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I'm not necessarily even a big fan of Katia (in the context of the show she has seemed overwhelmed), but it's the hatred of her that seems a bit ridiculous in my opinion.  If you think about it did she say anything bad about Jonas on the show?  She said she just wanted to be friends, which within the Big Brother game is quite a sensible thing to do.  Jonas however said some bad things about her.
Free Thinking
Katia knew that being on in a relationship on the show is normally not about to make a female HM popular, Jonas knew that it probably wouldn't do him much harm.
I don't think much effort was made by the show or by most viewers to understand Katia. From the 14 HL shows that Katia featured in i think we only got one non nomination based DR entry. Opinions may have been influenced by elder housemates being shown bitching about her rather than based upon anything she had said herself. The housemates all knew that her story would not make her popular with the public and bitching about an unpopular housemate seems to be acceptable. For instance; Vinnie boasting about blanking her when she walked into the room gained public approval - similar behaviour directed towards popular Freddie Fisher last summer did not.

The gender bias is also heavily weighted against a female housemate. The moment Katia climbed into bed with Jonas another excuse was planted to dislike her.
Cold Sweat
Jonas seems very immature for a 25 yr old man......and having had his hormonal advances repulsed....took a teenager's revenge on Katia last night.
Conversely.....Katia attached herself to him, accepted his advances up to a point and then pulled back with the 'just friends' chestnut.
Jonas was hurt.....probably just his ego and if Katia had wanted to rekindle the 'friendship', wouldn't have sold herself to the media before he had exited the house.
They are both as much to blame as each other really

If she hadn't sold the story immediately she would have got alot less money from the deal.  It's not like the magazine/newspaper stories mean much anyway, it's all sensationalism.

But really all she did was flirt a bit, it's not like they had sex on tv.  If they had had sex and she was kissing him all the time she would have been labelled a whore by the Jonas lovers on the outside and it would have been just as bad for her.  Jonas only knew her a few days.  Because she said she just wanted to be friends in the house people said she 'dumped' him.  But it's her choice whether she wants a romance on national tv or not.  You could actually say that by telling him she wanted to keep to some boundaries in the house (while being friends and having fun) that she wasn't playing the game and going for a showmance.  I'm not sure she could have won either way. 

How is it different to Sophie and Kris anyway?  Sophie certainly dumped him in a rather rude way I thought after finding out he was unpopular from magazines (I know Cold Sweat won't agree with me ).  I think the tabloid portrayal of the whole Ronnie Wood thing has clouded alot of people's judgement, along with the apparent popularity of Jonas.  Jonas though was a big gameplayer.  See how he used the Tree of Temptation task to try and get popularity in the house.  Also how the boos for Katia have influenced his actions.  He was actually far more aware of the game and how to play it than Katia.  And what happens in the house is in many ways a game and shouldn't be confused too much with reality.

Free Thinking

Far too much is being made of Kat dumping Jonas on National TV; she called a halt to a 3 day liaison that neither of them should have entered into. The main issue was announcing she had a boyfriend and then getting into bed and making out with Jonas. Jonas was just as guilty, however, but luckily for him; his admittance to having a girlfriend was not broadcast on the highlight show (he told Stephanie).



I think Sophie may have been looking for an excuse to ditch Kris before the housemates were presented with those magazine articles. The information that Tom presented her with was delivered with sincerity - and i think she was beginning to see through Lisa's BS - also she had earlier spent a day in isolation while Kris put her through some horrible loyalty test. The BB10 fall-guy played quite a smart game after his eviction - only to be outsmarted by Sophie.

Cold Sweat
Her agent claimed a couple of weeks ago that she would make 1m receiving lucrative magazine, lingerie and swimwear deals. Kat on Big Mouth when asked by Davina what she had lined up said she wanted to travel - bless her! lol Whether there is anything in the pipeline or not, she will have made a tidy sum from the appearance fee, week long Star exclusive, and loaded shoot.
Cold Sweat
Chasing pavements:

From being a 'waitress' in a seedy Soho escort bar, to dating one of the world's most famous rockers, to appearing on Celebrity Big Brother within 18 months... it's the sort of thing you would expect to see in a film starring Julia Roberts. Or so I thought until Katia Ivanova came on the scene. The papers seem to like her so she's become a legitimate target. When I get a tip that she's in a West End hair salon after being evicted from the Big Brother house I head straight down there.

Two o'clock in the afternoon so it's time to play 'dodge the traffic wardens' who are hot to say the least in Mayfair. Surprisingly there is a space outside the salon so I can shoot whilst keeping a close eye on the car. Ronnie might have thought she was worth spending money on but she's certainly not worth stumping up ÂĢ4 an hour in parking for me! She is having her hair done downstairs so the only shots I get are when she takes off her coat to be hung up and then decides to act all shy! Really Katia, a bit late for that luv! As it turns out, that's the only time she shows her face for four and a half hours!

When she eventually comes out there appears to be no difference to her hair apart from a rather strange hair band. Four and half hours for that? Anyway, still acting as if she's not used to the attention she walks about a bit, one way, then the other before doing a spot of shopping. I gave her the pleasure of a full hose down before she hopped into a cab and disappeared. So you've lost your sugar daddy, been evicted from Big Brother and had an expensive trim! Chin up though Katia, you can't always get what you want!
Cold Sweat
Vanessa Feltz:
I thought Katia was despicable. She kept telling us she wanted to be herself, saying:'People have misjudged me, they think i'm a home wrecker, they think i'm a horny little biatch.' And, within seconds, she's a horny little biatch. She's got no boundaries, no modesty and no sense of what's appropriate.

Lighten up Feltz FFS - Katia bashing was so last month!
Cold Sweat
I think she is a silly little girl who needs a good slap. She actually thought it was funny to break up someone's marriage - she has alot to learn.

Albeit a marriage to a drunken, drug addicted, womanizing bully that had been a sham for years – originally based upon a relationship that started when he was already married with a pregnant wife (Krissy). If Katia deserves a slapâ€Ķ then so do othersâ€Ķ

Cold Sweat

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