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I have not seen yesterdays show yet, so the extent of my knowledge of the newbies comes from their (actually quite long) biogs on the C4 website... It states his 'job' as an International Playboy, and that his massive wealth is family money. He doesn't work for anything he has and that doesn't sit that well with me. I don't begrudge someone having money or a privileged background, but you can still do something worthwhile with your time and money rather than just swanning around flashing your cash.

‘He revels in living the high life, funded by his enormous family wealth, and once spent £15k on a bottle of champagne in a nightclub simply to show off.’

Everyone in the house was going on about Freddie being posh and living in a big house and having money and servants, at least he has his own job! (he's a web programmer... who'd have thought he was an IT geek?!)

Kenneth’s biog also states ‘He does like things his own way though, having instructed Karly to go blonde and wear blue contact lenses to satisfy his preferences’. Now, I don’t like Karly much but WTF!

I know that biogs and VTs are exaggerated and edited, but that fact the he would even admit to these things at all makes my skin crawl. He’ll have to work hard to impress this viewer.

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