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Most of the North Koreans have absolutely no idea what goes on outside their country so it seems that they actually believe their leaders and therefore will genuinely grieve for him. When one village doesn't know what the next one is doing, the population can not be expected to revolt. They have no idea that there is a totally different world outside their borders. They hardly know the next Mr. Kim but will swear lifetime allegiance because they are convienced that this guy is like his father and grandfather and so can be relied apon to look after them and the country. It's very frightening to have 22 million people agreeing with 1 million army personel.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Not the most political minded of people, but what does this mean for South Korea?  His son is going to take over, do you think he will be more of a loose canon than his father was?


I imagine the South Koreans (and the Japanese) are very, very concerned. Both countries have gone on high alert (and the fact that North Korea test-fired a missile over the Sea of Japan this morning probably didn't lighten their mood...  )

The problem is that there's doubt not just over what Kim Jong-un will be like, but whether he'll be able to take full control at all. The feeling in some quarters is that he's too young and not been around long enough to be able to control the army. As nearly all of the country's production goes towards the military, you can imagine that the generals might want to keep control for thenselves...

Eugene's Lair

i saw a documentray a while back , about a group of  eye doctors travelling around  north korea and perfoming mass cateract operations, in the villages and towns.


 all the people who needed the op were all in a big room, and they were preached at by the doctors that their sight would be restored by the good grace of  kim jong il.


after the op, the locals had to get themselves into a frenzy of gratitude and worship kim jong il, it  was expected and the guy in the documentary was convinced they were thanking   him as a god, because  the police are always watching, and  better to be safe than sorry.


What happened to that post calling Jessica Wright a bimbo for saying R.I.P that this guy had died?    It was there a few minutes ago,

How odd, it just vanished... 


Jessica Wright from TOWIE poured out her condolences for Kim Jong Il, not realising that he was a dictator.  And people on twitter and facebook have been horrible about her.  FFS, not EVERYone  knows everything about politics.  If she had said 'I'm glad the bastard is dead and I hope he rots in hell' she would've been slagged off for that too.  


BTW, the 'outpouring of grief' from the North Korean people looks very staged to me - and most people I have discussed this with.  JMO of course.

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:

 not EVERYone  knows everything about politics.  If she had said 'I'm glad the bastard is dead and I hope he rots in hell' she would've been slagged off for that too.  


BTW, the 'outpouring of grief' from the North Korean people looks very staged to me - and most people I have discussed this with.  JMO of course.

I think you would have to have been living on a different planet to not know that he wasn't the nicest of people! 


I do agree that the grief does look quite staged, but then I would never have believed that people could have behaved as they did when Diana died.  It seems quite easy for mass hysteria to take hold. 

Originally Posted by Growlybear:


I do agree that the grief does look quite staged, but then I would never have believed that people could have behaved as they did when Diana died.  It seems quite easy for mass hysteria to take hold. 

oooh!    Again..    MrD has been saying this too!


We were in the kebab shop last night (don't ask ) and the news was on...   I was OMG'ing at the wailing...   & he said "nah... they just aren't trying...    I would put that on a par with the Jade Goody Funeral..     they should study the Diana funeral footage for tips" 


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:


I do agree that the grief does look quite staged, but then I would never have believed that people could have behaved as they did when Diana died.  It seems quite easy for mass hysteria to take hold. 

oooh!    Again..    MrD has been saying this too!


We were in the kebab shop last night (don't ask ) and the news was on...   I was OMG'ing at the wailing...   & he said "nah... they just aren't trying...    I would put that on a par with the Jade Goody Funeral..     they should study the Diana funeral footage for tips" 


OMG  LOL!    That's pretty much what everyone I know has been saying... on a scale of one to ten, the fakeness of their outpouring of grief is an eleven!


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