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It's not clear why yet, but TBH, I am really not surprised...  They seemed to get serious and get married very quickly IMO,  It is still a shame though, as he seemed very fond of her.


Nevertheless, it saddens and dismays me that celebrity marriages seems as dispensable as disposable nappies these days.  Do they even TRY to make it work?    I mean FFS: it lasted 14 months!  I have had food in my freezer longer than 14 months!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thats sad, they seemed a perfect couple and so happy  I imagine, tho that Russell is hard to live with !

I imagined that Sky, but he is the one who filed for divorce, which I find surprising.  Out of the two of them, I think we all assumed it would be her!  (Most folk I know anyway..)


TBH I'm surprised that people are surprised. i didn't see it as an amazing love story .......bit of mutual cross channel publicity IMO.


Now Katherine and Gethin - different altogether - it was a long courtship though (they didn't suddenly marry from nothing) - they've been together - it's not worked out - I'm sad but at least they weren't vacuous /vain/desperate enough to have a marriage for publicity. 

Soozy Woo

Soozy.. I   really didn't think Russell and Katy's marriage WAS a publicity stunt, that's why I'm disappointed.    They didn't sell their photo's to OK.. it wasn't splashed everywhere really.     I remember him tweeting one day 'i'm in a hotel in Vegas.. and would you believe katy Perry has just checked in to the room down the hall.. i'm so going to knock on her door and ask to borrow her cherry chapstick'    I do believe it was genuine, but hey ho.. we'll never know.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

oh no one saw that coming , did they....


 can't stand either of them, but good luck to them.

i seriously didn't...


call me an old romantic..

much as i used to like him, i think his  daliance with katy  seriously flawed his credibility.


 she maybe  pretty, cute etc.. but she's also vacuous and pretty talentless, shallow even...?


russell  was and probaly still is, although we haven't seen much of it  recently, intelligent and erudite.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:


 she maybe  pretty, cute etc.. but she's also vacuous and pretty talentless, shallow even...?


russell  was and probaly still is, although we haven't seen much of it  recently, intelligent and erudite.

hmm.. that's a fair point, I'd not thought of that.       I kinda feel he was ready for settling down and having kids now but she probably wasn't.    Not that I have any evidence of that, but that's never stopped me having an opinion.

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

It's cause he heard I'm single 



*elbows slinki out the way of the mirror and re-applies lippy*

Ewww do you go for him? He's too thin...and he needs a good wash 

Although... he did clean up for her and it didn't suit him, in fairness.

oh rosie...rosie.... it's the 'dirty' thing that's so attractive.     I must say, I've seen him all 'respectable' looking and it almost made me rethink.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

It's cause he heard I'm single 



*elbows slinki out the way of the mirror and re-applies lippy*

Ewww do you go for him? He's too thin...and he needs a good wash 

Although... he did clean up for her and it didn't suit him, in fairness.

oh rosie...rosie.... it's the 'dirty' thing that's so attractive.     I must say, I've seen him all 'respectable' looking and it almost made me rethink.

 Really... Kaffy? thats your thing??? *shrugs shoulders*  I dunno...

Now he's back single i bet he'll be back to his scruffy ways though

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

It's cause he heard I'm single 



*elbows slinki out the way of the mirror and re-applies lippy*

Ewww do you go for him? He's too thin...and he needs a good wash 

Although... he did clean up for her and it didn't suit him, in fairness.

oh rosie...rosie.... it's the 'dirty' thing that's so attractive.     I must say, I've seen him all 'respectable' looking and it almost made me rethink.

 Really... Kaffy? thats your thing??? *shrugs shoulders*  I dunno...

Now he's back single i bet he'll be back to his scruffy ways though

Oh I DO hope so    *swoons*


(I'm all talk btw... even if the chance arose I wouldn't touch him with bargepole in RL... but fantasy's fine!)

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

It's cause he heard I'm single 



*elbows slinki out the way of the mirror and re-applies lippy*

Ewww do you go for him? He's too thin...and he needs a good wash 

Although... he did clean up for her and it didn't suit him, in fairness.

oh rosie...rosie.... it's the 'dirty' thing that's so attractive.     I must say, I've seen him all 'respectable' looking and it almost made me rethink.

 Really... Kaffy? thats your thing??? *shrugs shoulders*  I dunno...

Now he's back single i bet he'll be back to his scruffy ways though

Oh I DO hope so    *swoons*


(I'm all talk btw... even if the chance arose I wouldn't touch him with bargepole in RL... but fantasy's fine!)

Kaffy ...yeah yeah . I bet you'd give him a good scrub? *coff*   

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I might be tempted, rosie....



Why so shocked?    If you really put your back into it you can work up quite a sweat on some of those Wii games.


What were YOU thinking?!

  *tut tut* honestly Kaffy 

i was thinking of me, a nekkid Russell, and a bar of soap. What could be more innocent? 


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