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Kim Woodburn has entered the House to explain the instructions of today task- she is not impressed by the state of the House 



Day 55: Task Alert - 'It'll be all white'



For this week’s shopping task, the housemates will have to keep that ‘dirt off their shoulders’ and their acts clean. Big Brother has given the housemates pristine white suits and dresses for the day, which the housemates will have to make sure they keep clean. “Easy” you say… think again, the housemates will all have their outfits inspected by Kym Woodburn, who will deem whether their suits and dresses are clean enough to pass inspection.


If Kym detects too much dirt on the outfits, the housemates will be charged for their outfits to be cleaned. The cleaning charge will be deducted from the housemates luxury shopping budget of £300, which the housemates will begin the task with.


The object of the task is to stay clean and to keep the outfits perfectly white. The housemates will be subjected to a number of attempts to make them dirty.


Bloody Awful Mary’s

One housemate will be called to the diary room and asked to collect a tray of tall glasses filled with tomato juice. They will then have to carry them back into the House for their fellow housemates. When they return to the diary room hallway, they’ll find there are a series of hurdles to climb over of increasing size. Naturally, each hurdle will be covered in paint.


Lady and the Tramp 

Housemates will have to sit opposite each other on electronic rocking horses. They must feed each other pea soup with long wooden spoons, while rocking backwards and forwards.


The Paint Bomb

One of the housemates will be called to the diary room, once in the diary room the housemate will be greeted with a balloon filled with foam and food colouring that is slowly inflating. The housemate will be told that the balloon will explode in 60 seconds; the housemate must protect themselves by wrapping themselves in cling film for when the balloon pops.


Finders Keepers

Two housemates enter the small task room which has been dressed with lots of shelves, boxes, objects and the door locks behind them. In the middle of the room is a huge box locked by a padlock.


An alarm sounds and Big Brother explains that the room will self destruct in 60 seconds. The housemates must find the key that has been hidden in the room, open the padlock, and get inside the box to protect themselves for when the room implodes.

Hallway Mission Impossible

One housemate will go to the diary room, but when they leave, the hallway will have been transformed into a web of paint covered threads. The housemates will have to negotiate their way through the webs to get back into the House.


Will the housemates come out of this squeaky clean? 


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Originally Posted by Scotty:

1230: Alex managed to complete the task with 5 Bloddy Marys. Housemates were told to drink them and everyone has except... Aaron



Oh Dear ................  



I couldnt have drunk it either  







After the housemates finished cleaning the House ready for Kim Woodburn’s inspection, Big Brother called the two most sparkling-white-looking housemates to the diary room. Aaron and Alex were shocked to find a few slightly tricky obstacles in their way when they entered the diary room corridor, though…


The bank-vault style wire trap (the wires were coated with paint) was initially quite patiently traversed by Aaron and Alex on their way to the diary room. This patience was rewarded by some fairly clean white suits: Big Brother must have been impressed! Unfortunately, though, the two experienced a few more difficulties on their way back, ending up a little more ink-stained than before: Alex appeared to give up at the end, choosing to dive through the final wires rather than carefully treading over them.


The other housemates initially looked a little shocked at the suspicious-looking stains on both of the housemates’ suits. After explaining what happened, though, the other housemates seemed to find it quite funny: but will Kim be laughing when she shows up? 






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