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Thank you for not taking advantage of my "whist" typo
As if I would Moi?? In all seriousness though, when Thatcher was shitting all over the country I was too busy out on my BMX and my skates to take any real notice, glad of it too. The only time politics of any kind really blipped on my radar was when John Major got in. And that's only cos he had lived in Brixton and looked like a frog.
Wouldn't it be a laugh if Ms Abbott won. I gave her both my first votes, but second preference to Ed M. on the basis that she would not get enough in the first ballot, Ed would win, but a message would be sent to 'em to do away with the current nonsense and return to previous values.
Imagine if all the left wing have done that.   etc.
Garage Joe
Very close indeed, as expected.  How the dynamic between the Milibands will play out remains to be seen.  My first choice was Andy Burnham but Ed Miliband was my second.  I think Labour might have come unstuck with David M and his more murkier moments being associated with the Iraq war and the dubious tacit approval of torture.

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