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Reference Noty Today at 18:06:
Dear oh dear oh dear. He really is an odious human being.
Blindingly obvious from the very first.

The thing is - it was also blindingly obvious that Karly knew what he was really like, but chose to put up with it because of "other considerations". Doesn't excuse his behaviour in any way, of course. It's still totally despicable.
Eugene's Lair
In this day and age anyone who poses for pictures like that is asking for trouble. She absolutely knew he was a slimeball, why on earth did she let him take those pictures? Surely she must have known they'd likely become internet procasturbation fodder when they split up? (Not blaming her BTW, he's a real shit for putting them on- but then again she knew that!)
The thing is - it was also blindingly obvious that Karly knew what he was really like, but chose to put up with it because of "other considerations". Doesn't excuse his behaviour in any way, of course. It's still totally despicable
Got to agree with you Eugene, about why she was there.  Hope he gets his comeuppance all the same
I think it's a really low act for anyone to post pictures like that on the internet but it shouldn't come as any surprise that the Tong creature did this.

I said at the time that Karly was bought and paid for and was as much a commodity as buying a newspaper (thrown away when he'd finished with it)

She's got no one to blame but herself!
Reference electric shepherd Today at 19:14:
 Reference: Eugene's Lair: "it was also blindingly obvious that Karly knew what he was really like, but chose to put up with it because of "other considerations"."

perhaps the other considerations were that he threatened to put those pics on the net if they split...
what a t*@t...
Well, I was thinking more about why she got together with him in the first place.

Having said that: I wouldn't put it past him. Actually, I wouldn't put anything past him...
Eugene's Lair

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