrong and I would whichever party was advocating it.
 But I haven't actually said which side I am on
And I stand by my assertion that those who run the political parties are driven by a desire for power......Evening Xochi by the way
That is a given Baz! And that is why this constitutional amendment is self-serving in that respect.

I have a friend in the Welsh borders who is very active in the LibDems. He said the local party reaction to this coalition is extremely angry and people are already resigning their memberships.

And evening to you too!
But I haven't actually said which side I am on
Yeah I did notice that!   I just didn't want this to be accused of being another "us and them" thread ...... we should be allowed to rise above party allegiance and judge each issue as it comes.

Ditty will tell us off otherwise. She won't be happy till we're all sat around singing kumbaya
I have a friend in the Welsh borders who is very active in the LibDems. He said the local party reaction to this coalition is extremely angry and people are already resigning their memberships
I am sure there are lots of people out there from both parties who are unhappy and who feel let down.....this was never going to be easy......but if other countries manage to live with coalitions, why can't we.......
And you really believe that Labour isn't exactly the same Cologne..... Call me cynical, but I truly believe that ALL political parties are driven by wanting power.... not much point in being in politics if all you want to do is sit on the sidelines..... cos you can't get much done from there....
No, I agree Baz that they are all driven by wanting to be the Government, but surely there has got to come a time when they understand that it's not about their power. We (and I wish I could include myself) have given them a hung parliament and sent out the message that we are not amused by any of them. What I don't like is the scrambling for power. The Lib/Dems would never have got there without the Conservatives, but I still maintain that the Tories should have had the guts to form a minority Government and see how the Country liked it. That to me is Democracy rather than wanting to be the top dogs.
cologne 1
Yeah I did notice that!   I just didn't want this to be accused of being another "us and them" thread ...... we should be allowed to rise above party allegiance and judge each issue as it comes
 That's what I feel we should all be doing Ducky.... sadly, as a country we are far too tribal in our political beliefs IMO... and it will be that, that could bring the coalition down, rather than  the policies....
I am sure there are lots of people out there from both parties who are unhappy and who feel let down.....this was never going to be easy......but if other countries manage to live with coalitions, why can't we.......
But Baz... this thread is about the concept of a fixed term parliament and this proposition of a 55% majority in the event of a vote of confidence in Parliament. I am not arguing the toss about the pros or cons of a coalition here. All I'm saying, like Ducky, is that irrespective of which ever party or coalition is proposing it, it is dangerous if it makes any party in power more able to stay in power despite the wishes of the electorate, or indeed the very MPs we vote to represent us!

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