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Originally Posted by nuts:


Fending us all off when the changes happen 

Are you referring to the fact that I decided to temporarily ignore you and see if you'd get used to it?


I'm sorry I forgot to warn you again. I know better, and sometimes I'm on my game, but sometimes I'm not. Guess what today is? 


I love a good tweak Lori and All at Voodo Hoopla Towers! 


The change in the font size in posts for me (Safari) has meant I can now drop the page view down so I can see all the stuff on the right now without scrolling across, which I'd obviously never bothered doing!  It also means I can see any adverts fully so when folk are chatting about that I can have a chuckle.  


I like the colour again. It was always my favourite. For me its a sort of peach on one and buttermilk on the next. (Are you sure Baz hasn't had a hand in this?)  


And yeah. Obviously. Rosez rule.  too all on this day. Is it really a year?  

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I like the black and red and larger font size, helpful to my old lady eyes!


But my old lady eyes would prefer a bit more colour as they find the white and very pastel a bit hard, and I find the quoted bits of posts don't stand out so much as quotes.

Sorry Lori, just saying.......

I can live with the black and red, though it may not be my favourite colourway.

The alternating white and primrose yellow for the posts is a bit harsh, IMO.


As for the quoted bits?    I found that they sometimes didn't stand out well in the last colour scheme no change there.


Marge, some of the changes are a bit subtle.


Forums / UK TV Fans / Big Brother UK / Kudos to Lori and co

That bit ^^^^ under the black and red menu bar is in a very tiny font size and has the thread title on it as well.


The font size for the posts changed a couple of times while the were actively doing the tweeking, as did the post background colours.


Not a hundred percent sure, but I THINK the subtitles down the side (Recent Topics, Calendar, Tags, Forum Archive, Online Now) that are BOLD and RED, didn't used to be bold and red - well they may have been bold, but I don't think they were red.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

I like the black and red and larger font size, helpful to my old lady eyes!


See....for some of us, once they finished tweaking, the font size was smaller and we had to do a bit of tweaking ourselves.

 ! My font looks big in this now though  

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

In most cases you can hit [Ctrl+] to increase the font size and [Ctrl-] to decrease the size.

I'm liking the bigness of it  Before, it was all like the "Forums / UK TV Fans / Big Brother UK / Kudos to Lori and co" bit at the top.

Was a bit like that for me too. but between my tweaking and their final tweaks it seems to be a reasonable size now.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I like it, not seeing briskets flowers tho 

What browser are you using? On FF I see one strip of roses down each side, but on IE I see nothing on the right and only a sliver of the left edge of the leaves down the left.

Google Chrome, fluffy, usually when i refresh the page they are there, but its just a blank page

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I'm on Chrome now and am getting the same as on IE - a sliver down the left.


It might be your monitor size and a possible increase of display size.

(Sorry if that makes no sense to some. &nbsp

I logged out and in, now see them very faintly behind the pages, if you see what i mean!  

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I like it, not seeing briskets flowers tho 

What browser are you using? On FF I see one strip of roses down each side, but on IE I see nothing on the right and only a sliver of the left edge of the leaves down the left.

I'm on IE and that is all I've ever seen. I thought that was how it was for everyone

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I logged out and in, now see them very faintly behind the pages, if you see what i mean!  

Yes, I see them faintly behind the main body of the display too.


Edit: So sounds a bit like the main display is taking up so much of your monitor width that it is now covering ALL the roses.


Its like the roses are the design of the tablecloth and all the postings are on a sheet of paper sitting on top.

If the table is 10 inches wide and the 'paper' is 8 inches then you see roses on each side.

If the table remains 10 inches wide , but the 'paper' gets wider then you start losing part, or all, of the roses, depending on how wide the 'paper' is.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I like it, not seeing briskets flowers tho 

What browser are you using? On FF I see one strip of roses down each side, but on IE I see nothing on the right and only a sliver of the left edge of the leaves down the left.

I'm on IE and that is all I've ever seen. I thought that was how it was for everyone

Aww Veggie this is where I think we sometimes get confused with each other (I'm meaning confusion amongst all of us FMs)

We're not all always seeing the display the same, but not realising that others are seeing it slightly differently.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

apart from the font I can;t see any difference. .maybe the colour of the alternate boxes has changed.. tho not so much that it made a difference to my viewing tho..


i had hoped with the change they'd do the setting choice in our profile, that was talked about before, so that we can choose to view actual times of posts or the current x minutes ago, which I still hate cos I have no idea what the bleedin time is when I am reading a thread.. or what time I last refreshed etc...  I need to know the time. . it's an OCD thing I think


and yes I am moaning again Lori



apart from that the top looks nice and professional and the font is a good size..

Mount Olympus *Olly*

see I just posted and it said it was 4 seconds ago.. ok thanks for that but what's the bluddy time???  


oh and I know you can hover over to get the actual time but I view the forum using an add on tool called coolpreviews which means I don't have to open new tabs and can preview a thread quickly and close or read whatever I choose.. it's a great tool for forums cos you only need the top page open so reduces the amount of tabs... when I read a thread I get a pop up window but the hover over thing doesn't work in that. . plus I hate having to move my mouse to get the time when all I had to do before was just look ..[is lazy]  

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

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