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12.29am: Ashleigh tells Caroline about her Luke A conversation. Seems he let rip, giving it straight about Caroline and Becky. #bbuklive

12.48am: Having just slated Deana together, #Lushleigh are joined by Becky. They're telling her Luke A's thoughts about her. #bbuklive

12.59am: It's kicking off between Luke A and Becky. Luke A has a fire in his belly tonight. #bbuklive

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Originally Posted by MrsH:

1.08am: Adam is telling Luke A that it was a tactical error to get frank.


"It's a game and there are horrible people in here." 



1.11am: Scott's being grilled by Becky and Ashleigh. He spoke to Luke A and they want the details.

He's refusing to bean-spill.  

Now, if you were being yourself  you wouldn't really care what others were doing or saying.  

Pair of hyenas


Day 46: Luke A lets rip



23 mins ago

Getting saved by the public vote has acted like an adrenaline shot on Luke A's confidence. A little validation goes a long way for anyone and we’re no Mark Rackley but, we reckon that probably goes doubly so when you've been through what Luke's been through.

High on his recent victory, Luke A confided in best-bud, Adam that he was going to start telling it like it is. And he did, within hours...

With Lauren gone there was a gap in the female friend department. Sara stepped up to the smoking area and in the process found herself on the receiving end of some home truths, Luke A style. He likes her but thinks she's easily led.

"I wouldn’t blow smoke up your ass because I'm scared of Monday" he said by way of an explanation for this blunt analysis.

Peculiarly, the next in line for the honest treatment was Ashleigh. New, no-BS Luke A told the Essex gal that he likes her but her but not her pals Caroline and Becky.

"You know Becky's fake, right?" he announced with eyebrow-raising candour. Despite parting with a snuggly hug, Ash immediately went and fed back this news to Caz and Bex which caused Becky to come steaming out.

Cure round three of Luke A sassing off. As Bex defended herself with increasing hysteria, revealing that she’s raved about how great Luke A is to Big Brother, Luke A calmly defended his earlier remark. "I'm just telling you what I believe" he said in the tone of one making conversation about the weather. As Bex stormed off in a clearly displeased mood, Luke A remarked to Scott and Adam, "Have you got the awkward balloon? I’ll take the awkward balloon..."

If he carries on like this, we might as well strap that awkward balloon to his head.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

 Do not tell me Luke is going to turn into a Freddy,

Dunno Lee.. think it's more he knows he has nothing to lose , he'll be nominated again on Monday 

Him and Adam. Or maybe it's Deana's turn again. But I agree Slinkeh, he knows he's a dead man walking and I think he is the sort to do as much collateral damage as he can. 

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

 Do not tell me Luke is going to turn into a Freddy,

Dunno Lee.. think it's more he knows he has nothing to lose , he'll be nominated again on Monday 

Him and Adam. Or maybe it's Deana's turn again. But I agree Slinkeh, he knows he's a dead man walking and I think he is the sort to do as much collateral damage as he can. 

..even if he does do it in an Alan Partridge kind of way  

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

 Do not tell me Luke is going to turn into a Freddy,

Dunno Lee.. think it's more he knows he has nothing to lose , he'll be nominated again on Monday 

Him and Adam. Or maybe it's Deana's turn again. But I agree Slinkeh, he knows he's a dead man walking and I think he is the sort to do as much collateral damage as he can. 

..even if he does do it in an Alan Partridge kind of way  

Oh! Bitchy! But horrible to relate, I know what you mean. 


Day 46: Everybody's talking about Deana


19 mins ago

You might have thought that seeing Lauren leaving the House might have left The Insiders at least mildly content. Weirdly enough though, it seems to have spun them off their axis and headlong into the chaosphere.

Instead of sitting back with smiles on their faces, cheered by the fact they set the wheels in motion for Lauren's exit, The Insiders started to talk in worried tones about their situation in the House. 

Perhaps it was the fantastic crowd reception Lauren received when she exited, or maybe it was the obvious support for Luke A? Could it have been the overheard crowd-chants that seemed to target an Insider or two? Whatever it was, Becky, Luke S, Conor, Ashleigh and Becky all seemed to become monumentally rattled and they picked quite a strange target for their fury.

Luke A was a target after the chef told Ashleigh straight about how he's found Becky and Caroline's behaviour, but despite her not being involved and keeping a very low profile all night, they still managed to take swipes at Deana - despite the Birmingham girl barely making a peep all night.

Chatting about the events of the night, Luke S and Ashleigh's conversation swerved in Deana's direction. 

"She's so moody" said Ashleigh. "A born actress" replied Luke S. 

Earlier on, Ashleigh had labelled Deana's relaxed face a 'trout pout'. And it wasn't just those two who had an axe to grind.

"Why is Luke A behaving like this?" asked Caroline, when she heard from Becky what Luke A had said.

"Deana's got to him and manipulated him. That's just what she does" Conor explained, apparently with little grounds to base this on. He hadn't been party to any conversations along those lines, if there were any to be party to.

Later on, Deana was approached by Caroline, who relayed what Conor had said, explaining that Conor's diatribe had made her feel awkward because Deana was now her friend. Deana listened and absorbed what Caroline was saying, but the look on her face spelled out that she couldn't tell exactly why Caroline was bringing this disclosure to her direct.

Yet again, Deana's being talked about, hearing things second hand and isn't sure what to think. Luckily she's now got a friendly ear or two she can sound all this off against. Actually, it's possible it might even make sense when she recreates tonight's scenes aloud to a sympathetic ear.


Interesting to see Scott taking in what Luke said and how Becky responded. Personally I'd like the Outsiders to be in the Final but if one Insider has to be included I'd choose Scott, he's the only one of them that I find interesting. Nice to see Luke feeling confident now in wanting to say what he feels to those he doesn't think are genuine, it could backfire on him on Monday but at least he's speaking up and telling it like it is

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

She deserved that  


But is he getting carried away? 

I don't know.. he was pretty kind of measured there , didn't give her any room for manoeuvre though . Think it's that he knows he'll be up again and is thinking there's nowt to lose rather than he's thinking he's invincible .

Enjoyed watching that  


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