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Me too Ditty and your own family can turn against you on that one..I learnt to turn it around on the feckers....
Which is why I have to wait a few more year's before I can write my book of my childhood. My marriage has been fabulous, my childhood was shit, I have to wait for a few more of my Dad's family to die before I can reveal the truth.
I think that part of my brain must have burnt out... instead of rage it now triggers an irreversible apathy... I just can't be arsed with them!
I'm still here so still have to my family say..I made my bed so now I have to lie in it..25yrs I've been married..if I'd have killed him I'd be out now....

But I know how yow feel Ditty, I'm not mocking..lifes a bastard then you meet one....
Which is why I have to wait a few more year's before I can write my book of my childhood. My marriage has been fabulous, my childhood was shit, I have to wait for a few more of my Dad's family to die before I can reveal the truth.
OMG Essie you are me..thats what I think but its only my dad I think of cos he did'nt know most what went on with our lives....
I'm not sure I can do 25yrs...  everything was roses til the night before our wedding anniversary...  and then he morphed into the most annoying git in the world!

Only reason I can actually post this now.. is cos we may be coming out of our "marraige recession"...  I think he noticed I'd gone from pissed off, to can't be arsed...   luckily!
I'm not sure I can do 25yrs... everything was roses til the night before our wedding anniversary... and then he morphed into the most annoying git in the world! Only reason I can actually post this now.. is cos we may be coming out of our "marraige recession"... I think he noticed I'd gone from pissed off, to can't be arsed... luckily!
Is this your new man ditty?.. The only thing I can say is talk to him, he may have become complacent..get the wumph back in your lives....
Reference: Stonks
 he may have become complacent.
^^^^  that!!   totally that!!

I did try telling him, & telling him...  and then thought F him!

BUT.... that seems to have finally got through to him.

Had it been anyone else... I would have jacked by now.. but I married him, took the vows, and decided this was one of the bad times... so I would give riding it out a go.

As I say... there has been a remarkable improvement over the past few weeks.  Has been hard for me to start talking to him again...  but I am... I have to shake off the stubborn head I had on!
^^^^ that!! totally that!! I did try telling him, & telling him... and then thought F him! BUT.... that seems to have finally got through to him. Had it been anyone else... I would have jacked by now.. but I married him, took the vows, and decided this was one of the bad times... so I would give riding it out a go. As I say... there has been a remarkable improvement over the past few weeks. Has been hard for me to start talking to him again... but I am... I have to shake off the stubborn head I had on!
They all become complacent, so do we, we don't think we do but that exra day in trackies can be an extra turn off..
Just talk ..think of times before computers when you'd pollow talk..
Just love each other....
Just talk ..think of times before computers when you'd pollow talk
we met on the computer

I know what you're saying though stonks... I have a short memory sometimes... I had to remind myself what a star he was last year... sorting my son's secondary school out, running ickle around for entrance exams etc.

I am kinda proud I have stuck out a rough patch...  its kinda a first for me!   But, I didn't take my marraige vows lightly...

and... no man is perfect etc etc etc (though his job has turned him into a right boring sod...  legal recruiting was way secsier than public rights of way officer!  but thats a bit fickle of me
and... no man is perfect etc etc etc (though his job has turned him into a right boring sod... legal recruiting was way secsier than public rights of way officer! but thats a bit fickle of me report · permalink
Hang on in there Baby. I've been married since July 1978. We still have a 32 year old arguement, because I once looked at someone. I'm seriously not joking
Tis ok. Karma.... that unexpected pouring out of relationship crap is done now.. I think!

well... tis for me cos am off to bed - I can hear his dulcet snores calling to me!  

Night night lovely pooter peeps! xxxxxxxx
we met on the computer I know what you're saying though stonks... I have a short memory sometimes... I had to remind myself what a star he was last year... sorting my son's secondary school out, running ickle around for entrance exams etc. I am kinda proud I have stuck out a rough patch... its kinda a first for me! But, I didn't take my marraige vows lightly... and... no man is perfect etc etc etc (though his job has turned him into a right boring sod... legal recruiting was way secsier than public rights of way officer! but thats a bit fickle of me
Aww Ditty you have to think *is it him or me?* if you have to realise every relationship has a honeymoon period that ceases,then its into normal mode..if you find after the honeymoon period he annoys you then matbe you are destined for single life cos its you who can't live with a partner....
Hang on in there Baby. I've been married since July 1978. We still have a 32 year old arguement, because I once looked at someone. I'm seriously not joking
Smack him in the chops Essie or threaten to send the girls around....
I'm not sure I can do 25yrs
Longest I lasted in a 'marriage/live together' arrangement was 7 years! V v v happily in a 'have our own place/life' relationship for 17yrs... That said I seem to have more and more friends, (4 so far) who have split up after 27ish+ years- kids finished Uni/ male mid life crisis/financially secure/lure of youger women... Bliddy men
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Longest I lasted in a 'marriage/live together' arrangement was 7 years! V v v happily in a 'have our own place/life' relationship for 17yrs... That said, I seem to have more and more friends, (4 so far) who have split up after 27ish+ years- kids finished Uni/ male mid life crisis/financially secure/lure of youger women... Bliddy men
I hear ya sista....
Yes St Pete of the Cute Hoar Publicity Company.
Arrgghhh that bloody twonk gets RIGHT on my tats KP is no angel but I've said before, if you read between the lines of all the anger and the bitchiness that is a woman who is in a hell of a lot of pain and sadness.

HIM with his constant blimmin humble 'I'm doing this all for my kids and I'm the perfect dad' and all that crap and THEN when they first broke up he was like 'I'm not talking about this in public' but then that bloody weekly column of his is constantly slagging off KP and I have seen him do it on interviews aswell. Arrgghhhh I'd love to kick the squeaky twit right in the nuts with a VERY pointy boot!
I wouldn't believe any story that comes from his camp. They seem to always add more to it to make her look bad. He wrote a story recently about how badly he was treated in Australia after his pop career went down the pan. He was threatened in the street and driven to the edge of a nervous breakdown. Yet he almost seems to be gloating and condoning the fact that Katie is being treated equally as badly. I really don't like this man.
Since their split last summer, he has enjoyed success


Aww ... I like Pete .... it's not his fault she's a complete nutter ..... imo he's done his best to keep it quiet after they split .... but with someone like kate, I'm sure it's not that easy.
Can't stick either of them, but with her you kind of know what you're getting but his humble act / I'm the poor victim is wearing very thin.  Also someone needs to tell him his cheesy warbling is dire.

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